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Hi I'm new here

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    Hi I'm new here

    Hi all, I have a big problem I have been drinking 13 units of 37% a day on a good day and sometimes treble that on a bad day for around 7 years. I had a grand mal seizure a few weeks ago when I was I'll and couldn't drink, it was the most horrific thing and has scared the life out of me. I have admitted to my Gp that I have a problem and I was referred to a local drug and alcohol team, just going in there was bad enough it's an environment I am not used to. I h ad hoped that they would start me on a detox straight away but two weeks later I am still drinking and have no chance of getting meds for another two weeks in that time they want me to attend recovery meetings, and Aa meets, I will do this in the next few weeks but I am frustrated that I have to keep drinking as it has taken me so long to ask for help,I am ready for it, but it feels like I'm being held back. I know I will need counselling as I have been drinking to cover the pain of my husband being put in prison 7 years ago I just haven't dealt with it, anyway I'm rambling and thank you for listening it's great to be able to put this down somewhere where or people will understand the hell I feel I am in xx

    Hi I'm new here

    Hi Laura, and welcome. I know how frustrating it is when you have to wait to go on a programme. It is the safest way to detox, could you gradually cut down,that is how I managed. If you look on this site you can get advice on how to cut down safely. When you a detox on the NHS you have to wait while there is a community nurse available, usually to visit you daily with medication, librium I think.
    However you do it make sure it's safely as you have already had a seizure you must take care.
    Good luck and well done for recognising the problem.


      Hi I'm new here

      Laura, welcome:welcome:

      Sorry for what you've been going through, but glad you found MWO. There's a lot of wonderful information here if you can take the time to read. Be sure to visit the Newbie's Nest under Just Starting Out and the Toolbox under Monthly Abstinence.

      Many of us here never thought we could stop drinking, but we're doing it. It can be done if you have a plan and support!

      Sending you peace and strength.

      UN :lilheart:


        Hi I'm new here

        Hi Laura,
        I just wanted to welcome you and let you know that you are not alone. A lot of people here have experienced the same things you are going through. I agree with Paula, could you gradually cut down the amounts you are drinking? That way you shouldn't experience any severe withdrawals or seizures. I hope you get the medical treatment you are seeking. In the meantime, stick close to here and read and learn all you can. I'm glad you've found us.
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Hi I'm new here

          Thank you everyone for your kind replies. I have tried so many times to cut down but just can't do it, it doesn't work for me, I always end up making an excuse to go out and get more. It must be total abstinence for me and I am the type of person who will never be able to drink again. I am ok with that and can't wait to be in that position, it's not something I fear. Thank you again it's such a balm not to feel alone xx


            Hi I'm new here

            Laura, you are definately not alone here. You describing trying to cut down and then "finding" an excuse to go out to get alcohol sound so familiar to me. I got so much relief from realizing that I just can't drink at all anymore, and it sounds like you will too. You deserve the life that you are fighting for!
            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
            AF 11/12/11


              Hi I'm new here

              Hi Laura

              Welcome to MWO. I've seen a lot of posts lately from the UK that indicate it's a bit hard to get the help you need when you need it. I am sorry about that. I know how it feels when you are finally READY to do this, to tell someone, to get help.
              I wish you well in your journey. Lots of support here to keep coming back to.

