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3 days done!!!yeyyy..xx

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    3 days done!!!yeyyy..xx

    morning everyone,
    well got thro day 3,felt really tired yesterday,and bit nauseous this morn,is that part and parcel?? ne way im so proud,ive just been c hanging my routine and its helped so much!! and coming on here has been the biggest help of to work now,i am going to try and not drink today!!!!!taking kids swimming this eve...making a promise keeps me sober! lol xxx:H

    3 days done!!!yeyyy..xx

    Well Done binble01!! Keep up the good is so much worth it!


      3 days done!!!yeyyy..xx


      Don't think we've met so :welcome: to you. I love seeing posts like this in the morning.

      Blooming :goodjob: on 3 days and you've got a plan to see you through this evening. That deserves another :goodjob:

      Oh and the tired and nausea seem to be part and parcel of the healing process. Don't worry give it a few days and it should pass.

      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        3 days done!!!yeyyy..xx

        Well done Bimble. It's a good feeling isn't it?

        P x

        8 days AF now in day 9
        Short term goal 7 days AF


          3 days done!!!yeyyy..xx

          Great job Bimble!


            3 days done!!!yeyyy..xx

            So happy for you Bimble. Don't look back! Keep right on going the way you are going, because you know how hard it is to get started. Be very kind to your body during this period. Stay hydrated, start excercising (this will really help with the fatigue, trust me), eat good food and get plenty of sleep. Vitamins/supplements are also a very good idea. Give your body some time to adjust. I'm just thrilled for you because I know you were trying so hard!
            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
            AF 11/12/11


              3 days done!!!yeyyy..xx

              thank you everyone,just been to the shop i always buy my cider from to get some milk,and was so nice walking past that isle!!!heres to another night AF!! im still bit worried about when a crisis occurs! i always just get pissed!! but will cross that bridge when i come to it xx

