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New nervous from England...

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    New nervous from England...

    Welcome Kate! Good job on your moderating tonight!!

    I was just reading through this thread and noticed you have put alcohol in mugs to 'hide' the fact you were drinking. I did that all of the time!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! (Sorry not laughing at you, laughing at myself). My ex use to think I was a total twit for hiding it like that. But anywho.... welcome! And no we are not a cult!!!! Much love and support is all you will find here!


      New nervous from England...

      Welcome Kate,
      Just read all the posts to you and wasn't going to say anything except welcome.
      Then I just read your last post.
      Isn't it a great feeling when it all goes right for you! You must be so happy and pleased and proud.
      Truly facing the problem within our deepest recesses of the heart and mind is when the "now or never" choices arise. And wow, look what you've done with your decision! No faltering, just straight into it.
      I am so very happy for you. This is a great step, and you'll probably feel a great relief that everything is in the open, so that's one less thing to worry about. So perhaps your husband might join you here? You'll be able to help each other out too, and that's what we need more than anything else. Help, support and no judgement. Welcome to MWO.


        New nervous from England...

        :welcome: Kate,

        What a fantastic start you have made.

        You can do this.
        Enough is enough


          New nervous from England...

          :goodjob: Kate....

          An excellent start...


            New nervous from England...

            I just found this site yesterday. I'm here because I am afraid I am about to die. I've stopped trying to figure out my behavior. I just seem to drink because I drink.


              New nervous from England...

              Noma, Hi & :welcome:

              There are lots of supportive people here and we will all do our best to help in any way we can ....

              We have all been there and I like what you said 'I drink because I drink' ... so true for many of us.

              You've made the first step by realising it ......

              Read as many posts here as you can, we all have different ideas so i'm sure that you will find something that helps you.

              Love & Hugs to help you :h :l :h


                New nervous from England...

                Great start Kate and welcome! I just found this site last weekend and received the book/tapes/supplements yesterday. Now I have to find where to order the meds on line. Don't want to see my dr.......

                I think this is a great group of supportive people. I keep reading posts and it sounds like my story. I can't wait to finish the book and get started. I'm so tired of getting up in the morning and feeling like crap


                  New nervous from England...

                  Hi Noma,

                  welcome to the site. You have made a start on the road to recovery just by finding this site.

                  When I first found MWO I was feeling desperate as if there was no hope.

                  Someone advised me to read, read and read. I must admit to feeling slightly disappointed as I wanted a magic cure.

                  I read the book and many posts on here and my life has changed immeasurably since then.

                  It can change for you too.:l

                  Love Waves
                  Enough is enough


                    New nervous from England...

                    Good start Kate, I hope it is that easy for you!
                    Welcome Noma, this is a lovely place.

                    Waves is right, reading everything is the best thing you can do to start. This site has changed my life too.


                      New nervous from England...

                      :welcome: Kate!

                      You've come to the right place.:l
                      :h :h :h :h


                        New nervous from England...

                        Kate, You've come to the right place! Lots of support and help here.....Welcome!.....IAD

                        Most people that drink suffer from depression. (On Zoloft myself) Try reading the MWO book & the Holitics.There is a section on this web site that discuss holitics & vitamin theraphy. Thier is a lot of support & love here, you've come to the right place...........Welcome!.......IAD
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          New nervous from England...

                          Welcome to both Noma and Kate!

                          I am pretty new here myself but can tell you what an amazing feeling it is to know that there is support and understanding from so many people from all over the world. You will feel it too. We all have stories and so many of them are familiar to each other. Read, post, check back often. We are all here for you and the you will find that the power of "email" hugs are worth their weight in gold.

                          Welcome:welcome: , luv :h and hugs :hug: to you both. You have made the first step!
                          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                            New nervous from England...

                            Hi Kate and welcome,

                            I'm quite new here too and from the UK. I know what you mean about your husband (so many others have said the same).

                            My fiance drinks a bottle of wine or a small bottle of spirits plus a couple of cans of cider or beer every single night and is absoultely fine, just maybe goes to sleep a little earlier than I would like, which leaves me lonely and wanting to drink. Mind you that's a lame excuse as sometimes I can't wait for him to go to bed, so the poor boy can't win. I just wish I could drink without it changing my behaviour I woke up the other day and I had somehow managed to crack a cast iron skillet and ruin one of mu kitchen sufaces. My fiance slept through it so I was having an argument with myself!!!!

                            I am looking into the supps and had some success with Kudzu before Christmas, I bought it from Holland and Barratt but I have left another post asking for advise between what's available in the UK & abroad as there can be differences I think.

                            My fiance is a charge nurse and he thinks it unlikely UK GPs will prescribe TOPA but you can get it from the internet.

                            Good luck anyway.

                            Thanks Kitty,
                            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

