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YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

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    YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

    First night totally alcohol free!!!!!!

    It was a struggle last night, as I posted in another thread, hubby chugging down the wine in front of me. But I resisted!!! I slept really well, have woken up a bit tired, but feel great.!!!!

    Its funny, I am so used to not remembering the night before, I had to think really hard whether I was drunk or not last night.

    What I am doing to motivate and counteract that weird cant remember feeling, is I have put a calender on the fridge, just before I go to sleep, if I haven't drunk anything, I put a gold star on the date. This morning there is the first gold star!!!!)))

    So apart from feeling chuffed its there, it will also help me to remember what I am doing....hopefully being sober in the evening will become a normal thing...

    YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

    Well done Daya!

    It's no insignificant thing, and you did it!

    Please keep us posted on how you do - remember to watch for the old temptations and recognise them for what they are.

    All the best!


      YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

      Daya, Yes...................YOU are a star!! Life is so much fun without al!! keep posting and lat us know how you are doing. Day 2 today????


        YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

        U did good Daya
        Its such a great feeling waking up with no hangover and actually remembering what happened the night before. It gets better as time passes. The hardest part foir me was learning the coping skills that I needed when that stress came and normally I would grab that bottle.
        I hope you acheive more and more days of AF free days!!


          YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

          Well done Daya, the gold star is a really good idea keep it up xx
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

            Well done. The gold star is a great idea and you will see them adding up.
            Enlightened by MWO


              YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

              Great idea

              I think I'll do that! I think the visual of accumulating stars will be kind of neat


                YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

                Great job Daya!

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

                  Thanks guys and gals!!! I had some urge surfing tonight, it's cold here, and tubby has made a yummy casserole..... The red seemed like it would be perefect. It's amazing how the MHD works, probably about every 3 seconds, different thought of denning would come up. Like the little devil on the shoulder. Saying " go on, I won't hurt. It will be great with the meal. Just have half"... It lasted for about10 minutes . I had water instead. I want to see those stars build!!!!

                  Thanks for the encouragement!!! Xxx


                    YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

                    Well now, I just happen to have a shiny new one laying around.......well done to your first AF night, and wishing you many more.

                    Attached files [img]/converted_files/1840548=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

                      Thanks Nelz!!!!

                      I love that star!!! Very friendly))

                      I just reread my last post, bloody intuitive Iphone, sounds like I was drunk)


                        YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

                        Fantastic Daya, the gold stars is a great idea.
                        Someone on here said to me - see the AF days as a string of pearls adding up, and that's another nice way to look at it too.

                        Now just keep going, post on here whenever you are struggling. The first few days will be tough but it will get easier.

                        You can do it and it will be SO worth it.

                        Sausage x
                        Day 67


                          YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

                          Yay Daya! You are doing it! Stay strong and you will see those stars taking over your calendar. I have been doing a sticker/calendar thing for years. This whole year is full of psychadelic heart stickers for me! You will get there too! Just do it one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time. Good job so far, keep up the great work!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

                            Way to go!!! The first day is the biggest one!! AWESOME!!:goodjob:
                            Started living again 2/7/2015


                              YAY!!!!! Gold Star for ME!!!!

                              you're really strong for getting on with this and i'm proud of you for making it through that first day!
                              you have to take care of yourself before you can make any big decisions. -- the gold stars are a great idea, which i'm going to take on myself.

