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    Just want to say hello . I am feeling very scared at moment at taking this big decision to quit drinking, so wish me luck..



    Welcome Dancer

    Good luck
    Glad you made it here.

    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



      Hey Dancer, welcome. I am fairly new. I have been here since December, this place is great, read through all the posts, they are great and the people here are wonderful.

      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.



        Thank you Beaches and Victoria for your welcome. I am going to try and do this without taking any medication, I will take some of the supps though. I have heard Kudzu mentioned in a lot of the posts I have been reading before I registered, is it really as good as people say in controlling the cravings?



          Welcome Dancer,

          "you dancer, me dasher" sounds like Santa's riendeer reunion

          This site is helping me so much, you are making a great decision to stop drinking, the people on hear help you through all kinds of "ups" and "downs". You have made that all important first step.

          Stay positive Dancer, and check out the LAUGHS section if you're ever feeling a tad down.
          much love



            :welcome: Dancer!

            Just wanted to welcome you and say "mindset" is everything

            You can do this!
            :h :h :h :h



              Hi Dancer & :welcome:

              You really have found the right place, the people are so supportive and helpful.

              I've never tried Kudzu so can't help there,

              All the best xx



                Hi and welcome.




                  Hi Dancer, I'm a newbie too (Friday). We can hold web-hands!

                  I bought all the supps at my local health food shop (Holland and Barrett in the UK) without problem. The Kudzu isn't the same strength as the one sold by the MWO on-line shop but I'll give it a go. I'm going to give this programme a try with out the medication (I'm on anti-depressants so am cautious about mixing it all up)

                  (Not sufficiently cautious about mixing SSRIs + booze however - *laughs bitterly*)

                  Welcome and good luck. I have my most sober weekend in 2 years just because of this site. Kate x



                    Welcome Dancer. A lot of people notice a decrease in their cravings from the kudzu, but it is not a magic pill. You need to be in the right mindset as well. The quality of the kudzu you buy on this website cannot be beat! I wish you the best.........:welcome:
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                      Well I would like to thank you all for your warm welcome, i have a gut feeling that I have come to the right place.

                      I have been reading a lot of posts over the last couple of weeks and I must say how impressed I am both by the help you all offer to each other and also the high quality of some of the posts here. You seem such a supportive community here and I couldn't help but notice how when one of you sends out a cry for help you all rally round and do your best.

                      Once again thank you,



                        Welcome Dancer....:wavin:

                        Glad you found us. My only advise is never give up. If one thing does not work, try another.
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



                          Hello Dancer...... and the very best of luck to you....



                            Hello Dancer,

                            I'm glad you found us. We all share a similar problem so we can support you. Once you admit to the problem, you are half way there, the second half is to manage it.:welcome:

                            We are all struggling no matter if we are 1 day alcohol free or 1 year alcohol free, but we fight this battle together, please join us.
                            Enlightened by MWO

