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Why me?

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    Why me?

    I'm so sick of this roller coaster ride and the shame. How do I stop? If I have one drink, it is like a switch went off and I will drink till I'm drunk. And of course the next morning I will feel awful, but come Friday I will drink again.

    What is wrong with me? My husband is getting sick of this and I have more hungover days at work than ever.

    Is there medication that will stop the urge to drink? Any advise would be appreciated.

    Why me?

    Me 2 Me 2

    Hi Chard, I have no advice, I just want to say you are not alone. I am in the same boat you are. No drinking, fine. One and I am here til the clock stops. My husband is very supportive but does not understand why I keep pouring, neither do I. Stick around and take today for today. I will not do it today. :welcome:


    DAY - 1 Done
    DAY - 2 Processing
    DAY - 3
    DAY - 4
    DAY - 5
    DAY - 6
    DAY - 7
    DAY - 8
    DAY - 9
    DAY -10


      Why me?

      I am right there with you guys... depending on the day. Last Wed night I went to dinner with the hubs and had one glass of chard... Last night I multiplied this over and over and over.... I rarely have a sober Monday. I think I try to reward myself for cleaning house and laundry but rarely do I enjoy my Tuesday morning!!!! Hang in there and I will too!!!


        Why me?

        Hi Chardonnay. I think that 85% of us at MWO could have written your post.

        Natural supplements that may help are L-Glutamine and Kudzu. I've never taken Kudzu, but you can do a search here to read more about it. I have taken L-Glutamine before and found that it helped me quite a bit with cravings. I took 4000mg a day in divided doses. Again, search the site to see what others recommend. As far as prescription meds go, there is a medication forum here where you'd find more info.


          Why me?

          Chard-- I feel you so! Here is one thing I learned after agonizing over this for a billion years. It seemed the only choice I had was the choice to pick up the first drink. If I drank one more often than not it was lights out. There was no control. I spent way too much time trying to figure out why that was. There would be the odd time I would have 2 or 3 drinks which seemed "normal". But what was not normal was how I felt about it. As for craving drink-- I was fortunate in that I generally did not if I did not have the first one or get around it. However-- in the meds section there are lots of threads about meds that are used to fight cravings. I take a med called topamax that helps with anti craving-- I take it for migraine. Many swear by it. Good luck !


            Why me?

            Hi Chard,
            I could have SWORE I posted in your thread already, but I don't see it anywhere. I guess I had a Senior Citizen moment. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you are NOT alone, it's not just you...we can all identify with what you're feeling. I drank a 12 pack+ every night for over a decade. I never thought I'd get off the roller-coaster, but I was able to with the help of MWO and medication called Antabuse. Please stick around and tell us your story so we can share in your journey!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Why me?

              Chard - same as Flyaway - and also, please read my post under the "Hi, I'm new here! Just found this site " thread.
              I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                Why me?


                You've been a MWO member for quite some time but haven't posted much!
                Have you ever read the MWO book? It has the answers you seek but please keep in mind that you have to do the work. This is a good program, there's lots of support here too.

                Take a look in the for some great oodeas to help you put a plan together.
                Drop in the Newbies Nest for ongoing support

                Wishing you the best!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Why me?

                  Chard - Thank you for posting your struggle so honestly. I feel a less alone now.

                  I've been up and down this rollercoaster for years and maybe the worst part is thinking that I'm the only one who can't control how much I drink. One glass leads to a bottle, two, more. My only concern when I get started is if there is enough wine in the house and, if I need to get more, doing it before I'm to wasted to go out. My family is loving and kind but I see them watching how much I'm drinking and I know it makes them uncomfortable.

                  Today is day 2. In the past the supplements and Topiramate didn't work for me. I don't know what to try this time so I'll keep reading everyone's advice.

                  Thanks everyone!

                  The happiest life is that which constantly exercises and educates what is best in us.

                  Day 1 - 4/30/12
                  Day 5
                  Day 14
                  Day 30
                  Day 60
                  Day 90
                  Day 120
                  Day 360


                    Why me?

                    Thank you all for your replies. As you can see I found this site back in 2006 and thought I can handle this drinking problem. Well it is 2012 and I still have the problem. I have read the book in 2006 but I will go back tonight and start over.

                    I'm so glad I'm not alone and I have found such great support.


                      Why me?

                      Chardonnay;1308513 wrote: Thank you all for your replies. As you can see I found this site back in 2006 and thought I can handle this drinking problem. Well it is 2012 and I still have the problem. I have read the book in 2006 but I will go back tonight and start over.

                      I'm so glad I'm not alone and I have found such great support.

