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Hello everyone! I'm new here

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    Hello everyone! I'm new here

    Hi, I have been looking at this site for a few days, and think it's just what I need to give me some support and talk to people in the same stage of their lives. I'm a mum with teenage kids (seem to be a lot of us on this site!). I've drunk since I was 13, I remember it made me feel more confident and fun. I was very shy and had critical parents, so a drink brought me out of myself. I drank cider and vodka all through my teens and twenties, often to the point of being sick or passing out, but it wasn't every day, more like what they now call binge drinking. Probably most weekends I had a bad night. I met and married a man who loved a drink, even more than me, and we socialised only with drinkers. Anyone who didn't drink seemed boring. We are still together but over the years we have had some shaky times (as most couples do) and I suppose the drinking contributed to some of those times. Whenever I was emotionally upset or going through bad times I would drink much, much more. And so would he. My husband is great and as I say, we are still together, but he would completely disagree with me on all this. He thinks neither of us have a problem and I am just being silly and neurotic, he also thinks it would'nt be good fun if either of us gave up. What has made me come here? The last year has been one of incredible stress for many different family reasons and we both started drinking much more. I don't actually drink that much for it to have an effect, a heavy night I might drink a bottle of wine or a bottle of wine plus 2 gins. That's as much as I can take without being sick. I would do that about twice a week, talk crap to my kids, get tetchy with my husband and feel like s**t the next day, beating myself up about my lack of willpower. Of the other 5 days in the week I would have half a bottle of wine most nights. Sometimes I sneak a slug of sherry or gin at 5pm if I feel very anxious. Recently I've noticed that I've been very depressed, anxious and have jittery feelings much of the time. I've been attending a CBT therapist to help me deal with the stresses of the last year, but only lately I've wondered if perhaps the alcohol drip feeding habit has been contributing to these negative emotions. When I read threads from this site I saw that it was a possibility. This is Saturday and I haven't had a drink since Tuesday night. My husband would like to cut down a bit, but he has had wine every night this week. I would like to say I feel great, but I have had headaches and trouble sleeping. I have woken in the middle of the night feeling my muscles a bit jumpy and my head aching. But it hasn't felt unbearable, just like im a bit under the weather. Is this normal? Unfortunately I'm off on hols tomorrow (bad timing) with a girlfriend and we are going to an all inclusive hotel, so the temptation will be hard to resist. Luckily she is not a big drinker so I may be able to control myself to just one glass of something per night. My aim is to do a month detox and assess how I physically and mentally feel after that. Do I feel that I am better able to deal with life? Am I less anxious, do I have more energy etc? If so then my ultimate aim would be to be a VERY moderate drinker, ie to have a social glass of wine with friends once a week and be AF the rest of the time. Sorry to have rambled on, but it is helpful to put it down in words. Hope to continue on this site and chat to some of you at some time.

    Hello everyone! I'm new here

    Hi I Need
    A hearty welcome to you!
    I'm new(ish) here, too.
    Some questions: Are you currently able to moderate? I'm a binger, too. I'm thinking moderation is more about controlling the amount rather than what days I do and don't drink.
    Are you so stressed about quitting alcohol that you're thoughts/fears are causing your bad sleep reactions rather than the alcohol (or lack of) actually causing it?

    I understand everything you wrote; I'm right there with you. There was a time I drank a glass or two of wine everynight. I quit doing that and boy was it difficult. Somehow I traded that for binge drinking and I'm talking black-out, stumbling bingeing!

    It may be difficult to quit or cut back if most of your socializing includes alcohol with others, I've had that in my life, too.

    Would you CBT therapist be able to help with any of this?

    You're in a good and safe place here!!


      Hello everyone! I'm new here

      Welcome, INeed! You've found a great place here, so read as much as you can and find out that it is possible to do this! You need to have a plan - maybe someone can send you a link to The Toolbox - and make sure you're getting the supplements you need to help sort your physical body out. It's not about willpower, it's more complex than that. But HUGE CONGRATS on making a start and being about 5 days AF already (that's Alcohol Free, in forum-speak)!
      If you always think what you've always thought,
      You'll always feel what you've always felt.
      If you always feel what you've always felt,
      You'll always do what you've always done.
      If you always do what you've always done,
      You'll always get what you've always got.

      3 Days AF = DONE
      6 Days AF = DONE
      14 Days AF = DONE
      21 Days AF = DONE
      28 Days AF = DONE
      30 Days AF = DONE
      60 Days AF = hmm, much bigger gap to this goal, but let's see if ODAAT works for this one too....


        Hello everyone! I'm new here

        Hi Ineed,
        I hope to hear more from've found a great place for advice and support. Let us know how you're doing!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Hello everyone! I'm new here

          i know exactly how yor feeling,my depression and anx been really bad,not got ne motivation cant see a light at end of tunnel,not looking after myself how i used to,i honestly know its down to drinking,as its a depressantand i feel guilty for drinking..its a catch 22,one we use to feel better!!!thats why im going for it!! one day at a time,got thro today,i know ill be so proud tomorrow,im very new and just starting too,x


            Hello everyone! I'm new here

            Thanks for your welcoming replies!

            Thanks so much for the encouraging replies folks, makes me feel much better to know I'm not alone in this struggle. I went on hols with my friend, of course intending not to drink at all, and told her that, but as it was an all inclusive hotel it was unlikely to last. I wasn't really worried about it because I only decided to sort myself out last week. I had one night when I was away where I drank way too much and was a bit embarrassing, and the other nights I drank but stopped before that stage.

            But I'm home now and ready to resume trying to sort myself out. I really think stopping the constant drinking every night and several binges a week will help sort out my mental problems, cos they are only getting worse the more I drink. So logic tells me they are linked - I'm smart aren't I? Just took me a long time to realise it.

            Good luck with your own struggles, we can help eachother with support and encouragement, it's all worth it.


              Hello everyone! I'm new here

              Hey Ineed! :welcome: This is a great site, and has so many helpful folks. Keep posting and lets do this together!:l

              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                Hello everyone! I'm new here

                Hi :welcome:

                I haven't been here for a while, but back again and in exactly the same position as you are.

                In fact, I could have been reading my own story.

                I have been AF through the week for the past 2 weeks, then on the weekend, letting myself go crazy. I have been drinking champagne, telling myself that I can handle it - who am I kidding -:bang:bang:bang

                So I'm back on the bandwagon now - all of our friends are big drinkers and it's not going to be easy. In fact we have a birthday party to go to tonight, but I over did it last night and I'm soooo hungover.

                I intend to fill up a bottle with water (looks like gin or vodka) and take my soda and lemon juice and just drink that. If they think I'm drinking they'll be happy.

                So, looks as though we are on the same path here.
                Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                :h ya

