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May makeover

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    May makeover

    Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to see how you're all doing today! Not much to report here. Just plugging away, staying AF and keeping up with my Shred. I'm sore as heck today, but I guess that's a good thing.

    Well, guess I better get to work, but I'll check in later...I hope you're all well!!

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      May makeover

      Hi Everyone,

      All is well here, took the my doggie out for a walk and now it's time study my software programs. When you say you "shred" that means you are working out, right? I too, have been trying to get into a routine of studying about 4 hrs on the computer and then going out for a 3 to 4 mile run. Exercise or just being outside is GOLDEN in my opinion in helping with staying AF and also it does help your state mind as well. Once I start working, I will start to train again for a half marathon but this time it will be so much better because I will be rewarding myself with a nice sushi dinner instead of 2 bottles of wine. I would go to bed with a nice sushi dinner in my belly, then to pass out with alcohol in my system damaging my insides and to wake up with a hang over, only to have slept the whole day, not walking the dog and feel like crap. Sheesh, I can't believe that I would put myself through this and for what I just need to keep reminding myself of those days.

      Anywho, K9 a special thanks for posting and keep writing those wonderful words of encouragement and definitely inspiration you give to others. Not to mention, you sure do have a great sense of humor and talk about "hitting the nail on the head" on the reality of "if I have just one drink" it sure has hit home with me.

      Hope everyone is doing well......have a great AF day!!!

      AF Day 16
      AF Since May 2nd 2012


        May makeover

        I'm so happy that so many of you are replacing AL with alcohol. I try to use this as a justification, but I always have too many pitfalls. I am training for my 5th marathon, someone said to me once, that should help, it doesn't. My best marathon (3:40), I'm pretty sure I consumed the most alcohol during that training year. It's like after th efirst one, you feel superhuman, like you can do anything and nothing can get in your way.

        Hockey is even worse...all hockey players are into drinking beer, it kind of comes with the sport, hard to explain, but a beer feels real good after a hockey game...I noticed the same with skiing, although, I like to get to bed early on my ski trips to hit the snow early the next day.

        Anyway, I know I'm making excuses. I've been very good drinking in moderation when I go out, but now, it might because I'm stressed, and my depression has been kicking in lately...I have 2 or 3 drinks, get a great night sleep and still feel jittery the next day...

        Oh this life sucks...


          May makeover

          Stewarts -

          Did you mean replacing alcohol with exercise? If not, I am royally confused. LOL

          Sorry you feel life sucks. I think if you completely removed alcohol, you'd notice a big difference. Having 2 or 3 once in a while is just enough to keep the anxiety and depression levels up.
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            May makeover

            Yes, excercise to replace...sorry...


              May makeover

              Bad news guys.. Back to day one for me...
              Been going to the gym heaps though..
              Eating well too.

              Here I go and back to day one. Maybe third time lucky ??
              Today I chose to start living!


                May makeover

                Hi All!

                Well I am frustrated today!!! I exercised every day and never went over 1,500 calories per day, and I did not lose ANY pounds!!! I talked to my best guy friend who is a trainer and workout King, and he said my calories went too low, my body shut down. So back up to 1,800 per day this week along with exercise. It's just so annoying. I know it's because I'm about to turn the dreaded 4-0...isn't it? LOL

                How are the rest of you doing?
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  May makeover

                  You're friend is right, you body needs food to work out. I don't know what you're doing, meaning workout wise, how your training, type, etc.. eg. cardio, stength, etc. but depending on what you're doing you could've put on some muscle...muscle weighs more than fat.

                  I'm not doing too well today. I did drink some over the weekend, but that's not it. I started feeling optimisitic about my whole personal dilemma, but I don't know, maybe its the weather, I'm feeling crappy about it again! This up and down is making me CRAZY now. I even told the story, again, to another female friend, who actually knows her, so I kept her in the dark as to who it was, she probably assumes it some old college friend or something, anyway, she said the same thing as everyone else and that male/female friendships are easier to resolve then female/female, because they carry grudges.

                  I don't know what she could holding grudge about, me NOT acting like an idiot and her acting like one?

                  Anyway, its a blue day for me....I did drink over the weekend, but not crazy, I'd like to go the whole week not drinking.


                    May makeover

                    Hi stewarts.
                    Thinking of you whilst you feel down
                    I hope today gets better for you.
                    Today I chose to start living!


                      May makeover

                      Hi Everyone,

                      I'm taking a break from working out. I'm leaving town on Thursday and won't be back until Sunday night. I plan to start my next DVD on Monday. I'm let down after last week, I feel like I was so dedicated...all for naught. Zip. Zilch. I guess I'll blame it on my old age...I used to be able to skip 2 meals and lose 5 pounds. LOL The joys of entering my 40's are beginning, and I'm not even there yet!

                      Stewarts - I like your idea that I put on muscle, yeah, let's go with that!

                      Ok, I hope everyone is well. Stay strong and remember that alcohol is NOT your friend!

                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        May makeover

                        Hey guys

                        I'm finally here to admit that I'm not getting a Makeover this May...:H

                        I have been sober a month and then had two days off and have been sober since May first so in my mind that is a fantastic Makeover.

                        What I mean is I haven't lost any more weight this month. Also, I have been terrible at keeping up with this thread and it's just making me feel guilty

                        I promise its not personal but at the time I signed on here I already signed on at 5 others and I'm a sucker for getting to know everyone at threads. I really hate just bouncing in and out and thats what I've been doing.

                        I know May is not over with but its been a hell of a ride with my bipolar acting up, breaking up with my boyfriend and making up again, being diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Disorder. And this morning I woke up with a big cold. :upset:

                        To be honest I think this is the universe's way of telling me that after I quit the booze my body is finally showing me what have been going on 'under' it all along, what I've been hiding from. So if I take care of my mood and of my hormonal issues, the weight will come off.

                        But to simply start on some fad diet and force myself to excercise when I can barely get out of bed seem a bit harsh. Also bear in mind that I'm in the Southern Hemisphere so its Winter now

                        I'm not excusing myself and I have every intention to drop the pounds but I started afresh today with buying some books on health. I will be kind to myself and take care of my *health* first, then look at the *vanity* aspect later.

                        I will see you around the boards, especially on Maykin it Sober, another thread I have been neglecting.



                          May makeover

                          Dizzy, be kind to yourself.
                          Pcos is something big to tackle and painful.
                          Your doing amazingly with AF days adding quickly!
                          Well done on your achievement so far!!
                          Today I chose to start living!


                            May makeover

                            I'm new here...looks like I'm back to day one. ugh. made it a couple weeks. didn't have any withdrawal symptoms, I've only been drinking for 4 months, but still i know i have a problem and want to stop it now. glad i found these forums, its good to know I'm not alone. I started experiencing that terrible cycle and downward spiral, the shame and feelings of guilt...decided i needed to stop because of it, I'm better than this...found these forums and they've made me feel so much better. glad to know I'm not alone.


                              May makeover

                              Hi Freshstart,

                              You are definitely NOT alone. I'm glad you've found us, please keep posting so we can get to know you! Again, welcome!

                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                May makeover

                                Omg god fresh start!!! Well done for even realizing you need/ felt you had to do something about it!
                                Stick with us and the newbies nest, we are all here for you and everyone else.
                                We are all sailing the same boat ... So to speak and some of the members with a fare bit of AF time unber there belt offer a wealth of knowledge!

                                K9, I know your ur away, but I ordered the shred video/ DVD... Here we go!
                                Hope ur having a safe and enjoyable trip x
                                Today I chose to start living!

