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I am here again

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    I am here again

    Hi Mauri,
    I hope you are well and staying strong. If you've hit a bump in the road..well, still check in okay? I know you are trying and being here helps a lot. I'm thinking of you and I hope you're well!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      I am here again

      Hello Mauri. I just want to throw in my little pillow of support, even though it's lumpy and old, it will hold you up if you keep adjusting.

      No one is a failure if they are trying. That's one of the first lessons we learn as a child, if we are brought up properly. The same is true here. Undoing years of a habit that we formed through DAILY reinforcements will take time. It's unrealistic for ANYONE to expect immediate success, so keep that in mind the next time you want to beat yourself up for giving in. FFS, I can't even remember to go a different route home when I have planned to do something that requires it, because it is an ingrained HABIT. In addition to all the evils of AL, it is also a habit, and one that's hard to break. We didn't make it a habit over night and we won't break it from being a habit that easily either.

      I hope you continue to post, regardless of your success or temporary failure. Never stop trying, and you will get there!:l

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        I am here again

        Hi Mauri,

        I'm pretty new here but I read your posts and thought I would jump in. I too have been trying to taper off the wine for years. But my problem was if I had a really good week, I would reward myself and drink! How messed up is that?? I had lots of other problems mixed in with the alcohol. Ambien addiction, depression, anxiety....the list goes on. I'm not even sure anymore which problem came first. Once I discovered MWO, I decided I needed to try to go AL free for 30 days. It seemed impossible, but I am on day 12 and things seem to get a little better every day. The depression and anxiety have gotten way better and I am taking about half the ambien I was a few weeks ago.

        Anyways, just wanted you to know I was thinking about you and wishing you success


          I am here again

          hi Mauri,
          i'm jumping in to send you waves of strength!!
          like everyone has said, most importantly, don't stop trying. don't stop coming back. someone said to me once that you don't have to have a full day or a full week to post and talk about how you're feeling. that helped me a lot. we all know how difficult this journey is and i can't tell you how many times i've been back on the 1st day, kicking myself and regretting what i've done. but i know that doesn't help. and i know the longer i stay away from this site, the further i fall.
          looking forward to hearing from you!!

