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right,heres to day 2,fingers crossed x

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    right,heres to day 2,fingers crossed x

    well i did it!!! woke up feeling sooooo proud,took a milky drink and book up to bed and did today im going to try not to drink!!! hope no minds me posting,going to do it to help keep me focused,ive been thinking of the things i could do with the money ive been spending,and my littln seemed so much happier last night too!!!biggest incentive ever!!:h


    right,heres to day 2,fingers crossed x

    Well done you! I know I keep thinking of all the things I could buy instead of AL in fact I have been making a list this morning! also made a list of possible alternative things I could be enjoying doing instead of drinking myself into oblivion, i will post them later, maybe it would help you to do the same? PS how old is your child? mine is 2 and a half
    Taking it ODAT


      right,heres to day 2,fingers crossed x

      taht first couple of days is the best. try to remember all the good things about ebing sober and the bad things about being drunk...

      sober life is a happy life for everyone around you

      AF since Sept 2013...


        right,heres to day 2,fingers crossed x

        Bl**dy brilliant - well done Bimble.


        On day 7 now!!
        Short term goal 7 days AF


          right,heres to day 2,fingers crossed x

          Bimble! Great news that you are on Day 2!! I was reading back over your posts...this is just the motivation you need to kick AL out of your life once and for all. I just got to the point where I was sick and tired of it all. It is exhausting, isn't it? So welcome to you...I don't normally post outside of the Newbie's Nest and I hope you don't think I'm some kind of staulker, but I'd like to invite you over, we have great success there and have folks in the first week, so come on over, it's very active and someone is always on to lend you support. I couldn't be where I am today (over one year sober) without the kind people on this site. You can do this...and we are here to help, you are NOT alone!! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            right,heres to day 2,fingers crossed x

            Hi Bimble!
            Great job on getting to day 2! I'm glad you had a good evening and that your young'un was happy! My child is my biggest incentive. She's why I GOT sober, but I STAY sober for me, which benefits both of us. I know the money issue is a big thing too. I am actually able to buy things as I need them now, because I haven't spent every available dime on alcohol. Like Byrdie said, it's exhausting! I would drive from liquor store to liquor store to avoid seeing the same guy every single night. Then I'd have to plan and make sure I had enough to get me through then night. It's tiring! Anyway I'm rambling, but I'd like to also invite you over to the Newbie's nest, it's big and busy but cozy. Congrats again, keep it up, it does get easier!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

