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new too

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    new too

    I am new too. I have been lurking for a little while which has been helpful, seeing all the support on the boards and that people are apparently becoming able to control the demon. I have been a "heavy drinker" for probably 30 years with a couple of periods when I did AA for 2 -5 weeks max. I was so glad to find this site and know that help I can afford is available and to have verification that this is a physical problem (ie: imbalance of neurotransmitters) and not just me being a psychological screw-up.
    10 years ago I quit a 1.5 pack a day smoking habit with the help of medication and a super onlin support group.......hoping for the same here!
    I have already received the CDs and supplements but I'm waiting for the Topamax to arrive before I jump in. Has anyone used the Hypnosis before starting the meds and supplements?? I am really nervous about going through the withdrawal and hoping that this mutifaceted approach will make it not too awful, especially since I have a rotten cold already. Maybe it will be gone by the time the Topamax arrives.
    A BIG THANKYOU to all who post offer hope!
    "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
    Leonard Cohen

    new too

    Hi Jenn & :welcome:

    I hope that you will find every thing that you need here on these boards .... I know that I did.

    I personally started without the Meds, and am successfully moderating at the minute, just having this site to come to when I was feeling low or anxious was all the help that I needed.

    The people here are so supportive .....

    Good Luck Love,

    Lots of hugs and love to help you through this :l :h :l


      new too

      Welcome Jenn!!

      There are a lot of us that use different aspects of the program, not neccesarily all of them, so I would start right in with the supplements and CDs and see how it goes. I wish you the best here and am glad you found us!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        new too

        Welcome Jenn!:wavin:
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          new too

          Thank you so much Betty, Lush & Seabreeze for your helpful words. I am sure I will be checking back in often as I proceed to get healthy & whole again.
          be well,
          "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
          Leonard Cohen


            new too

            Hi, glad your here and off to a good start.



              new too

              :welcome: Just wanted to say hello. Good luck. :l for you. Keep posting and reading it will help you a lot.


                new too

                Welcome Jenn,
                Just wanted to welcome you to this site.
                I have also abused alcohol for at least 20 + years and was unable to stop.
                I found this site last summer, did one month AF and then fell off the wagon. I started again on the first of Jan. 07 and as of today I have been 34 days AF. I did read the book and initially listened to the CD's, but it is mainly the support I got from everyone here.
                All the members are simply wonderfully insightful, kind, patient, understanding and never ever judgemental and you will have a lot of fun to boot. Please keep coming back and if ever you need a shoulder to cry on, everyone of us has 2 to choose from.
                Hugs Lori
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  new too

                  Hi Jenn and welcome to MWO..

                  Like you I was a heavy smoker and drinker, managed to stop smoking about 7 years ago with the help of a 2 hour hypnosis session but found the drink so much harder to give up, tried lots of times and failed....
                  Was at my lowest ebb last September when I literally ( I was drunk at the time ) stumbled into this site I have been here ever since and this is now my fifth month of being alcohol free, its the longest I have ever gone without a drink since about the age of 17 and I am now 59...

                  I haven't followed the programme to the letter, I don't take the meds just some of the supps, and I can't recommend the Kudzu to highly, for me that stuff worked like magic, also keep on reading and posting, if you can, try to visit us each day and log your progress good or bad it will help.... So good luck with your journey, you are already on the first stages, see you soon,

                  Love from Louise xxx

                  PS. I love your avatar, lets hope you find that crock of gold at the end
                  of your rainbow...
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    new too

                    Hello Jenn,
                    And a big welcome! Lori and Irish have just about covered it, so I don't need to add much. You can start in any order you like, so if you have the cd's, start listening! You'll find lots of support here, non judgemental, and everyone really does understand what you're going through. I was very nervous starting the program, and I am not completely AF, but gee, compared with 6 weeks ago, I'm going so well. Any fears you have, or questions about withdrawal etc, just post, and there'll be people in MWO ready to help. The kudzu is terrific. If the Topo doesn't agree with you, try Campral.
                    Be kind and gentle to yourself.

                    Your story sounds like mine. Started drinking when I was 18. Stopped smoking on 6th March 1989. Joined MWO when I was drunk, and like you at my lowest. I'm 58. And thank God, my liver function test came back OK. All I need to do now is to stop completely. Then I will remember that date as clearly as my stop smoking date. Is it a lime on your head?


                      new too

                      Hi Rags, Yes its a lime, meant to look like a football helmet, looks more like a prat hat to me, still if it makes people laugh...Mind you, I do have a very sincere and caring expression on my face, don't you think???
                      I was worried when I had my blood test for liver function, but like you it was okay...You know, when I think of the abuse I have given my body over the years, it takes some of us a long time to realise just how precious this gift of life really is
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life


                        new too

                        You look great!!!
                        The lime helmet is a hoot. It has been so professionally cut out . Does it crush your ears? Does it make the ends of your whiskers twitch?
                        Your expression is most sincere, as are you.
                        Yes, life is precious. This isn't a dress rehearsal. And I've wasted the last 20 years. And my body has been trying for so long to hold together. It is giving a huge sigh of relief that at last I've cut downto probably 10% or less than I drank a month ago. Just a couple more snags to work out how to not drink after day 5 or 6, then I hope to be like you and so many others. AF. Do you ever go into chat? Probably not feasible due to time difference. But would love to make your acquaintance / catch up with you some time soon.


                          new too

                          Hi Rags, yes, it does flatten the old ears a bit and hubby thinks I should wear it with the opening at the back, but I never did listen to him and I'm not about to start now...
                          You are doing so well, and as you say just a few more more snags, don't give up you will get there....As for chat, no, I tried it twice but found its not my cup of tea, mind you I am always on here or you can always PM me...Nice talking with you, catch ya soon..

                          Love from Louise xx
                          A F F L..
                          Alcohol Free For Life


                            new too

                            Welcome Jenn!!!!
                            Control the Mind


                              new too

                              :welcome: Hi Jenn.:welcome:

