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    I have just ordered the starter pack from MWO. Does anyone recommend also ordering Topamax to go along with it> I understand that it is the main pill that curbs your urges, not so much the supplements. Opinions?:new:


    Hi Mary,

    I'm not that long of a member..but it seems to be dependent on the person and the depth of the addition... many here have just used the sups, and read the book and are doing OK, some really like the CD's and some do all the program, It's a personal decision. I chose to see how I do with reading the book, readings as much as I can on this web post, I got the sups, and will use the CD's far I have not needed the Topa, but it is early for me, I am only alcohol free AF for 10 days...seems like very little..but its big to me...

    I'm sure others will respond as well

    Welcome to the community and best wishes t you on your journey...
    Control the Mind



      Hi Marytodd:welcome:
      If you go to the research board, there is a lot of stuff there about Tpamax and other meds.
      I think that the whloe program is very flexible and it's up to you to takewhat you need.
      Also in the book there is a lot said about getting in touch with your doctor.
      There will be others along shortly who will be able to help you more than I can.



        Hi Marytodd &

        I don't use topamax, but I have the cd's and find them excellent ....

        Read more posts and i'm sure that you will get better advice from people that do use topamax.......

        Rocky, 10 days ............ Well Done .......



          Hi Marytodd,
          I do use topamax and have been very sucessful. It has helped me a ton and feel it was key for me. It helped curb cravings right away, Like the first few days. I havent drank since I started. : )
          Gabby :flower:



            Hi Marytodd,

            I just wanted to welcome you! I don't use the Topomax, but there is a wealth of information here about it.

            Rocky, good job buddy! WOW! 10 days under your belt. That is awesome! Don't ever think even 1 day is too little. Each and every day we don't poison ourselves is a HUGE accomplishment!!! Keep up the good work!!



              Where can you get Top w/o scrip?



                Marytodd, since you are in the States most likely you will need to pay a visit to your physician to get a script for the Topomax, as it is not available OTC.
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."



                  Rocky Great work on 10 days AF - That is NOT a small thing that is HUGE!!!!!




                    Hi Marytodd!
                    You have to find a Dr. who is willing to prescribe Topamax "off label" unless you have seizures or migranes. I have a psychiatrist who is willing to do it for me. Also, unless you have good health insurance, you will find it to be very expensive. I have just started it a few weeks ago and you have to work up to the appropriate dosage very slowly to avoid side effects so I can't say how good it works yet. I also take Kudzu and a few of the othe supps. I have read good things about Topa and really hope it works. I just successfully stopped smoking after smoking for 41 years with a new drug called Chantix 131 days ago so I'm still a little shaky. Everyone on this board is here to support you no matter which direction you take.



                      I started to topa 25 days ago and I am on day 25 af, I am at 100MG and staying there, I told my doctor what i wanted it for and she gave it to me no problem, I have had no side effect and it has definitely helped me.
                      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                      James Gordon, M.D.



                        I also quit smoking as well.
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.



                          Wow Victoria, a double bonus! Good on you! Keep going!!!

                          Some of us are on Campral rather than Topo.
                          Read the info about them and discuss with your doctor.
                          The kudzu helps a lot too.
                          I guess as each body is different, different approaches, dosage etc will suit.



                            I totally respect your willpower!

                            If you started Topa 25 days ago and are 25 days AF then you effectively went cold turkey. Did you have any withdrawal symptoms? It is also very amazing that 100 mg is enough to chemically curb alcohol craving. How long have you had an alcohol problem?



                              I am taking the sups, listen to the CD's, although not as recommended. I started to take Topomax and then started reading so much neg, that I stopped after not even a week. I decided I was tired of being ON anything so if I could do it without, that was the way to go for me. I also couldn't afford to have all the mental troubles associated with it's side effects. I have been AF for 4 1/2 months now, the first time in 30 years................ I read Susan Powter's book as well, it helped also..

