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New too!

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    New too!


    Stumbled across this sight while dealing with yet another brutal hangover after 3 bottles of red wine last night...and no memory of even going to bed. Just Reading alot of the posts has already turned my day around. Even though common sense tells you that you're not the only one dealing with this, it is so easy to feel isolated and alone. I think that's one of the hardest things for me...the isolation, disappointment in my lack of self control...depression, anxiety...I could go on and on. Hope I am making sense. I don't think my brain works very well on mornings like this.
    I was reading the post on stupid things you've done while drunk...very funny and sad at the same time. Boy, could I tell some good stories! I have a lot of them!
    Anyway, just wanted to say hi and thanks for the good reading. I am looking forward to getting some support here and hopefully getting my life on the right track!

    New too!


    Welcome to MWO!!!

    Your realization that there are others going through what you are will most surly be reinforced here. As you say it is helpful to know that you are all alone and no help in sight.

    Please download the book and read it...ask for help here..and keep reading the post...

    Best wishes to you! We are all here to help each other!!!
    Control the Mind


      New too!

      I feel like I'm new here all over again, since I've attempted to stop sooooo many times. The posts here are a great inspiration. I know I can relate to the isolation, dissappointment, depression, anxiety - and then some. It helps me to know that other people also feel the way I do. And it helps to visit the long time abstainers area to see that there is hope.

      Best wishes and welcome, Diane


        New too!

        Like Rocky says, Read the book & keeping checking out this sight. You'll get a lot of good info & support here.....IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          New too!

          Hi Joy & :welcome:

          Yes you make perfect sense ......

          You will get all the support that you want here, Keep reading and posting ...

          All the best

          Love & Hugs to help you :h :l :h


            New too!

            Hi, I was exactly like you when I found this site. My head was in a hungover, anxiety ridden, stressed out state of mine and IT SUCKED. You really will get all the help and support you want here. It really does work, can be a challenge but hey so is everything in life worth having.



              New too!

              Welcome Joy,
              We know how you are feeling. We were there not too long ago. Give yourself the gift of sobriety, you are worth it. Please read as many of the posts and let us know how you are doing.
              The people here are wonderfully supportive and never judge you. You are not alone and isolated anymore.
              Please feel free to share your progress and keep us posted.
              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                New too!

                Welcome aboard Joy - we look forward to getting to know you better! Stick with it, like they all just said, the trip iback to good health is well worth it! Wishes for Success! Mary


                  New too!

                  i know exactly how you feel, woke to another morning ,couldnt remember the night before.Blah. Im so tired of being tired, im so sick of laughing it away when i really want to cry.Heres hoping this is the right step .


                    New too!

                    Hi Joy,
                    I'm pretty new here too and like everyone else, know exactly how you feel. You will find tons of support here, no shame, and lots of people who really get it.

                    Welcome aboard:welcome:



                      New too!

                      Welcome to MWO Joy,
                      Your story sounds like mine and so many others here, so you are not alone, and we truly understand the turmoil you're going through, and yes, you're making perfect sense.
                      Joy, you'll get lots of caring support here,and some good advice.
                      Ah, the track is there for us all to get on, and occassionally fall of, and if you do fall off occassionally, the great thing is that you get heaps of help to get back on those tracks and keep headed toward your goal. It's a wonderful, rewarding journey. Stick with it.


                        New too!

                        Welcome Joy!

                        Cannot tell you the number of times I have woken up and not remembered how I got to bed. It's a really crappy feeling and I am trying to not get that far into drinking each night. I am just trying to slow down at the end of the night. It's a small goal, but we need to take baby steps sometimes.

                        Stay with us and keep posting.
                        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

