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    Hi, I've been coming to this site for the last couple of years and its been really helpful. I stopped drinking alcohol totally a couple of years ago, I'm in my ealry 40's and got fed up feeling ill everymorning and embarrashing myself infront of the kids.
    Over the past 6 months I started having a couple of glasses of red wine again in the evenings (actually the GP told me it wouldn't do me any harm! I think she needed justification herself to drink) and yesterday was my birthday and I had more than a couple and feel crap this morning. I know I can stop, I did do for a long time and it was the best thing I ever did, I felt so much better, I don't know why I decided to go back but thats the addiction bit creeping back in I suppose. My husband likes a drink in the evenings and I think he presured me too, although when I drank the wine last night I was on my own so I can't blame him.
    Well, I didn't post anything last time, just read the posts, but I'm going to start now, maybe everyday to get me back on track, so Hello.
    I've got to go to work now and I've got a really busy day ahead of me so I'm really wishing I had more control last night, but hey, you can't turn back the clock and as long as I can get back on the sober path again I will just have to do the best I can.
    bye for now


    Welcome back springclean :-) You know what you have to do,also I find by posting and being around like minded posters with the same goal as oneself is very helpfull and Important, Good luck and hope to see you around the forum.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



      Hello Springclean, Welcome back.:welcome:welcome: and good luck!



        Hi springclean,

        Glad you decided to join us

        Please jump in the Newbies Nest & introduce yourself!
        Lots of folks there just getting started or restarted, lots of support available.
        Now you know for sure, just one or two will lead us right into trouble. Staying completely away from AL is what most of us have to choose to do to be happy & healthy

        Wishing you the best!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



          Hi Springclean & Wecome back
          I have just come back here & our stories are simular i have been A/F 4 days and comming back here was the best thing i have done in a long while.
          Hope to see you on the newby nest xx
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over



            Welcome Springclean

            I heard it too some red wine is fine for your health, some new study comes out every year it seems, problem is I wouldnt be where I am If I could just stop at 2 drinks. I am a female, slim 37 years old. I would never eat while drinking which made it worse since I knew if ate my buzz would go way down. So far I have met so many wine drinkers, oh well AL is AL and ive never really heard anything good come from abusing it, like I was.. I was a hardcore vodka drinker for years. atleast a fifth a day. Since we cannot buy AL on Sundays here , If I ran out of my hard stuff, I would go for the wine , tho It mostly put me to sleep. Yes the newbies nest has some great support.



              SC, welcome back and thanks for posting.........

              Just wanted to mention...........the supposed benefits about a couple of glasses of wine are debateable (I've read scholarly publications that debunk the theory). Most studies have been funded by people with vested interests, i.e. the alcohol industry. The longer I'm away from Al the more I realize how bad any amount was for me.

              Even if I could have one or two glasses I wouldn't go back to it.........In retrospect I hate the seesaw, roller coaster effect of even the smallest amount of alcohol - I now consider it poison for my system.

              Wishing you the best..........sober is so much better (sounds like you've figured that out ).



                Hi SC and welcome!
                We are glad you are here, it's a great place for support and information. I couldn't have gotten (or stayed) sober without this place and these wonderful people! I was a 12+ beer per day drinker, for about a decade. I thought I'd never get off the roller-coaster-from-hell, but I did finally, and you CAN too. Please stick around and keep posting. I look forward to hearing more from you.
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



                  Happy Birthday SC. Sorry you overindulged and felt bad this morning. However, that brought you here, so look at it as a good thing.

                  Keep posting and join in on the Newbie's Nest!

                  "I like people too much or not at all."
                  Sylvia Plath



                    Thanks everyone for a warm welcome, I will look at the newbie site.
                    I agree about the myth and red wine, its funny how many people hang onto that, but alcohol is alcohol not matter what its wrapped up in. but its so hard not to resist, especially as the media make it acceptable, one of the reasons I stopped was because my kids were becoming teenages and apart from the fact that they noticed when I had been drinking, I didn't want it to become the norm like it was when I grew up.
                    I managed such a long time without it and I know I can do it again, even though I never posted on here I came on every day to read the posts and they were really helpful, in fact I feel like I know most people, I think it was Mario's posts about reasons to give up that helped me so much in the past.
                    Good luck to everyone too, it really is worth it, I felt so much healthier last time

