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I need to do this...

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    I need to do this...

    And I think I need most of you, alcohol is all around us and bad alcohol behavior is even tolerated in many instances (with the exception of harrassment in the workplace as it should be). Instead of rehashing a lot of what people have said, it amazing how similiar so many of our stories regardless of our age, background, social status, etc.

    Here is what is relevant, I think, at least, and of course I will get to why I need help and how.

    I am 37 years old, I live in NYC, I guess if you had to lable me it would typical, successful white collar professional. My wife left me about a year ago, we are divorced now. I'm really over the divorce, we had no kids, just grew apart. People that have gone through this know what I mean. I don't miss M, I just miss my previous life. When something like this happens, it's like someone through a monkey wrench into your life's think to yourself, "What was doing for the last 7 years?"

    This didn't cause me to drink, I was not one of those people that drink to forget their sorrows, but I did fall into a severe depression, which I'm still coping with now, but I have come a long way. I am on medication 20mg of Prozac and 300 mg of Welbutrin, I think this is relevant because I believe it plays a factor into the drinking....this meds can have interesting affects with alcohol, and contrary to popular belief, while not reccommended you can drink moderately while on them.

    So, I was out late with some chidlhood friends, not worth getting into much detail, I just drank more than I wanted to and stayed out later than I wanted to. I feel like a failure. I'm finding this happen more than I'd like though. I thought the up in Welbutrin would make me lose my taste for alcohol, it did last time, but it actually is expanding it a little. I met a another friend, before the two I hung out with last night, a Wall St. guy, he had like 4 kettle on the rock and I had four beers, I really wanted to have two. The first two give me a little headache, that I think is the meds, but it subsides.

    I was good for awhile, I would give myself a weekday bed time, keep it only to 4 beers, maybe 5, oh this is not a daily thing, just when I'm out. Now I'm finding myself slip a little, more than I'd like.

    I txt'd something a little crass to a female friend of mine where its quite apparent something emotional is starting to develop between wasn't that bad, something to the affect, I wish I could drape myself over you right now...and then some random drunken non-sense about the show. I know her pretty well, I doubt she was upset. But I still apologized this moring and told her how terrible I feel about it. I haven't heard back, she's probably just busy or on a plane...I'd be shocked if this really upset her.

    So, the problem. I just simply don't want to drink. I do not think I'm an alcoholic or an addict, I know addicts and see what that is like. I do stop, I just like to stop sooner.

    I don't like the way I feel afterwards, the next day...I get bad anxiety, but that has been under control as of lately.

    So, I simply want to stop, stop. And, I'm finding it harder than I thought.

    I'm in very good shape and quite active; which believe it or not, aids in teams, love to drink, runners, ironically, are something of the biggest boozers I've ever come across. We're even having our runner's club annual party tomorrow which I know will be a sh#$ show.

    I don't do foolish things drinking, I just feel bad about myself the next day. I simply don't feeling like this, and I really shouldn't be drinking with the meds; moderately does not seem to be working for me.

    I'm in a position of re-eveluating and renewing myself, I have a new life. My therapist strongly encourages to go out and be around people, I agree. I tend to stay in more to protect myself, from myself. To keep me away from influence. This is no way to live.

    I've gone through periods of not drinking, but I need help this time. I do know my triggers, I think...old friends, sports - there's nothing like a beer after a hockey game or skiing, even running. And, the worst one, women. If I'm with a woman who is throwing them back, it's hard for me to stop; especially if I'm sure I'm closing the deal. Damn, I even did a shot last week because a young girl called me out (I don't do shots or drink hard liquor), she asked me to do one with her, I declined, so of course she had some comments so I did.

    I don't to be in a situation with my life where everything I do, I have to do by myself. Sometimes I can just go out and have a few beers, like the other day watching the Rangers game, other times and late night I did not want pops up.

    I'm sorry for rambling...I just don't know where to start. I'm sure I'm going to have a glass a wine tonight with my parents.

    thanks for listening.

    I need to do this...

    Hello, and welcome.

