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I am here again

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    I am here again

    Hi Mauri:
    Good to have you back! I was wondering how you were doing. You are not alone, many of us have had to restart too many times to count. One day something sticks. This will happen for you.
    I have found Antibuse has worked for me. Have you considered this option?
    Don't worry, be happy!


      I am here again

      Morning all, a lovely un-hungovered one for me, feels so great I wonder how I ever manage to persuade myself it is a good idea to drink!

      Running4 I have considered asking my doc for antabuse but the one time I saw him regarding my drinking he poo-poohed my suggestion I was AL dependant and basically said just go away and cut down!!!!

      I have bought a hypnotherapy cd and listened to it for the first time last night, it is an NHS recommended one and has a 30 day money back guarantee. I found it very relaxing and slept like a log last night apart from a couple of times my DH woke me with his snoring so I am optimistic it might help me, I have started taking a multi-vitamin also and going to have a proper read through the tool box when my son is in pre--school later

      All in all I am feeling very positive and better equipped for the challenge than I have been previously
      Taking it ODAT


        I am here again

        Got through two supermarkets without even a glance down the you-know-what aisle, feeling strong and looking forward to a nice sober evening with some flavoured fizzy waters
        Taking it ODAT


          I am here again

          Way to go Mauri...that's tough to do! Keep positive you can do this!
          Honeysoup :heart:


            I am here again

            Thanks honey

            I have decided to change the strata of my evening, tonight once I had put DS to bed I listened to my hypnotherapy cd, it last around half an hour, normally as soon as he is in bed that is my cue to pour my first wine so that is an excellent way to avoid my usual plans! Just sat down with some lovely fresh mango and a cup of tea, I need to invest in some decaff tea I think (although I do drink really weak tea) don't want to adversely affect my sleep. Looking forward to another morning feeling un-hungovered!
            Taking it ODAT


              I am here again

              Hi there, Mauritiusdodo. I'm so glad you are still in the fight!
              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
              AF 11/12/11


                I am here again

                Hi pinecone :thanks:

                Had a fantastic night's sleep again last night after listening to my hypnotherapy cd and not drinking any illicit substances LOL

                This morning DS went to his grandparents so I spent my time finishing off my canvas ready to put it up for assessment and hopefully get it into an exhibition, I am entering 4 paintings - wish me luck! Spent an hour tidying the cellar and it looks so much better. Also done a massive mountain of ironing - 2.5 hours worth to be precise, this is the first time in months my ironing cupboard is empty and I am very proud of myself!!!

                Plan for this afternoon is to take the stuff I cleared out of the cellar to the tip and then might visit a friend and her little one for an hour or so, looking forward to another sober evening.
                Taking it ODAT


                  I am here again

                  got my decaff tea and a copy of Heat Magazine and planning a soak in the bath later to read it, been really hungry today and been a struggle to keep to my slimming world plan but have managed so far, got a nice chilli cooking for dinner and trying to snack on fruit...
                  Taking it ODAT


                    I am here again

                    Hi maurit one thing that is a trigger for all of us is hunger , forget about slimming for now just eat healthy the calories you are drinking will more than make up the difference.
                    Really it's not worth trying to do the 2 things at once, when you get your drink under control maybe then but i'll bet you will find like a lot of people here you will be loosing weight in the long term by not drinking and stopping drinking right now is the most important thing you need to get under control now
                    AF 5/jan/2011


                      I am here again

                      Thanks madmans I havd eaten more if the free foods and feel full now but struggling with cravings
                      Taking it ODAT


                        I am here again

                        made it through my danger zone with the help of you lovely people and my hypnotherapy recording, going to have a cup of decaff now and watch a bit of tv then hit the sack
                        Taking it ODAT


                          I am here again

                          Another great night's sleep, only thing is I keep waking up about half four dying for a pee, my body is used to being dehydrated I guess and the extra healthy non al fluids on an evening are too much for me!

                          So very glad I didn't drink last night, will be a fairly easy evening to get through today as I am going to slimming world class with a friend, she is picking me up and dropping me off so no opportunity to pop into a shop for AL on the way home either!

                          Been reading lots of motivational posts on here the last couple of days - thanks to Byrdie and Nursie to name but a couple

                          Today I am taking my DS to a soft play area, how nice not to be nursing a hangover and not worried about breathing AL fumes on anyone!!
                          Taking it ODAT


                            I am here again

                            Keep up the awesome work Mauri! Enjoy your AL free evening.
                            Don't worry, be happy!


                              I am here again

                              Hello M

                              Good luck and well done on taking the first step by coming back here. I can relate to drinking 10 days in a row and going from few beers to a couple of bottles of wine a night. I discovered this site a few weeks ago. Today is day 9 AF for me. Its just one day at a time for me and just never say yes to that first drink.

                              AF 20-05-2012


                                I am here again

                                Hunni , read your old posts... Print the off and stick them where you store your wine... You've had some god awful experiences thanx to al, I'll never forget the one when you were round your sisters. It's time hunni, to give yourself a break. No more drinking. Every time you relapse you have to start right back at day one again, it doesn't make it easier. Infact after every relapse, it's harder as you have more pressure on yourself. Come on hunni, you're stronger then this!

