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please help,i cant do this,

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    please help,i cant do this,

    :upset:,and :new:
    hi,have put up a couple of posts,im just at my wits end!! ive gone thro all the newbies tools etc,i just cant do it!! i want to so lifes a whole circle of being depressed(im on antidepressants)so i get drunk,to get rid of the feeling then its back tomorrow,im letharthic,cant be bothered etc,had no money today so thought today would be a good day to stop,and the fags,managed to borrow of my eldest,she thought it was for shopping!!!:upset: every day i say right this is the good bye to al!!! my little girl waits for me to get back from shps to see wot ive got in my bag!!!shouted at her this afternoon for spying on me!!how the hell do i do it???im scared,cant imagine a day,summer,event without my critch,ive read all the plans etc,i do suffer with anx and depression,and i do know that al makes it worse i just cant do advice please i losing my looks,freinds and family, xx

    please help,i cant do this,

    Hi Bimble,
    I'm so sorry you're having a hard time right now. I understand what you are feeling. I thought I would never be able to break the cycle either. I am also on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. All I can say is that once you remove alcohol, the other problems will get much better. Don't think too far into the future, just make it through today with no alcohol, see how you feel, then make it through tomorrow. Most of us here couldn't think past the next hour. Take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Think of all the reasons you want to quit. We are here for please stick around and keep posting.
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      please help,i cant do this,

      thank you hun,im just so angry with myself, i hate this xx


        please help,i cant do this,

        Bimble, welcome:welcome:.........I'm sorry you're in such a bad place right now. But, believe me, we have all been there - that feeling that we'll never be able to stop. I never thought I could, but with the help of this site and many other tools, I'm doing it. You have to really want it, and at the beginning it's a fight. But, then, the struggle with alcohol is a monstrous fight, and between the two, being sober is light years better. You just have to commit and set up a plan and be determined to get a good chunk of time under your belt. Start with small goals, and work your way up. Get a plan together that includes exercise, things to do in place of drinking..........check out the toolbox under Monthly Abstinence. Read about addiction, read this site voraciously, and keep posting. The Newbie's Nest really can help you if you'll give it a good try.

        Sending you peace and strength. :lilheart:


          please help,i cant do this,

          Hi Bimble

          Please take advantage of this day that you thought it would be good to quit, because it is perfect - although it feels horrible.

          Keep focusing on the life you want. Imagine less anxiety and not the constant making of plans and penny turning for the next bottle...

          Please trust that how you feel now will pass. I used to fear insomnia, but once I went through the first night of turning and NO sleep, I actually felt better than after a night of the usual boozing! The withdrawals are uncomfortable and vary from person to person, but very rewarding to go through.

          I will be thinking of you.
          12-20-2012 AF
          Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


            please help,i cant do this,

            thank you both,i tried to set out a plan today,after reading the newbies tools etc,but got so down coz of having no money for cigs or drink,when my daughter came round i thouht yey,and didnt have the energy after last ntes binge to do all i wanted to do today!!!theres so much i can do,i love the gym and swimming,went all last week,but bought booze on way home!!!im like am due to an alcoholic step dad who beat me,my dad was an alcoholic,a gentle one tho!! my mum drank and let my step dad get away with it,to think my little girl has the same insecurities kills me, ive been in a and e thro drink 5 times in 2 years xx


              please help,i cant do this,

              and thank you steady hands xx


                please help,i cant do this,

                Bimble, I hope you can get it together for your daughter. She deserves a sober mom, and you deserve a better life that can only come from escaping the clutches of alcohol. :lilheart:


                  please help,i cant do this,

                  and i just cant ever believe this feeling will pass!how xx


                    please help,i cant do this,

                    It WILL pass, but only after you stop drinking. As long as you continue, this cycle will continue. I got sober for my daughter, but I stay sober for me. Life really is better without alcohol, I know it seems hard to believe now, but it's true. What can you do today to stay sober? Do you have anything planned?
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      please help,i cant do this,

                      Hello Bimble,

                      Just wanted to send you a little hug from me :l

                      There are some great people on this site so stick close and listen to their sound advice.

                      Wishing you strength and peace of mind.

                      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                        please help,i cant do this,

                        im on waer nowcrashed out while kids went out,feel bit ropey!! am going to come on here,make a plan and stick to it tomorrow,xx


                          please help,i cant do this,

                          meant water!! xx


                            please help,i cant do this,

                            Hi Bimble,

                            I do understand the anxiety/depression/drinking issue. I was there myself a little over three years ago. Oddly enough for me, the ADs & antianxiety meds didn't lessen my desire to drink as they do for some people. It wasn't until I stopped the meds & made a firm decision & commitment to stop drinking did I find success. MWO & the support of all these wonderful people helped me make my goal ~ an AF life!

                            Have you talked to your doctor about your desire to stop drinking? Perhaps a change in medication would help. I chose to go off all meds but that was the right thing for me.
                            You can & will break the cycle when you put together a good solid plan for yourself. Stay close to the threads & keep going thru the Tool box when you're not sure - it helped me a lot.
                            I also found the MWO Hypno CDs to be very effective. The money was well spent in my opinion.

                            Please just keep searching & keep trying. Do it for yourself & for your daughter :l
                            Wishing you the best!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              please help,i cant do this,

                              Bimble, stop and take a deep breath. You don't have to worry about today or tomorrow. Only the moment you are in now. NOW... do what's best for you. Don't think of it as forever; think of it as at this moment I will do what is right for my health, my family and my future. Moment by moment...

                              My heart goes out to you, Bimble; the first little while is tough but it gets easier as the days go by or so the amazing people here tell me.

                              You are VERY brave for beginning this sober journey. It takes enormous courage to admit you have a problem and that is the first and most important step... so you are miles ahead of most problem drinkers.

                              Wishing you Peace and Serenity

                              I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                              ? Lao-Tzu