    Good for you for looking to change your drinking habits before it becomes harmful. You will find lots of support here. I suggest you read lots and look in The Toolbox. Many of us got into awful situations because we didn't nip the alcohol abuse in the bud as you are looking to do.

    Good luck and stick around. :welcome:
    Enlightened by MWO


      I need to do this...


      SKendall;1299495 wrote: Hello, and welcome.

      Good for you for looking to change your drinking habits before it becomes harmful. You will find lots of support here. I suggest you read lots and look in The Toolbox. Many of us got into awful situations because we didn't nip the alcohol abuse in the bud as you are looking to do.

      Good luck and stick around. :welcome:
      Thank you for the kind wishes and I will do that. I can probably share some things that have helped me in the past, which, quite obviously I stopped doing. I have read a few threads and realize putting labels is something we try and avoid, but as many have said, and there is a reason I'm bringing this up, I don't believe I'm an alcoholic. However, I think there are lots of people, actually, I know there are people that would like to either stop or curb their drinking, who are not addicts and its hard to find support.

      I'm hoping I can here.



        I need to do this...

        Hi Stewarts and Welcome!

        I think you are smart to question your drinking before it gets completely out of hand, like it did for me. It sounds like you still keep a fair level of control, but are starting to see some behaviors that make you feel ashamed or embarrassed the next day. I know that feeling ALL too well. I made an ass of myself every time I drank, and the "day after" was a series of damage control...figuring out what I said to who, what I did, where I went, IF I was a mess. Frankly, I just got tired. It was a lot of work to keep track of all that, not to mention that the recovery time started taking longer and longer. I'm not sure if your goal is to moderate, or quit drinking completely, but you've found a great place here. There's so much support, advice, experience and wisdom. I couldn't have gotten (or stayed) sober without this place, and that's the truth.
        Keep posting so we can share on your journey. I look forward to getting to know you!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          I need to do this...

          Again Thanks

          K9Lover;1299507 wrote: Hi Stewarts and Welcome!

          I think you are smart to question your drinking before it gets completely out of hand, like it did for me. It sounds like you still keep a fair level of control, but are starting to see some behaviors that make you feel ashamed or embarrassed the next day. I know that feeling ALL too well. I made an ass of myself every time I drank, and the "day after" was a series of damage control...figuring out what I said to who, what I did, where I went, IF I was a mess. Frankly, I just got tired. It was a lot of work to keep track of all that, not to mention that the recovery time started taking longer and longer. I'm not sure if your goal is to moderate, or quit drinking completely, but you've found a great place here. There's so much support, advice, experience and wisdom. I couldn't have gotten (or stayed) sober without this place, and that's the truth.
          Keep posting so we can share on your journey. I look forward to getting to know you!

          Actually, right now, I'd like to simply stop. The problem, when I go through these periods I tend to do nothing, but solo things and its hurting my, as I told my therapist "re-socialization" of myself.

          I'm glad to hear you nipped that; when I was younger I used to tons of crazy stuff drunk, coked-up, whatever. . . .I even lost a job because of it once, but that was long time ago. Now, I'm quite chill, I don't do foolish things, but hate it when I can't remember stuff...I mean the worst thing I've done so far was that stupid txt I sent my friend/girl last night and we both know that wasn't so bad.

          My problem is part of my therapy now includes medication, I think I mentioned 20 mg of prozac and 300 mg of Welbutrin. Alcohol can affect you in strange ways, one, sometimes you can drink more. You tend not to stupid things, because, well, you're on anti-depressants and a good mood. However, the next day can have disasterous affects.

          First, I'm noticing with this cocktail, I can drink more. I noticed, during the week, if I have 4 beers max and give myself a 10 o'clock curfew, I'm fine. However, I'm noticing I'm breaking these rules more than I'd like....which is why I think I should stop.

          This is the worst I've felt in a long time, and in retrospect, it is nothing compared to have I was feeling several months ago...I'd have suicidal thoughts, mental breakdowns, it was AWFUL!

          Anyway, I feel bad, I should ask more about you...oh... where is this toolbox everyone talks about?


            I need to do this...

            Here is the link to the toolbox:

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              I need to do this...

