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3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

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    3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

    Been doing the Holistics and read the book (MWO) have'nt touch the booze though there are days where you mind wonders. Stress filled days & even your dreams seem to attack you. (Had one where I was drinking agian & woke up in a cold sweat.) IAD.......
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss

    3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

    Congrats on 3 1/2 weeks IAD - a tremendous accomplishment that you should be very proud of!

    Never really sure that the desire goes away entirely, it's just the way that you respond to it that changes. Keep up the great work! :goodjob:
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

      A big congrats to u! U really should be proud of yourself.


        3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

        Glad for you....:goodjob:

        Those dreams do sneak up on you...especially when you aren't drinking & not even thinking about it. And those days are tough when that urge hits. I had one last week when all of a sudden in the car I passed by the liquor store & a powerful thought & want overcame me. But as soon as it came into my mind- I let it out. Started thinking about something else. That's the main thing I do differently~ I keep busy (physically & mentally). That way I don't have enough time for the hooch. LOL!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

          Well done IAD.


            3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

            Congratulation IAD ....



              3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

              IAD, I, too have those drinking dreams where they seem very real! I woke up the other morning after a night about dreaming I had been drinking. I really felt hungover! It was all too bizarre to say the least. It is a great feeling when you do completely wake up and realize it was only a dream! WHEW!


                3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

                Congratulations IAD! Well done!
                Drinking dreams are really common, I hear, especially at the beginning (first few months?) of recovery.
                Over 4 months AF :h


                  3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

                  Great going IAD!!!!!
                  And those dreams!! They are now becoming my 'favourite' sort of nightmare, allthough it's not nice at the time, when I wake up these days, it has ALWAYS just been a dream, and it makes me feel ten times better about being AF than ever....

                  so YIPPEEEEeeeeee! for you IAD, if the only place you're boozin is in your sleep, that's FAB!!!
                  Keep going bud
                  Much love..weemelon x


                    3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

                    Hi IAD,

                    Same here....CONGRATULATIONS! Sounds like you're on the way to LAL (liberation from alcohol).
                    That's beaut news. Hope to catch up to your record.


                      3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

                      I have dreams of Dallas cowboy cheerleaders trying to make me drink martinins...It's awful!!
                      Control the Mind


                        3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

                        somehow Rocky I am doubting your story....
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

                          Greetings All.....
                          Thanks for all your support!.

                          Rocky.....We were talking about dreams not fantacies ha!.........IAD.
                          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                          Dr. Seuss


                            3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.


                            Sorry, minor detail...however get this...

                            last night I was stuck in a snow storm on the way home from work and it took me 4 hours to get home which usually takes me 40 min. I wanted a drink so bad when I got home, I walk in and (I have in-laws living with us...and visiting is a sister in law, her daughter and husband till Sat.) This A...hole (sister in law's, daughter's husband, who decided to go to a mall in the snow storm, starts telling me all the trouble he had going to and from the mall in the snow, and how stupid everybody else is who can't drive in the snow...he goes on, and on, and on, ...I still have my coat on..(if I'd had a gun.....well) I'm biting my tongue trying not to say "shut the H up... Stupid... is someone who goes to the mall in a snow storm at rush hour when there is a snow emergency...That stupid deserves every pain they got...The last thing I wanted to hear was this guy bitching...Please give me a drink!!!!

                            I took sups, drank water, took an old anxiety pill I had let over, ate supper and locked myself in my room...So I did not drink!!!

                            However, I had a dream last night that I got very upset about something and I was drinking all this vodka on the rocks, I mean 6 or 8 of I remember feeling so mad at myself...and I was thinking I would have to come in here today and let all of you know, I was back to day one....then I woke up! I was so happy!!! and I can say today I'm on day 11. But the dream and the anxiety of chugging down the booze was scary...

                            The Cheerleaders were much better...
                            Control the Mind


                              3 1/2 weeks sober it feels great.

                              Dreams seem so real @ times. but like the others have said it's only a's like Bobby Ewing coming back from the dead (Dallas). Where the h... did that come from. I must still be imagining that Dallas Cowboy Chearleader thing....ha! IAD.
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss

