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Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site :)

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    Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site :)

    Hi there! :new:

    I need to stop drinking. I have been drinking regularly for about 12 years now. I drink because I'm depressed. I don't get any help for my depression because my doctors were completely useless. I finally went to see a doctor a few weeks ago but was crying so much I could hardly speak. So I didn't get to tell him about the drinking. I don't know where to look for help. I don't think the AA is for me because I fear speaking in front of a group of people. In fact, I struggle to talk to just one person.

    Where do I get help? I'm in the UK.

    Sometimes I think that it's pretty obvious; just stop buying alcohol, simple. But for some reason, it isn't actually that simple. I crave alcohol. Often I wake up & can't be bothered with food so just reach for a can. I drink mainly beer, but will drink pretty much anything I can get my hands on. I drink until I pass out. I struggle to sleep without it. I use drink when I'm stressed out or depressed, and I use it when I'm happy as a reward I drink every day. I often black out & can't remember how I got to bed. I mainly drink on my own.

    I'm overweight, even though I barely eat. I'm always tired, pale, and my body aches. My stomach is bloated. I look a mess. I would rather spend money on drink than new clothes. My relationship with my partner often suffers because of my drinking. Apparantly when I'm really drunk I can get angry or really depressed.

    So any tips/ advice would be really appreciated. :thanks:

    Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site

    Welcome JayJay.:welcome: I'm so glad you're here. Today is a good day to quit.

    I used to drink every day too. Well, I drank every night. By some miracle I was able to hold down my job, just, and would come home to my rum and pepsi every single evening. I know what you mean about depression too. Alcohol intensifies it, and is sometimes the sole reason for it. I thought I had some kind of freakish anxiety problem and my hands would shake when I was nervous...for years! Giving up alcohol stopped all that, and has helped with my depression immensely!

    I also know what you mean about passing out at night. That was almost nightly for me as well. When I didn't drink much or not at all (about once or twice in 10-12 years), I couldn't sleep either. I won't lie to you...It will take about a week or two before you can sleep soundly through the night without alcohol, but it's worth the wait, and being tired and NOT hungover is better than the alternative.

    Check out the Tool Box on this site, and post in the Newbie's thread every day (or more!)...and you will get tons of support and tips. Glad to have you here!:l


    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site

      Hi JJ!
      I am glad you have found us. I can relate to your drinking cycle. For over 10 years I drank at least 12 beers per night. I would black out then pass out every single night. But before that, I would act like a complete asshole and sometimes even drive when I shouldn't have. Simply put, I was a mess. Stumbling into work every day hungover, staring at the clock wishing I could take a nap, barely scraping by, and then going home and doing it all over again. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it? And I would look so DUMPY at work all the time. Red, swollen face, sweatshirts and stained jeans. I'm honestly suprised nobody ever asked me what was going on! I am happy to say that this cycle CAN be broken. It's not easy at first, but it gets easier as time goes on. Please stick around this site and share your story so we can get to know you better. You've found a wonderful community. I wouldn't be sober today without these wonderful people.
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site

        Hi Jay Jay!

        I have been drinking every night since I was 15 (I'm now 38). For years I have researched my disease. I am so glad I finally gave in to "MWO". Through a combination of the Hypnotherapy, vitamins and supplements and topomax, I am slowly quitting. My husband poured my a shot last night, and I really didn't want it. Should have just poured it down the sink. My problem right now is that it's in our house because my husband hasn't accepted any help with his drinking problem.

        This is a disease which changes our brain chemistry and depletes our bodies of vital nutrients. You need to replace lost supplements and re-write your brain (hypno). The Topomax has worked great also for me (mroe than naltrexone) and I also believe 450 mg of Holy Basil (an herbal supplement) has reduced cravings - it supports sugar and fat metobolism). First thing I'd do is get the book from this website (maybe even get the starter kit?). Let me know if I can help you with anything!
        I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


          Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site

          Jayjay, welcome!:welcome:

          We've all been where you're at - craving alcohol! Years of drinking changed our brains by shutting down dopamine receptors and changing our neural pathways.

          I don't know where you get help in the UK, but as far as this site goes, just read around. There's a ton of information available about things that are helping others (already some good advice posted here).

          Be sure to visit the Newbie's Nest under Just Starting Out and the Toolbox under Monthly Abstinence.

          Best to you,
          UN :lilheart:


            Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site

            Welcome JayJay. I'm in the same boat as you. Wow , what a mess to be in. Every morning I try to figure out were I had hidden the beer cans from my family. One day I forgot one...... and about a week later my daughter found it in the dining room cabinet and said : Daddy "Look what I found, Mommy's beer can.

            Let's do this and take control back!


              Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site

              Welcome JayJay, this boat seems to be pretty big. I have mastered drinking and passing out early enuf so I still get my sleep for work. On the weekends, I don't bother counting or watching the clock. I am new here and can't offer much in the way of wisdom, but I have a great capacity to listen with an open mind, and open heart.
              :hDOING THIS FOR ME FOR TODAY!:h

              WORD FOR THE DAY: HUMBLE

              DAY - 1 Done
              DAY - 2 Processing
              DAY - 3
              DAY - 4
              DAY - 5
              DAY - 6
              DAY - 7
              DAY - 8
              DAY - 9
              DAY -10


                Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site

                It's good to hear from you JayJay. I'm on my second round here at MWO and hundreth day 2 AF. I know MWO can work if we work at it. As leciejo said, you're in a big boat with lots of others that are hiding and trying to get past similar struggles and failures. I'm far from being a success at this but the book is a good place to start and the toolbox string on this forum. Rest, water/herb tea and sleep are very important. I'm trying to remember to check if I'm hungry, thirsty or tired when the cravings start. Usually if I take care of one of those the craving subsides. If it doesn't come here and read or post.

                I'm happy to be here for you and appreciate the fellowship.
                The happiest life is that which constantly exercises and educates what is best in us.

                Day 1 - 4/30/12
                Day 5
                Day 14
                Day 30
                Day 60
                Day 90
                Day 120
                Day 360

