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Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

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    Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

    Hi all

    I often wonder if alcahol and heavy drinking cripples our body's . I have bad knee pain and joints , and struggle with stress and anxiety

    I recently gave up booze for 3 months to see if my body got better and the answer was no , but maybe 3 months waxen long enough of a break after so many years of heavy boozing or maybe I didn't focus enough on nutrition

    What are your story's and thoughts on alcahol crippling the body ? Does it .

    Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

    Hi Time. Alcohol in large quantities is toxic to the body. It causes some level of destruction to nearly every organ we have. The organs most impacted according to what I have read are the brain and the liver, but it doesn't stop there. You can google and come up with lots of facts and research about the negative effects of alcohol on the body.

    The physical issues you are experiencing may or may not be related to alcohol. One thing is for sure though, alcohol in large amounts is NOT going to help and is probably going to hurt any other conditions.

    Quitting is always a good thing, in my opinion.

    The healing of my body and soul took way more than 3 months. I drank heavily for over 30 years - so it would be unrealistic to expect my body to heal in a very short period of time. But I know I'm on a much better path today health wise, so no regrets about dumping the AL.

    Good luck to you.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

      Hi Time,
      I found that when I was drinking, EVERY part of my body hurt. My joints felt like I had arthritis, and I would bruise so easily. I'd wake up daily with mysterious bruises. Now that I don't drink I obviously feel much better. I take vitamins and eat better, so that helps too. It will take your body quite a while to heal and gain strength, so be patient.
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

        I don't think three months is long enough after a long time drinking. Also, nutrition and exercise are necessary, as you mentioned. They are now linking alcohol to cancer........I went from being anxious and having an acute sleep problem to having virtually no anxiety or depression and sleeping fantastically. That speaks volumes. Incidentally, my understanding is that most of the studies that show a little alcohol is good for you is funded by people with vested interests, i.e. the alcohol industry. Our bodies are not meant to ingest alcohol, which turns into ethanol in our bodies. Poision in my books.........


          Does alcahol cripple our body's ?


          for your replys i wonder how long it takes to see if booze has crippled my boody or not 6 months ? god seems a life time away


            Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

            Hi Time

            Drink does cripple you..for a start..and then plain and simple it kills you !

            When I was drinking heavily, my whole body ached. My knees would give way when I was moving around. All that has gone now, but it won't just happen. Start by walking gently and build it up day by day. You'll get fit, lose weight and forget about booze. Try it !


              Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

              timpin;1290830 wrote: Hi Time

              Drink does cripple you..for a start..and then plain and simple it kills you !

              When I was drinking heavily, my whole body ached. My knees would give way when I was moving around. All that has gone now, but it won't just happen. Start by walking gently and build it up day by day. You'll get fit, lose weight and forget about booze. Try it !
              thanks did 3 months of the booze last year and it was ok just need to get back on the wagon and break the ever growing cycle


                Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

                I know that my anxiety is very amplified after drinking. (like the next few days)
                Plus maybe you were numbed to your everyday pains (hey - we all have them and now you're more in tune with your body's natural state.


                  Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

         say the least, I must say just about EVERYTHING in my body aches, hurts or doesn't work properly....and since I'm only's gotta be the alcohol! (and I "only" drink 4 to 6 beers a day....mostly 4 because I only buy what I am going to consume and I only drink 6 when I cannot get the 24 oz of the beer I like and end up buying a 6 pack...) knees aches, I can barely walk from the pain in my toes, my gut hurts CONSTANTLY.....I have tiny seizures hands shake and I'm almost always flushed in the face and I itch all over like I've scabies or something, (YUCK!).....when I stop for a weight goes WAY down, I sweat less and my stomach hurts a little less.....but I would have to agree that it might take a bit more than a month to see if your physical complaints caused by alcohol consumption go away....


                    Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

                    Hey Unwasted,

                    Just wanted to say, haven't been around here much of late but you were one of the first people to say hi when I arrived. I was extremely grateful for your support and following all your posts I recognised a beautiful soul. And now I've just clocked your pic - you look great! So a beautiful soul inside and out. No surprise really! My thanks to you for that support and hope you're getting on well
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

                      Alcohol did more than cripple my body. It crippled my soul. It crippled my desire to live. It made me be someone that I didn't want to be.


                        Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

                        Hi FreeFly, thank you! I remember you! How are things going? I'll look for you around the site. So glad you're back (hope you are).



                          Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

                          Thanks UW - appreciate the welcome back. Tried modding which was fine for a while - loads of AF days but inevitably I crash and burn. Had enough. Back to give sobriety another shot. I would like to rack up 21 days as an initial goal - 21 days to change a habit they say
                          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                            Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

                            I tihnk from experience, I was up to a gallon of rum a day for a year before that just beer and sometimes some liquor. Now that I stopped , I feel like crap for days then It gets better soon as I start to excersice, funny thing was I used to be a bodybuilder or wannabe before the booze took ahold of me..... the depression that comes after me stopping the alcohol feels almost as worse as the hangover and physical pains, but that is shortly going away...Just glad to be AF


                              Does alcahol cripple our body's ?

                              The question of whether or not AL cripples you, the answer is yes. There is a much higher incidence of arthritis pain and joint swelling followed by loss of irreplaceable cartilage in AL dependant people than in "normal' people.

                              Almost all older alcoholics have some level of arthritic pain. AL abuse is obviously very hard on the liver, kidneys, brain, esophagus and cardiovascular system, but it also literally does degrade the joints. The rates of degradation vary with the individual.

                              Not only do I know this from my job, but also personally I know it. I am pretty sure that AL abuse had a lot to do with my two hip replacements and my almost continuous joint pain. The good news is that after 6 months or so, some of the joint pain goes away, and depending on your fitness level, the liver can recover if it is not too hardened (cirrhosis).

                              Certainly knowing I was getting to the point where I might not recover well enough was incentive for me to stop drinking forever. Im done with drinking, and at 57 I am now reasonably fit, able to garden and still work in the field as a toxicologist. However its taken me 14 months of abstinence to get to this point in my recovery. Its critically important that people STOP drinking alcohol if they develop any of the symptoms of physical decline linked with AL abuse.

                              And yeah, in my opinion, the alcohol industry in its various forms is responsible for the LIE that small amounts of AL is good for you. The amounts of AL that are consumed on any given day by people who drink even moderately are almost never what the research shows are linked with lowering cholesterol. Yes there are people that can actually drink two small glasses of wine, max in an evening. Who among US can sustain that low level over time? I am pretty sure that the correct answer is almost none of us. AL is linked with cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, the list is endless.

                              IMO for people like us, AL is literally good only for sterilizing medical instruments if there is nothing else availble.

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

