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Day three..

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    Day three..

    Hi isn't it just amazing how much we share because we drink and how much we will benefit if we don't. It's the one and a half stone I've gained in four years that I think is one of the prime factors in spurring me into fighting this thing - vanity, guilt and sweats . . . Good luck everyone - may the weight drop off x
    Short term goal 7 days AF


      Day three..

      @kradle123 I can't ask him to stop drinking, that's something he has to decide on his own as I have. It would just lead to him sneaking drinks. Besides, two drunks detoxing at the same time sounds like a recipe for disaster! I'm nasty enough during the bewitching hours myself, lol!

      @patricia you're so right, it's amazing how many of us "high functioning" drunks are out there! The guilt is crippling, I thought my kids didn't really notice my drinking, but my son told my daughter the other night "Mom's been doing much better, hasn't been drinking every night"... I wanted to cry, but hopefully they'll gain some respect for me if I can beat this. And the weight gain, oye, I weigh more now than I did at nine months preggo! I haven't gotten on a scale in eons, but I can feel a difference in my gut already! Here's to a sober Tuesday (raising coffee mug)!


        Day three..

        Yes - I think there are millions floating around just under the radar - high functioning ones that is. In fact, a bottle of wine most nights in my world is considered okay - my husband said the other day that I don't drink any more than anyone else in my street (he doesn't drink and hasn't for over three decades). The plain truth however is that I KNOW that 40-50 units of wine a week is dreadful (8.6 units for my particular poison) - as it is the consequeneces are guilt, weight gain, hot flushes/sweats. I never have a day off work and will never drink or drive. If I have to drive then I wait until I'm finished driving to open the wine but nonetheless, whatever anyone else is drinking - the amount I am drinking is not good for me either mentally or physically. Here's also to a sober Tuesday - I'm raising my decaffinated cup of coffee to us all! Px
        Short term goal 7 days AF


          Day three..

          Hi Mommacog,

          Just wanted to say congratulations for not drinking the vodka after you had the wine. I could really relate to you when you said that. I often buy a bottle of wine and finish it and find it really hard not to go to the cupboard and continue drinking. I find that once I've started I don't seem to care. Hope you are doing ok today!
          Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


            Day three..

            angel77;1312553 wrote: I find that once I've started I don't seem to care.
            Hi Angel,

            And THAT is why I cannot moderate! I could tell myself that I'll only have 6 beers, but by beer number 4 I am already scheming a way to go get more. For me it's "all or nothing"...and believe me, "all" stopped working for me a long time ago!

            Good to see everyone here, you all sound good. Keep up the good fight, and stay away from those corner stores with all the candy. LOL

            Momma, it took a heart-breaking letter from my daughter to get me to see the reality of my drinking. It's so good you're doing this now, your kids will forget it eventually. Stay strong!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Day three..

              Day 3 too!

              Hi !
              It's my 3rd day AF as well! I also had a rough weekend and I 'm hoping my body recovers soon! (liver hurts). I want to do this with you! We can support each other. I started working out every day 2 wks ago, so we can support eachother there as well! I recently got up to a bottle of wine almost ev night. I thought it was never possible, but it does sneak up on us. I have dealt with anxiety and depression my whole life and am pretty sure that 's how I started this mess 10 plus yrs ago;-((. Hope you are having a good day! Talk soon!


                Day three..

                Hi Stressd,

                Glad to have you here! Well that's true and not true, I wish you didn't have a problem, but since you do (we ALL do), I'm glad you found us! LOL

                I drank a 12+ pack of beer every night. Not sure how my body was able to even physically hold that much liquid. Scary now that I think of it.

                I started an exercise regimen about 2 weeks ago too, so I'm always looking for support. My couch just looks SOOO comfy right about workout time. HA

                Keep up your good work and YAY on day 3! Keep going!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Day three..

                  Hi Stressd, my organs were hurting too! I do need to get my ass back to the gym soon, last week I was so tired I couldn't even think about it..
                  I've also dealt with depression since I can remember, so I can totally relate.
                  Hope you had a good day today! Talk soon!


                    Day three..

                    Hi Momma,
                    I'm back again after falling well and truely off that wagon. Your story sounds the same as me - the amount of recyling I'm doing is crazy wine box wise. Day 1 for me, well done on day three. I'll stick around, love and strength to you :h


                      Day three..

                      Stay with us noodle! I loved my box of wine too, no worrying about the neighbors seeing all the empty bottles in my recycling. I think botabox has taken a great hit in their profits over the last week since we're not buying, lol! The next few days are going to be tough, but so worth it once you get over the first hump.
                      Every day, when it's time for me to start dinner, is the worst time for me until around 8. I just drink a lot of seltzer and try not to snap at my hubby and kids. I used melatonin to make sure I went to sleep, but I am sleeping like the dead without it now. Message me,or any of us, anytime you want to! Have a good hump day!!


                        Day three..

                        Thanks Momma,
                        Day 2 gone well - though feel a bit queezy, though think I'm stil hungover. Feeling very different than the last times I've stopped, almost as if it's just the way to go and no drama. I know it won't last, and the next few days and dreaded weekend sure gonna be tough. Thanks for your encouragement - WE CAN DO IT ! XXX

