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Day three..

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    Day three..

    I haven't had any wine or vodka since Sunday night, had a really bad weekend drinking-wise. Did some drunk texting and lots of crying. Hubby is still hitting the bottle every night, so I'm feeling alone. I want to cry and/or scream every second. , but I'm determined to not drink (for the next five minutes that is)! I would love to hide in my bed all day but that's not an option in my crazy life. I really don't have anybody to talk to about this, have lost most of my friends and those that I have left don't know that I drink so much (evenings only). My co-workers would never guess either. I'm feeling lost and alone and wonder if it's even worth bothering to get sober. It's mostly my vanity, I'm fatter than I've ever been in my life and I know it's all the boxes of wine adding thousands of calories to my days. I think I can, I think I can...

    Day three..

    welcome mommacog! You're not alone, you have all of us here with you. I've got to get ready for work but wanted to send you a quick message.

    I've lost 2 pounds and i'm only one day ahead of you, that motivates me to keep going even if it's for a vain reason.

    hang in there!


      Day three..

      Hello Mommacog

      Fantastic - three days is awesome and you CAN do this. I am now on 7 days and can't believe I've made it this far (I've been a two bottle of wine a night girl for as long as I can remember!)

      If vanity helps then I can assure you, you will very soon look so much better. Like Imaclean said - you will start to lose weight very quickly. In just a week, I have lost the puffy, baggy eyes, my skin is clear of spots, I lost the puffyiness of water retention around my stomach.

      Come on - we CAN do this together.

      Snap x

      p.s. Have you tried L-Glutamine? It's just a health supplement - an amino acid, but it really helps get rid of cravings.
      Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


        Day three..

        Hey there! Stay strong.
        Every day gets a bit easier. ESP as you visibly see your body start to heal.
        Hang around mwo for support and info to.

        Good luck
        Today I chose to start living!


          Day three..

          Hi Momma!
          Glad you're here with us. I can identify with how you feel, as can others. There's even another thread around here somewhere dedicated to quitting alcohol because of vanity. I can tell you that I look a lot better than when I was drinking. I used to have bags, bloodshot eyes and a general puffiness that was just not attractive. Since quitting, my skin has cleared up and I don't feel bloated anymore. You're doing good on 3 days alcohol free, keep it up and you will start to see and feel changes. I think the first 3 days are the hardest, so you're already through it! Stick close to us and let us get to know you!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Day three..

            Mommacog, it's definitely worth it to get sober. Believe me, your life now can be immensely better. Eventually you'll learn that you've given up nothing and gained everything (no pun intended) once you've been sober a while.

            Be sure to check out the Newbie's Nest under Just Starting Out and the Toolbox under Monthly Abstinence.

            Best to you,


              Day three..

              Momma, You doing so well. We have all felt what you are feeling at sometime! We are here for each other. Just yell out! and some one will be there.:h:h:h:h


                Day three..

                Thanks so much everyone! Yesterday went pretty well, a few rough moments. I'm still really jumpy and emotional. I kept busy running my daughter around last night and didn't get home until later, so I just went to bed and slept like the dead. I'm really nervous about tonight and the upcoming weekend though! I have a pretty busy schedule with the kiddos but usually the hubby and I just drink the weekend away once 5 oclock comes... he'll still be drinking.


                  Day three..

                  mommacog;1308918 wrote: I haven't had any wine or vodka since Sunday night, had a really bad weekend drinking-wise. Did some drunk texting and lots of crying. Hubby is still hitting the bottle every night, so I'm feeling alone. I want to cry and/or scream every second. , but I'm determined to not drink (for the next five minutes that is)! I lOVVVe this attiude, its what will get you to the next hour, the next day, the next week and so on.....Id suggest continue that way of thining

                  I would love to hide in my bed all day but that's not an option in my crazy life. I really don't have anybody to talk to about this, have lost most of my friends and those that I have left don't know that I drink so much (evenings only). My co-workers would never guess either. I'm feeling lost and alone and wonder if it's even worth bothering to get sober.
                  I can answer that question in one word HELLYES

                  It's mostly my vanity, I'm fatter than I've ever been in my life and I know it's all the boxes of wine adding thousands of calories to my days. I think I can, I think I can...
                  Well then you just let Vanity step right up and tell you, that you need to stop drinking in order to drop some pounds. Do the math on the empty calories per night you are will surprise you
                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    Day three..

                    so glad you're here, momma!!
                    i just want to add my support and say that it's definately worth it to be sober and you will notice differences in how you look very soon. i'm my 9th day and have noticed that my eyes are clearer, as is my skin. i can look at my reflection in the mirror and not be ashamed or sad that i've let myself down again. the days add up slowly sometimes but they do add up and i believe what the long timers are saying. there is hope for a better life without alcohol. i've been going easy on myself with everything except alcohol-- for example letting myself sleep more, eat what i want, watch dumb tv shows, spend hours reading here. for me drinking was my biggest problem, and i know everything else will come in time.


                      Day three..

                      I had a bit of a slip on Saturday night, was tired after running around with the kids all day, stopped at the store to get some candy for the kids and the wine section was calling to me. I picked up a bottle (only1!) and brought it home. I drank the whole thing, but didn't move on to the big bottle of vodka that my hubby had sitting on the counter, big step for me. I woke up on Sunday morning really angry at myself after fighting so hard to not drink at all last week. I didn't drink yesterday, so I'm just starting again at this point, but am in much better shape than last week. I was exhausted all last week and gave myself permission to let everything go, my house, my eating, etc.. One bad night doesn't have to turn into months of pouring wine down my throat! Taking it one moment at a time.


                        Day three..

                        Hi Momma,

                        You're bad night doesn't have to turn into endless nights of the same thing. It's good that you recognize where you went "wrong" and hopefully next time you can avoid the same situation (was it a liquor store where you bought the candy?). You have NO idea how many nights I'd ask my daughter "Do you want some candy??" Just so I could run to the corner liquor store and pick up a 12 pack...oh and a Three Musketeers. Geesh.

                        How are you doing today, are you feeling stronger?

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Day three..

                          Thanks k9, no it wasn't a liquor store, just a corner store that has a small beer and wine section.. I'll just give the kids money and let them go in next time. I'm feeling really good right now, it seems that if I make it past 7pm then I'm pretty much in the clear, from 5 to 7 is still rough though. I've been guzzling seltzer, which seems to help a bit. Thanks for your support!!


                            Day three..

                            Believe me, I know those "corner stores"!!! Yikes...I've frequented everyone in this entire City (Ok it's not a big city, but still...)

                            Yeah, next time send the kiddies in'll be glad you did! Keep up your good work!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Day three..

                              Hi momma
                              Anyway you can ask your husband to suspend drinking for awhiile? Tell him you are really struggling? I can not talk to mine... And he rarely drinks but I get the impression that people with spouses who also drnk might have an easier time. A kind of, were in this together sort of thing.
                              4 days is really wonderful.
                              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                     tool box
                     newbie nest

