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First Class means Free Booze

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    First Class means Free Booze

    Just got notice that my 3-hour flight home tomorrow has been upgraded to first class. My first thought....I get free booze. The flight is at 6:00Am. I'm pretty confident that I won't drink knowing that I have to drive home from the airport but how I wish that wasn't my first thought. How I wish I wasn't sitting here discussing with myself why I am not going to take that drink a full 24 hours before I even get on that flight. How I wish I didn't wake up every morning with thoughts consumed by alcohol...drink, don't drink. Drink a little, don't drink at all. Even when I'm not drinking - it's still seems to overwhelm me.

    First Class means Free Booze

    Hi JB-
    I know the inner struggle that you speak of. It sucks to be so consumed by thoughts of alcohol. I'm not sure we've "met" before, maybe you posted your story on another thread. I just wanted to welcome you and say that I'm glad you've found us. Let us know how you're doing.
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

