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Day 4 in and many questions

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    Day 4 in and many questions

    Not taking any meds, and wondering if the following are things that are "normal"
    I'm tapering using vodka + OJ, and ensuring I measure only 1 shot, large glass juice + ice
    Sipping slowly, about 1 hour per drink, was drinking heavily for last 6-8 months, aprox 1/4 - 1/2 a 40 per day
    Have been drinking my drinks throughout the day, as its the weekend, but only drinking when shakes get really bad, have to return to work tomorrow, but can take/sneak:new: my tapers with me if you think this might be a problem
    Day 1 - 8 drinks - very shaky, monitored heart rate + pressure, both a little high, sick to my tummy, could only get fluids in today : (
    Day 2 - 7 drinks - repeat of day one, + didn't sleep at all this night, night sweats large time, sick to my tummy, but getting food in, lots and lots of fluids
    Day 3 - 5 drinks - chest seemed less heavy today, still shaky, 2 hours sleep, drinking lots and lots of fluids in between and eating
    Day 4 - 3 drinks so far, spaced about by 4.5 hours, still shaky, but heart rate seems to have stabilized, having little lightening darts ? in my eyes, but have also spent way to much time on p/c today, trying to find you, coughing a lot, feeling better, pressure normal, shoulders very stiff today and back a little sore - that could be from coughing so much ?
    heart rate normal, a little sweaty about 2 between by next, still drinking lots of water / juice every day and taking calcium, Vit B 1000, multi + milk thistle
    Questions are - what to expect next, I am tapering too quickly, am I endanger, don't really want to see the co. doc, otherwise it's on my record,

    Day 4 in and many questions

    Hi Wren-ched,

    Welcome to MWO, glad you found us!
    Please know that there are no doctors here monitoring these posts. If you feel your health is in danger you should seek medical attention right away. Severe withdrawal symptoms & seizures can be very dagerous.

    Only you know how you are feeling & coping. Do you think you will be able to return to work right away. Perhaps you could get a day or two off.
    Please be sure to download & read the MWO book. It has a lot of helpful information. Yuo can find it right in the Health store here on the site.

    Is there any family member or friend who could check in on you until you stabilize?
    Staying well hydrated is very important & eating something healthy too.

    Wishing you the very best!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Day 4 in and many questions

      Hi Lavande
      Thank you for the response, I realized tonight I went too low too quickly, based on where I started.
      I'm going to have to increase a few, and then decrease at a more reasonable rate I'm prepared to work at this and make it work for me, but getting off on the wrong foot will only result in failure.
      I was off last week, so have no choice but to return tomorrow
      I'm staying very well hydrated and eating well and healthy, I'm drinking lots of water with lemon, and lots of juice in between my "sips", and will download the book as suggested.
      So, I guess I'm back to day one - the right way day, but you will see me in here with updates, and I wish you continued success !


        Day 4 in and many questions

        Hi Wren,
        I can't give you any advice on tapering, because I've never done it successfully! By the 4th or 5th drink all my resolve goes out the window and I quit trying to control it. It's all or nothing for me...and ALL just wasn't working for me anymore. Let us know how you're doing. There's so much support, wisdom, and kindness around here...I'm glad you've joined us.
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Day 4 in and many questions


          Hi Wren,

          Ii can't offer advice either as I wouldn't have the strength of mind or will power to be able to do what you are doing - I am hugely impressed by the way you are working through this and rationalising it - your commitment has to be enormous, so I'm here to offer support, encouragement, and applaud your efforts! Do you have to see a company doctor - couldn't you find one in the community who would keep it confidential?

          There are many people here who have experienced what you are going through so hopefully they'll be along soon to offer more substantial input. Good luck and I look forward to hearing your updates!
          :rays: Arial

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