              First, I'm noticing with this cocktail, I can drink more. I noticed, during the week, if I have 4 beers max and give myself a 10 o'clock curfew, I'm fine. However, I'm noticing I'm breaking these rules more than I'd like....which is why I think I should stop.

              I find myself doing that too but more often than not i just end up drinking faster and letting myself have an extra couple, also 'allowing' myself to drink an extra day a week!
              Taking it ODAT


                I need to do this...

                Hi Stewarts and welcome.

                Your posts remind me of alot of the stuff I was going through with my drinking, i.e. the overall feeling of disappointment in oneself, behaving in ways that are not really "us" etc. I think your strong sense of yourself must be telling you that something is changing in your relationship to alcohol. As you have probably heard, problems with alcohol are progressive, so you are very lucky to start clawing your way out of this before it gets too bad.

                I'm with you about labels too. I just know that I have my own problems with drinking, so I quit. There is a huge sense of relief that comes with that for me. No ambiguity, no anxiety, nothing. It was one of the things that was keeping me from growing as a person (there are still other things I'm working on too...). I feel like I am moving toward the life I want to have for myself, and I have never, ever, ever, not even once regretted quitting.

                Anyway, I'm glad you're here and I look forward to more posts from you.:welcome:
                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                AF 11/12/11


                  I need to do this...

                  Getting old

                  Pinecone;1299580 wrote: Hi Stewarts and welcome.

                  Your posts remind me of alot of the stuff I was going through with my drinking, i.e. the overall feeling of disappointment in oneself, behaving in ways that are not really "us" etc. I think your strong sense of yourself must be telling you that something is changing in your relationship to alcohol. As you have probably heard, problems with alcohol are progressive, so you are very lucky to start clawing your way out of this before it gets too bad.

                  I'm with you about labels too. I just know that I have my own problems with drinking, so I quit. There is a huge sense of relief that comes with that for me. No ambiguity, no anxiety, nothing. It was one of the things that was keeping me from growing as a person (there are still other things I'm working on too...). I feel like I am moving toward the life I want to have for myself, and I have never, ever, ever, not even once regretted quitting.

                  Anyway, I'm glad you're here and I look forward to more posts from you.:welcome:

                  Yes you are correct, as we get older and in some cases with medicines we are on, our relationship with alcohol changes. I remember, ironically, it was before I met my ex-wife, I had everything down cold. I paced myself perfectly, I always knew what was going on, witty, etc. Now, I need to watch my intake, not so much that I'll do something stupid, just I feel like utter crap and not do things I want to do. For example, I had a pretty unproductive work day and I'd like to go for a run, which I don't feel like doing because of the crappy feeling.

                  The good news, I'm starting to feel much better now and think I can even meet my friend later if she's up for it...hell, I might even get that run in.

                  I noticed when I was drinking with my buddy, the that had 4 kettles, that the first two beers, were like Eh, but then, I must admit, I did start to crave the third and the fourth, that's new for me. Four is my ideal daily limit, if I'm drinking during the week, like I said, I don't daily, but going to that show, definitely broke some more rules.

                  The 10pm 4 beer thing was working great, but then the whole, well just one more game starts, and its hard to lose count when you start bumping into people.

                  Now that I feel much better, and I'm not sweating my childish text to my "friend" that there might be something developing....I still haven't heard back, but I know this is not something that offend her or piss her off...she probably thought I was just stupid and drunk with some friends, which was the case.

                  I think for me, whether its what I went through this past year, my meds, this finding my new self, alcohol, can, at times, be an intereference with that growth, at least for now....

                  Thanks again, there seems to be some real good people here.:thanks:


                    I need to do this...

                    Hi Stewart, and welcome!:welcome: I can relate to a lot of what you have said. I also don't feel like I am an alcoholic, but drinking over the years has caused me more problems than it has given me pleasure. One DUI, countless "mornings after", dangerous sexual encounters, hangovers from HELL, and just general anxiety after escalating to drinking rum/diet pepsi every night.

