well, I just joined after finding this site when searching for on-line alcohol dependency tests. Knew I had a problem, confirmed by every test!, but kind of don't want to believe it. However - here's the truth: I have only had maybe a couple of alcohol free nights in as many years and am now doing a bottle and a half of wine a night minimum. I often drink in the day, drink any weird stuff knocking about in the drinks cupboard if there's no wine in the house (e.g. Kir, for heaven's sake) and have often driven under the influence. I am piling on the pounds, and my skin looks awful. I am promted to take control of this by the fact that I have no recollection whatsoever of having sex with my husband on two separate occasions this month. Not good guys, is it?
I feel like crap most days, and wake up at 3 am every night racked with guilt and determination to"be good" the next day. It never happens. My husband drinks (very good) wine every night but I drink more than he knows about (and it's not about the taste anymore for me but about getting smashed). It's hard to stop when you have an accomplice.
So here I am. I will read the book and try the program. I am nervous about the drugs, and anyway have no idea what a British GP would say - any other Brits out there?
I have a boozy sociable weekend ahead of me - any tips on how to start before getting the cds / supplements etc? I'm scared of losing momentum.
Kate x