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I have to conquer this

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    I have to conquer this

    Hi Everyone

    First post here so not really sure what to write. Just spent the last 20 minutes reading about other members problems with the dreaded booze. I have admitted to myself today I have a severe problem with alcohol. I need and want to stop. I have drank every day for the last 10 days ranging from a couple of glasses to a couple of bottles. Its a vicious circle that I need to break. I have lost a fantastic girl to this problem because its makes me dark, depressed and not a nice person to be round. I'm told when I'm not drinking I'm a lovely bloke. So why the hell do I do it. If I'm being honest I don't know. I hate the hangovers, sleepless nights, and above all the stupid situations I get myself into. Well today is the first day of a journey towards becoming alcohol free.


    AF 20-05-2012

    I have to conquer this

    Welcome Berner.:welcome: I know all about the hangovers and stupid stuff we do while drunk. Today's a good day to quit.:l

    This site is awesome for support on quitting drinking, and you might also make some new friends. Try posting something every day in the Newbie's Nest, and also check out the Tool Box for ideas on making a plan to quit.

    You've made the first step. You came here.:l ODAAT (one day at a time), or one hour, minute, whatever it takes. You can do it!

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      I have to conquer this

      Hello Berner,

      It's a :welcome: from me too. You've found a good place. You're mood says you're sad and I feel for you. Like Library Girl says, drop by the Newbies Nest - loads of support there, but I'm sure many will drop by your thread to show some support. Hope to see that mood of yours change soon.

      FF :l
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        I have to conquer this

        Hi Berner & welcome to MWO, this is a good place
        Found it myself a little over three years ago & it has made a huge difference in my life. You can make changes in your life too, you just need to be really commited.

        Go to the Health store here on the site & download the MWO book. It's full of good information to help you get started.
        Make a good plan for yourself use the hundreds of ideas found in the
        And please drop in the Newbies Nest thread too for more support.

        You can get in control of your life again like I did, you'll never be sorry!
        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          I have to conquer this

          WElcome, i can honestly say I have been in your shoes. and they are sloppy messy embarassing shoes... LOL.....
          yes you can do this. but its not easy, hardest thing i have ever done. but worth it.

          AF since Sept 2013...


            I have to conquer this

            been there, done that!!! Welcome and keep reading and posting and tell us about yourself.
            You can beat this.......if I can (and I haven't), you can!!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              I have to conquer this

              Just adding my :welcome:, Berner. I've been there and it's a horrible place. But you can overcome it. Keep coming here for help and encouragement--there is a whole lot of it from many with wisdome and long term sobriety, such as Lavande.
              :lTDN (who once thought she was hopeless)
              "One day at a time."


                I have to conquer this

                Welcome to mwo!:welcome::welcome: You will find lots of support and advice here. Its hard work giving up he booze,but it can be done. We have all been when u are with the depression,anxiety, gilt and all the other s......t that goes with drinking Good Luck! Lookfwd to talking to you!:welcome::welcome:


                  I have to conquer this

                  Hi Berner!
                  Glad to have you here! I completely understand what you're going through. I turned into a two headed monster when I drank. I don't even know who that was! Not to mention all the stupid/dangerous stuff I did while drunk, it's embarrassing to even think about now, but it's also a good reminder of what I never want to go back to.
                  I hope you stick around and read a lot, you'll find that we've all been where you are. Again, welcome!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    I have to conquer this

                    Hello Berner
                    I can relate to all your saying...Being AL free is great, I wish you the best of luck and theres alot of support on these forums