                    I came here and quit for 39 days, and since then I have faltered on 4-5 occasions, but have not been on a bender/binge or overindulged yet. I have become yet another victim of the thinking one starts to indulge after successfully quitting AL for a period of time. That is, that it really wasn't a problem after all. So far, it hasn't been a problem (again), and I've not been craving to drink every day, but I do worry that if I continue to "allow" myself to drink on occasion, it will become daily again, and I do NOT want that.

                    I haven't begun counting days again yet, but I will soon. I wish you success on whatever your goals are pertaining to AL. I know it's doable, because I was able to quit, albeit for only 39 days, but that was HUGE for someone who hadn't managed a night without drinking for over 10 years.

                    Anyway, this thread is about you, not me, LOL. Keep posting, and I look forward to seeing you around here!

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      I need to do this...

                      LibraryGirl;1299640 wrote: Hi Stewart, and welcome!:welcome: I can relate to a lot of what you have said. I also don't feel like I am an alcoholic, but drinking over the years has caused me more problems than it has given me pleasure. One DUI, countless "mornings after", dangerous sexual encounters, hangovers from HELL, and just general anxiety after escalating to drinking rum/diet pepsi every night.

                      I came here and quit for 39 days, and since then I have faltered on 4-5 occasions, but have not been on a bender/binge or overindulged yet. I have become yet another victim of the thinking one starts to indulge after successfully quitting AL for a period of time. That is, that it really wasn't a problem after all. So far, it hasn't been a problem (again), and I've not been craving to drink every day, but I do worry that if I continue to "allow" myself to drink on occasion, it will become daily again, and I do NOT want that.

                      I haven't begun counting days again yet, but I will soon. I wish you success on whatever your goals are pertaining to AL. I know it's doable, because I was able to quit, albeit for only 39 days, but that was HUGE for someone who hadn't managed a night without drinking for over 10 years.

                      Anyway, this thread is about you, not me, LOL. Keep posting, and I look forward to seeing you around here!
                      Thanks Library girl...with me, I have always used drugs recreationally. When something got to be too much or I didn't like anymore, I just stopped...for example, I have no desire to open any doors through hallucinegens, when i was younger, different. Cocaine, I really like to sleep now, but there was I time when I liked to stay up.

                      Ironically, I found monitoring cocaine usage to be easier than alcohol as crazy as that sounds.

                      So, why stop drinking. With the meds I'm taking, they are just not mixing right, my dosages were changed... it's no fun...I don't like feeling like crap and bad about myself. I don't even do anything crazy, but I can't put pieces of the night together and that freaks me out. Will I not drink forever, who knows, right now, its not good with the other things I'm on and its ruining my training and some of my work


                        I need to do this...

                        Hi Stewarts,
                        How are you doing today? Any plans for the weekend? Just wanted to check in and see how you are.
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          I need to do this...

                          Stewarts... I am on an anti-anxiety medicine also... Called Celexa. I sometimes feel like it makes me drink more than I would otherwise. Any one else have this effect of medication for anxiety. In reality... The alcohol should nullify the medicine but I am not feeling that. Anyway...just be careful. I am thinking anti-anxiety mess ideally should not be mixed with alcohol....and if added only moderately. Good luck with getting control. It's a day to day battle isn't it?


                            I need to do this...

                            Hi Resrch,
                            I had to go off of Celexa because it upset my stomach horribly! My doctor weaned me off it and put me on Prozac, which seems to be working better. I agree that you should not mix these types of medicines with alcohol.
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              I need to do this...

                              I was on Lexapro for years and drank right along with it. I worried about mixing the two (sometimes), and cut back to taking one half pill a day, LOL, instead of cutting back on AL.

                              Stewart I also used to use drugs recreationally (which is apparently not a "real" word). Cocaine was one of my favs, and I also had no trouble not doing to too often, and eventually quitting altogether. However, I drank like a fish when I did it, because you can. LOL, there was no affect to it, except to keep me from flying away.:H The day after, when I was using occasionally (YEARS ago) was always, always extremely depressing for me though, and that is what ultimately made me quit.

                              Now on nothing but cigarettes, and they are probably the worst drug of all. I need to get some help with that.

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath

