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sighs.. why why why

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    sighs.. why why why

    Wen and Max;

    No one here judges you so when you fall (as we all do sometimes) just post and let your feelings out. We are all here to support you through this incredibly difficult journey.

    Have you tried the thread about what other people are reading? Sometimes reading can help me to not drink (or not to drink so much). It changes the routine so that I'm not just sitting in front of the TV getting smashed. Some good suggestions for books on ALL sorts of topics.

    Best of luck to you both. I hope to hear from both of you again soon.
    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


      sighs.. why why why


      yea.. i also cant do 2 days without alcohol. Ytd was the worse when I drank secretly again and then i had blackout sessions and my bf said I was talking really loud and stuff like that. Now even his mum knows it. Its so bloody embarrassing. We almost broke up because he hates it when i drink and i dun tell him. Everyone ard me especially my parents and frens are very supportive of me. but i hate it when the alcohol takes over me,. The urge is terrible. And i feel possessed as i told me parents. I'm seeking help thru TCM later. Hey, as for the detox patches, they just purge out the toxins from your body by applying the patches on the soles of your feet. U can order them online i think. I'm currently using flexipatch by Nutriworks. Hey, guys i think this is the least we can do for our body. After using the patches I feel better cos it help with body detoxification and rejuvanation. But of cos, it doesnt help with the cravings. I'm just trying to help my body as much as i can since i am already constantly abusing it with alcohol..


        sighs.. why why why

        Stop rationalising. Stop mentally talking yourself into drinking and realise that those thoughts are your own and that they actually belong to the addiction. Take up meditation; it will make you much much emotionally and mentally. Relaxation techniques, sports, hobbies or volunteer work also help as they stop one's mind from being so inwardly focussed. Hmmm - you've probably heard all of this before.


          sighs.. why why why

          did that work for u? did u succeed in doing all those?


            sighs.. why why why

            I don't know for sure about foot detox patches, but I sincerely think they are a scam. Sorry to be a bummer, but I hate seeing people waist there money on this stuff. Coincidentally, there was a segmant on the local news here in Vegas, just last night. What was it on? A foot detox scam!! This particular scam involved using a foot bath with salt, and an ionizer for 40 minutes. With a hidden camera, they showed this women gladly handing over their money. Sure enough, the water would turn all brown and nasty. The reports took this device to several doctors, with ACTUAL degrees i human anotomy. They put distilled water in the device, with the salt, turned it on, and sure enough, brown water. It is some type of chemical reaction. When the reporters confonted the two women running these "parlors", they said, must have been bad water. Well, the reports went out to a bunch of different places, got different brands of distilled water, and guess what. Water turned brown after 40 minutes. These women were clearly busted, yet the continued to say, "we don't know what's going on, but we know this works." Are you F'N kidding me? They were so busted with hard core science. No feet were necessary to change the water brown. Sorry to let people down, but like I said, people are out there to get rich off of your insecurity towards you own health. Answer. Quit drinking, smoking, eat better, and excersice. It's worked for the longest time, and is a LOT cheaper. Sorry this was long, but if it keeps one person from wasting money, it's worth it. I hate scammers!!
            where does this go?


              sighs.. why why why

              Morrison I thought that exact same thing the more I looked at them. I figured there was a chemical reaction from the heat in your body that changes the color, making you feel like they are making a difference. Thanks for sharing that story......
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                sighs.. why why why

                hey guys, it's normal to be cynical. I guess coming from an Asian country, we do have differences in detox patches. I did some research on them before buying and it's been prove. In my country, we have a bio-ray knee guard that uses the same electromagnetic infra red. It's crazy. Doctors endorsed it and it worked. Servral people i know who had bad gout and arthritis felt so much better. One day i was really curious and put one patch on a big bruise on my leg. I usually take at least 1-2 weeks to heal from a bruise since my circulation was really sluggish. The next day, 75% of the bruise was gone. It's quite amazing. In my country we do have pretty strict regulations and the patches i used are from a very renowned company. So, I still do stick to my belief. Well, I'm quite sure they are not forge though. As for detox leg baths, i have had heard off before but many of the physicians especially specializing in chinese medicine say it's quite BS. SO i i gues that's true for that. I guess i'm luccky I was brought up with chinese medical background at home and I do work in a medical line so I guess I do stand by my testimonial

