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**This is how I have to do it**

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    **This is how I have to do it**

    For now, I'm coming here, posting my thoughts to a support forum online so that I can get through the tough spots, which for me, is the weekends. Sorry if I'm boring anyone - it just helps to put it in writing - this is a tough thing, not just to not drink, but for me, it's really more about changing a lifestyle - having to avoid friends/social situations that are commonly associated with drinking alcohol. And I've tried it before, only to revert back to old behaviors, but because I acknowledge that I have a progressive disease, the more I go on, the worse it becomes and so it goes, here I am, trying to abstain again! Thanks to all who respond in advance - I come on often to get your support! Dori:thanks:

    **This is how I have to do it**

    Dori, this is what the boards are for!! They have saved me in my earlier days of starting AF. I actually spend a lot of my evenings on here after my daughter goes down for the night. Weekends are hard for me still. I think it is boredom and loneliness for me. I find coming on here helps pass the time a bit and learn more about this whole new way of life in the AF lane. You are doing great, and never need to apologize for being boring because you are not. Hang in there kiddo. You are on a road to a good life. New behaviours take just as much practice as the old ones did. Don't give up, and keep posting!


      **This is how I have to do it**

      Ditto Accountable...the boards are here for support, however and whenever you need it....!!!
      The more the merrier, it's always good to have a variety of thoughts and advice from different folks!!

      ALWAYS nice to see you Dori....keep going my girl!! xxx


        **This is how I have to do it**

        :welcome: Keep coming back. That's what we're all here for. To support each other and share ways on how to make the fight easier so we have a go at it another day and then another day and so on........


          **This is how I have to do it**

          ...what everyone else has said. Not boring at all.


            **This is how I have to do it**

            Dear Dorilyn,
            As everyone else before me has said.... that's why we're here.
            I understand what you are saying and feeling. What we need to do is to adapt as much as we can. No, you don't have to avoid wekends. Face them head on, but with a totally different approach from now on if you can.
            Don't try to do it all at once. Take small steps that you can manage. It will be OK.
            If they aregood and true friends, you don't have to avoid them at all. All you have to do is just say I don't want to drink this weekend. I want to lose some weight Or whatyever. No further explanaition necessary. You don't have to avoid them, just say you don't want to drink because you want to lose weight, or want to take it easy on my body. After all they don't know you have a problem unless you tell them!!!
            OK, stop the progression. The power is with you. Yes, it is an insidious disease that sneaks up on us, but once we recognise it, we can do something... So, don't become a victim. ACT NOW. Face it head on. Don't give it the power. The power is within you. Yep, we will slip up now and then but thatr's in the future, Now is where you have to be. Now is where your resolve is. Go for it!!! Geez, wish you'd been in chat earlier with me and Vic. Did she sort me out or WOT!!!]

            Hang in there Rags


              **This is how I have to do it**

              I always say....."do whatever works for you".
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                **This is how I have to do it**

                Ditto on everyone else ...

                You certainly aren't boring us, you wont realise yet just how helpful this sort of post will be to a new member ..... by posting you are actually helping someone yet to come ....

                Hang on in there ....

