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hello to you all

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    hello to you all

    Hi .wow how refreshing to be free to share feelings re alcohol dependency.signed up a few hours ago and just back on as entering danger zone time wise to start drinking!!!
    Got a book and a bath lined up and then face mask(might help broken veins which i attribute to alcohol(though i know most of my family have the veins and arent drinkers)
    Need to fill the next few hours until bed time in a constructive way. Really want to moderate drinking but hope not to drink today.remains to be seen if i can cope with moderate drinking on saturday at a family meal.
    Have drank daily for years.... from a few glasses of wine to........ a bottle and a half of wine.

    Its the shame I cant bear the shame if I get liver disease (probably have it anyway by now)It seems futilel to have poisoned myself for so long...thats addiction for you.
    I hope using this sight , the power of prayer and trying to plan in advance my evenings that new beginnings are ahead.

    Godd Luck to everybody who has planned not to drink today...we can do it????????

    Regards Cassy:

    hello to you all

    Welcome Cassy! You have come to a great place where we all understand what you are going through. Look forward to getting to know you more......:welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      hello to you all

      Cassy, welcome to the MWO family! :welcome:

      Don't be too hard on yourself - the fact that you're even trying to stop says that you are admitting you have a problem and want to deal with it.

      Time to hold the head up high and start planning your new life! I encourage you to get and read the MWO book if you haven't already, lots of good stuff in there. Also, you'd be surprised how resilient the body is - it can bounce back from just about anything, you just need to give it the chance.

      Start out one day at a time (sounds like you have a plan in place for tonight already), and go from there. Best of luck to you, and again, welcome!
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        hello to you all

        Hi Cassy........................Yes! We can do it and so can you!

        Keep reading and posting and go to chat and wait for someone to come ona and talk! It helps a lot!
        :welcome: and buckle up for a ride through MWO land! You'll find many friends here and lots of support!

        :h Nancy
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          hello to you all


          Welcome to MWO, I believe this is one of the BEST steps you can take to start or continue your journey to moderation or abs. You are already putting steps in place to replace or occupy yourself form alcohol. That's great!

          If you have not yet I highly recommend you read the Book (download it on web site)

          Read the posts here as much as you can...ask lots of questions...get the supplements

          And most of all you will find the members here understanding, supportive and helpful...we all want each other to succeed

          Prayers and blessing to you!!!
          Control the Mind


            hello to you all

            Welcome Cassy..everyone has said it already! You've made a great step for your life and have lots of folks right here with you. Lifting prayers up to you as well.


              hello to you all

              Hi Cassy,
              Welcome! We're all in the same boat, grab a paddle and start rowing. Sobrity is what we're all looking for. You've come to right place. A lot of good support here......IAD
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                hello to you all

                Hi Cassy & :welcome:

                You certainly have come to the right place,

                I love this site, I find that i'm on here of an evening when I used to be drinking.

                All the best with it ...

                Love & Hugs :h :l :h

