I came here and quit for 39 days, and since then I have faltered on 4-5 occasions, but have not been on a bender/binge or overindulged yet. I have become yet another victim of the thinking one starts to indulge after successfully quitting AL for a period of time. That is, that it really wasn't a problem after all. So far, it hasn't been a problem (again), and I've not been craving to drink every day, but I do worry that if I continue to "allow" myself to drink on occasion, it will become daily again, and I do NOT want that.
I haven't begun counting days again yet, but I will soon. I wish you success on whatever your goals are pertaining to AL. I know it's doable, because I was able to quit, albeit for only 39 days, but that was HUGE for someone who hadn't managed a night without drinking for over 10 years.
Anyway, this thread is about you, not me, LOL. Keep posting, and I look forward to seeing you around here!
I crumbled and txt'd her today, I am pretty sure I'm doing the marathon again this year, she responded back quickly very cool. We starting txting about life and business stuff, I slowly started including my flirty things like dear, and other things I say in other languages which I am not going to repeat...nothing bad or dirt, just embarassing:h
Anyway, I needed to go on a run, I was feeling lazy and like a loser, I told her this...so I said avoire and needed to go on a run, which I did....which is the real purpose of this post. Oh, she never responded back, which I know means nothing, or shouldn't. I mean its a great day out....
So, Thursday I had this party at my club to go to. I was already going into feeling in a bad mood with no intention to drink and I didn't. Oh, one of my running buddies, she convinced me to shoot 1/2 a shot of tequila with her...I was like sure, I don't like tequila, I knew it would only accomplish one thing...ensuring I don't drink, which it did. I could feel even that little bit giving me a headache with the Welbutrin. I had no urge to drink or have fun, so I just went home.
Some guys and I in the office, including bosses, decided to play hooky and go golfing, this was planned ahead of time, on Friday. I drove up there. I did drink a few beers playing golf, by choice and very slow. We had some after the round. I kept it simple because, well, I had to drive, which I was fine to do. I get back to the City and my boss invited people over. I don't plan on doing anything else that night, so I do go and hang with the guys. They're drinking intense glasses of scotch. I pass.
I do decide to drink some beers. I'm playing this little experiment with the medication and I know I'm not going anywhere else. Some of them get wrecked, one of them, against my better judgement, left stuff at my place, but insited I have him a half dozen of my Xanaxs, which I did, I know, bad. The kids in my office are already on so much crap...they all claim ADHD. Oh, my Xanax is a prescription for me, a legit one.
So, I leave my bosses, and stop by a diner to bring food home. A pretty early night. One of the idiots from my office keeps calling me, I ignore him. The young ones all went out and I wanted nothing to do with that. The phone buzzer rings, I'm say, "yes," the door man tells me x is coming up for his stuff, I'm like, Ok...I get his clubs... He's in the hallway with some skank. I'm like here you go, he's pretty bombed, well, he's better than when he left my bosses...he says, "yeah, sorry my keys are in here." I respond, "gee shocker, you can get in your place." He wants to hang though, I don't let the two of them into my place. I look at the both of them in the hallway, he says, "come on, lets hang?" I'm in my pajama pants and t shirt. I'm like, no, I want to eat my late dinner in peace and go to bed...this is the part of the story, I'm kind of dick, but do not feel bad, and alcohol has nothing to do with my response. I look at these two in my hall, this young, pretty girl, well, I didn't think she was all that, but you know what I mean...one of these girls that thinks she's all that type, my young idiot associate who's a complete moron, probably wachked on who knows what right now...oh he, has a pretty peculiar apt, which is not uncommon in nyc because the rents are so high, the place is a shit hole, and the shower is in an odd spot, lets just leave it at that...I look at her and say, "have fun, oh, by the way, this is what a real apt in NYC looks like, have fun with the shower in the kitchen."
He actually starts laughing and I shut the door on them. He actually txted me 5 mins later saying how cocky that was and how much he loved...which I know he really thinks that. I responded with something crude not worth mentioning again.
I wanted to run this morning. I got up and couldn't, I felt, well lazy. After watching a bunch of TV, and txt my friend (earlier part of the story), I said f it, if I'm really doing this (the marathon) and I got two days to decide, I need to run...its gorgeous out also.
I get a cup of coffee and walk to central park. It takes me awhile to get moving now a days, I think that's the medication, but the alcohol from the night before didn't help. Oh, I should add, I did not wake up hung over or anything. But then something happened, that hasn't happened in a long time.
I'm running around Central Park, with my ipod, at a decent pace, CP is very hilly for those who know it, know what I'm talking about. I'm feeling good though, I actually started getting running highs, I haven't experienced those in I don't know how long. I was actually enjoying myself. I knew I had some slow miles, my I knew I was running strong, and at the end of the day, the pace was very respectable, much faster than what a training run pace should be.
It was as if I felt an awakening....I can't describe it...
I have a resevervation about doing another marathon...Marathon can be a lonely thing, even if you train with a group, when it comes down to it, its you that makes it happen....while the race is exciting (training can kind of suck)...at the end of it all, and the begining, you start alone, you end alone...its a geat accomplishment, but its solo.
I guess I'm getting real tired, real quickly of doing everything alone now...