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    Hi everyone

    Hi everyone I am new here . I have summed up the courage to post this to make my drinking habit a reality that I must address . I try and live a healthy life but the bottle of wine each night is ruining all my good eating and exercise! Why do I do it ? Every morning I wake up and tell myself that today is the day I am going to quit drinking but each evening my good intentions are overwritten by my desire to have a drink of wine. I have a lot of responsibilities both family , extended family and work and wine has always been my 'reward' at the end of the day . I have been a successful athlete and even then I was still drinking most evenings . I still try and exercise most days but my busy life prevents me from being able to train properly . I feel brilliant when I don't drink and so proud of myself , so why can't I quit !

    Hi everyone

    Hi Trigirl,

    Welcome! The good news is that you can quit. But it does take work.

    There's useful info in the Tool Box about what's helped other people. And I found it very helpful to join a regular thread to get support - there are quite a few around the board and a nice bunch of people who understand what it's like.

    Hope you stick around.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      Hi everyone

      Hi Trigirl

      Can really relate to your story. I drank wine every night for the last few years (think it escalated after my youngest child was born and I had post natal depression) . I used to exercise loads - have run 6 marathons, but the drinking took over and any exercise I did was pretty futile. Like you I resolved every morning not to drink that night, but every evening my good intentions would go out of the window and Id start drinking wine again, more and more glasses and starting earlier in the evening.

      This site is amazing, stick around, you'll get so much support. The toolbox Marshy mentioned is a great place to start and why not drop in on the Newbies Nest thread where you'll meet others starting out on their AF journey.

      I'm now on day 58 AF and I couldn't have done it without the support here.

      Look forward to seeing you around.


        Hi everyone

        Hi Trigirl - I think many of us here can relate to your post!

        One thing I'm noticing is that if you can get through 30-days or so the thougt of that bottle of wine each night really diminishes. It is such a nasty habit in the beginning that you will really miss it - but for me anyway, the cravings for that drink after work really almost disappear after 30 days. (They say 21 days to make or break a habit) I was a "trigirl" myself for years and have done about 5 sprit triathlons. I loved it - but like many others here Al got in the way!

        Sending you peace and strength. You can do it!


          Hi everyone

          Replace your wine, with my beer, and our stories are pretty much the same.

          Hate yourself in the AM....NO WAY you are gonna drink tonight, and then BAMMMM!

          There is no magic pill to stop this action. It CAN in fact be done, as many here on the boards are testimony to. The day that you want to be AF(alcohol free), and I mean REALLY want will happen.

          Everyone here uses something different, you need to find what works for you. My first suggestion, is to try to vary your "routine" I think drinking to me became a habit, hell there was nights Id go home and for real.....not want to drink..........but I did it anyway, just because.

          Set some small AF day then 7 days then 14 and so on. Once you reach your goals, you will gain strength and confidence. Believe me when I tell you, the urges get farther apart and easier to dismiss. It sometimes just takes that one step in the right direction.

          Wishing you all the strength, knowledge, and support needed to reach your goals You can do it
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Hi everyone

            Trigirl, welcome!:welcome:

            You feel you can't quit because you're addicted to alcohol. It's a drug........The good news is that you can quit but you really have to want it.......

            Various things have helped people achieve success here. Take the time to read everything you can, post often and make a sobriety plan. The Newbie's Nest is a great place for daily support.

            Sending you peace and strength. :lilheart:


            Hi Nelz - xpost


              Hi everyone

              Thankyou so much for your kind words of encouragement and support. I am determined to be AF today.


                Hi everyone

                Wow I did my first AF day , doing what you suggested Nelz and made today my first goal . Going to bed now so very happy that I did it ! I will probably find it difficult to sleep but just know I am going to feel very good in the morning .


                  Hi everyone

                  Great job Trigirl. Keep it going!!


                    Hi everyone

                    Hi Trigirl and welcome!

                    Great job getting through Day 1, it's not easy, but you did it! After about 4-5 days it will get much easier. I agree with Nelz, you will need to change your routine at first. I know I would drink even when I didn't want to, it was so ingrained in my brain that I would force it down (doesn't make much sense, right?) I made a lot of changes at first. I've mentioned in other posts how I even rearranged my furniture and lamps so that my drinking "spot" didn't look like my drinking spot anymore! Sounds kind of dumb and simple, but I was willing to do anything to quit, and that's how I knew that I would succeed, I wanted it more than anything else. Keep up your momentum from day 1, get a few days under your belt, and you will feel a whole lot stronger. Keep us posted on your progress!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Hi everyone


                      hi Trigirl,

                      Congratulations on day 1! and like many others, our stories are very similar - no triathlons but many sports - drank a bottle of wine every night and trained the next day. After training I had, of course, earned another bottle of wine! What a routine. Like Sausage Af for a while and loved it - then fell off the wagon for a good 3 years. So back on and determined to do it right this time. Great advice to change the routine - and definitely try and keep busy/occupied at drinking time (6pm for me!).

                      It's amazing how quickly you start to feel better, and it gives you the motivation to keep going. Mornings are the biggest buzz - waking up clear headed and knowing you did it!

                      Look forward to seeing you around and good luck!
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        Hi everyone

                        Hi Trigirl!
                        You and I 'talked' briefly on the Conquering Day One thread and I just wanted to reinforce what Arial said about the absolutely great feeling that the mornings after an AF day brings. I went 19 days AF late last year and it was amazing to wake up every day. I remember being in the house alone and saying out loud "day one!", "day two!" etc. I'm working to get back there, and making progress, but I just wanted to lend you my support. Each day does build on each day! Keep in there!

                        When You Change The Way You Look At Things, the Things You Look At Change.....

                        Here's to Change!


                          Hi everyone

                          Big Welcome. I wish you all the best !
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Hi everyone

                            Hi Trigirl, Congrats on day 1, I am new to this site as well, and the whole new stop drinking as well! So I don't have a lot to offer you on that, but don't give up and keep us posted how you are doing. Best of Luck to you!

                            Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some

