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I'm New

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    I'm New

    Hello, just discovered this site. I had my first AF Friday night for oh .... years, last night and so far have not been down to the shop/neighbours/friends/family for drink today. Feeling very proud of self but know the day is not over yet. Support welcome.:new:
    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

    I'm New

    Hello, welcome you will find lots of help here. I am new also and it has changed my life.



      I'm New

      Hello. I'm new also. I have not started the program as i don't have all the things yet, Just read the book to day.


        I'm New

        Hello tea, well done...To most people, going without a drink for one night is no cause for celebration, but, for people like us it is a big achievement and you can look on it as your first step on this journey....Don't forget, if you do get disheartened we all had to take that first step to get where we are now, but if you keep on coming on here posting and reading you will find the support and encouragement fantastic...

        Once again, WELL DONE....

        Louise xx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          I'm New


          My first night without a drink, last November when I started the program, it was a huge accomplishment! Over time one night led into 2,3,4,....etc. and I went abs the beginning of 2006. It was hard to 30 days turned into 59 days... I think I gave in by day 59. But it was different, I knew I could do it. I didn't start back at the same place I stopped at.

          Congrats to everybody having that first night BEING SOBER!

          :goodjob: Brandy


            I'm New

            teapl049 and theworldiswaiting.
            Welcome to a wonderful place. I hope you find what you need.


              I'm New

              Hi to all the Newcomers,

              I've been here for a few weeks now and have had 33 days AF. Last night I decided to start my plan of moderation and had two glasses of champers spread over 1 hour. Didn't want any more and found the experience of taking my time and enjoying the drink slowly very pleasant.

              This site is a wonderful inspiration and I have benifited from poping in and out several times a day to find all the inspired messages.

              Best wishes to all and every day AF (be it 1 day or 100's of days) or in moderation is a victory.



                I'm New

                Hi Tea,
                Well done! Like Irish says, one day AF for us is a huge step. Feel proud.
                You'll gets lots of support here, so if you need help, please post any time day or night. Ther's always someone here to give you a bit of support. This site has been a lifesaver for me.


                  I'm New

                  i am new and scared

                  It happened again last night I drank too much too soon as I always do and i feel horrible. I cannot do this and I do not why I have such a problem drinking slowly and stopping. . I try so hard and truly think each time will be different but it isn't. I am afraid I may lose boyfriend b/c of this. I feel alone and wondering when will things change.:upset:


                    I'm New

                    Hi sec, want to pop in to chat?
                    Try not to feel afraid, though this can be tough to do. I've very recently been where you are
                    now. My heart goes out to you, as I understand the battle going on inside you and how you're feeling right now.
                    Yes, it is very hard, but you have the power to help yourself. You've made a great start by writing about your fear.
                    No need to feel alone anymore, you're with a lot of friends world wide here....alcoholism has no boundaries or can sneak up on anyone without us realising!
                    You'll get a lot of support here. So hang around.
                    I'll nip into the chat room and hang around for a few minutes if you want to join me.


                      I'm New

                      I just missed you twice in chat just now ............. you left just as I arrived! Hope to catch you soon.


                        I'm New

                        Hi sec.
                        don't be scared love. This is a great site with lots of friendly people who will help you to get where you want to be.


                          I'm New

                          Hello Tea, TWIW, and Sek:welcome:

                          You've stumbled into an amazing place! We were all new at one time too.
                          Keep reading and posting and pretty soon you will feel at home here. You will gain everything you need to be on your way to a better life!

                          :h :h :h :h


                            I'm New

                            Hi everyone, brand new to this. Been reading it for a week and its great to feel part of a group with similar problems. I had 4 days AF last week and fell off terribly on Friday night. Thought I was going to dye I was so sick. I want to live.


                              I'm New

                              Hi Sec & :welcome:

                              You can get through this ....

                              We are all here for you .....

                              Love & Hugs ......

