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Hello on Friday the 13th

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    Hello on Friday the 13th

    First of all congratulations to everyone with their anniversaries! Wonderful to see.

    As for me, though I did not drink yesterday I am calling today day one, because I drank enough Wed night to have to recover all day yesterday.

    Though I had the chance due to a great friend here to start Antabuse a while back I did not until today. SO it has come to this but I want a good life with sobriety and health and fun. And without all the bad juju from drinking.

    I have missed being here with good news to report. I guess this news today is the best I can do right now. Don't give up on me please!

    Hello on Friday the 13th

    Welcome Back, Ann. We have missed you. Today is definitely a good day to start over again!



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Hello on Friday the 13th

      Hi Ann!

      We'll never give up on you, but you have to promise to never give up on yourself, ok? You only fail when you quit trying.

      What are your plans for this sober weekend?
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Hello on Friday the 13th

        Day one for me, too. What a better day to start anew. I feel a different sort of mentality. Realizing that I am an alcoholic and have been for some time. Taking the steps and making plans.
        Living life to the fullest.


          Hello on Friday the 13th

          Hey K9

          I have plenty to do this weekend. It's easier for me when my bf is in town and he is until Monday morning. With the Antabuse I have no option.
          Just so damn tired of it all. I did discover that one of my colleagues is not only a drunk like me but he is addicted to painkillers as well. So I guess I'm grateful that I don't have that to try to fix too.
          I know how to do this; I can do it. I just must again stay AWAY from the situations where alcohol is the reason to be there. I don't miss a thing by not going out with coworkers at all. And then when I do I'm always the worst of the bunch.

          SO I am back and trudging forward.


            Hello on Friday the 13th

            Good stuff Ann. Go for it, and do what you have to do.

            We don't give up on anyone here. Your job is not to give up on yourself, and all your potential and possibilities.

            I'm always around if you need a kick in the butt. ;-)

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Hello on Friday the 13th

              Hi Ann

              Welcome back! always enjoyed your posts... I'm back in the saddle too after a few minor hurdles
              Take care


                Hello on Friday the 13th

                Thanks to everyone

                I'm not giving up. I know that when I had 107 days I felt terrific. My daughter will be home from sea in August, and I want to be in great shape by then. One foot in front of the other day by day.
                Going hiking in the morning, cooking a nice dinner tonight.

                Big march here in downtown Raleigh in 2 weeks-taking part in that. I am doing a "couch to 5K" training plan and intend to run a 5K or two this summer. My running years were some of my best and can be again.

                Oh yeah guys-guess what?! I filed my tax return only to find that identity thieves had already filed it for me. Very crazy complicated situation! Big hassle and delay of refund but heck I'm still grateful to have a great job!


                  Hello on Friday the 13th

                  Hi Anne,

                  Welcome back, I've always enjoyed your posts as well. I'm back and taking the AB as well this evening. It does take the options right away.

                  That's awful about the identity theft! I think it's too much online filing. It's too easy now! I filed our return months ago but filed extensions for all the family members I help out for free this year. I was just too tired to do all their returns on time (I'm a CPA although I don't do taxes normally - just for all my friends and family LOL!)

                  Anyway, have a great evening all!


                    Hello on Friday the 13th

                    Hey Girlfriend,

                    I've been wondering about you but didn't want to be a pest. I figure we all have to do this on our own terms and no one else can make the decision for us. At least you're sure of the direction you want to take and you're back on board.

                    Sending you big cyberhygs. :l

                    UN :lilheart:


                      Hello on Friday the 13th

                      Ann 221;1296379 wrote: I'm not giving up. I know that when I had 107 days I felt terrific. My daughter will be home from sea in August, and I want to be in great shape by then. One foot in front of the other day by day.
                      Going hiking in the morning, cooking a nice dinner tonight.

                      Big march here in downtown Raleigh in 2 weeks-taking part in that. I am doing a "couch to 5K" training plan and intend to run a 5K or two this summer. My running years were some of my best and can be again.

                      Oh yeah guys-guess what?! I filed my tax return only to find that identity thieves had already filed it for me. Very crazy complicated situation! Big hassle and delay of refund but heck I'm still grateful to have a great job!
                      I say we find em and beat their azzzzzzzzz wb Ann
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        Hello on Friday the 13th

                        I really admire the way you all really care about each other. I know no one who lives this life and understands what I go through. I don't intentionally set out to do foolish things or hurt anyone, I just don't have control. That ugly creature that I become when I drink is such an embarrassment. And my family think I can control it or "just stop drinking". And when I slip they become angry. I really need to know people who are like me, and want to be a better person.
                        Hope :h


                          Hello on Friday the 13th

                          We will never give up on anyone that comes to MWO as we all know the nightmare of being alcoholic! It has stripped me of many,many good times when I should have been sober.Al gives back nothing,it just consumes you like a monster it is!!! Over 2 weeks ago in desperation I ran to my GP and told him I was a ALCOHOLIC and needed help! His response was IF you admit you have a problem THEN you are %50 cured ??? I have tried Campral and Naltrax without success, I just kept drinking waiting for the magic to happen.........but it didn,t. THIS time round I asked my GP for AB. He explained it all to me and truly believes it is the BEST drug for quitting and has been around for years. There is no decision about when,if and what I might drink,you just can,t unless you want to become VERY ill, which I did after one small glass of wine!! And because al is not on the table and is not an option, I do think it helps with the cravings,certainly did with me after the first few hard days. I am about 18 days now,never been that long AF for30 years, I know it is AB helping me and I really hope it does the trick for you. Make sure you take the drug EVERYDAY or get someone to make sure you do! Good Luck and stay close. If i can help yell out!


                            Hello on Friday the 13th

                            Boozer - I agree AB is the best. My problem was getting over confident and weaning off too soon, and I drank after almost 60 days AF. I'm back on the AB now and I will stay on it for a year if I have to - even if you take one pill it will take up to a week to get out of your system. And you're right - it takes all the mental struggle out of the problem - there's just no option about taking that drink.

