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Hey - told the Husband!

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    Hey - told the Husband!

    :thanks: to you lovely people, (and esp a big hug to Rags / Fran for specific encouragement) I had a very frank conversation with my husband this morning. Told him all about this site, Roberta etc. You know what, HE WAS DELIGHTED. He has a problem too, has acknowledged it and has admitted he can't recall most of our last two nights out. What's more, he is sometimes scary and abusive when drunk (but can't remember later) which has caused big problems between us from time to time.

    So, I've been honest, he's been honest, he's going to take the supps with me and make a big effort. Can't see him doin the on-line thing or the hypno, but he would be up for Topa if the supps alone don't work.

    Not a religious gal, but praise be to whoever directed us to this site...

    So far this weekend: 2 glasses wine Friday night, 3 last night, half a bottle tonight = massive reduction in intake, and FINGERS CROSSED, AF for the rest of the week. Wish me luck team! :h

    Kate x

    PS: have dry mouth and slightly speedy feeling. Withdrawal or the supps?

    Hey - told the Husband!

    Hey Kate,

    Well done! The slightly speedy feeling could be pure excitement! Hope to see you around.


      Hey - told the Husband!


      Congratulations to both you and your husband. Online support is fantastic but nothing can beat the support of those you love.

      You are probably experiencing withdrawals. I sometimes take xanax, but if you have the calms forte, give that a try.

      Again, congrats and keep up the good work.
      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


        Hey - told the Husband!

        Hi Kate,

        WOW, well done ....

        Good luck to you both ....

        I used to call that speedy feeling a high because I was in contol, but that could have been my denial!!!

        Nevertheless it worked for me ...

        Love & Hugs


          Hey - told the Husband!

          That is great news. I am so happy for you. Isn't it nice when it all comes together?

          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Hey - told the Husband!

            Bravo Kate!!! You are doing your husband and your marriage a big service by bringing him on board with you if he has a problem as well. Best of luck to the two of you!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Hey - told the Husband!

              congrats Kate, it's brilliant you can both be so honest with each other.

              Best of luck and keep us posted!


                Hey - told the Husband!

                Hi Kate, and a big welcome to your husband too!
                Isn't it beaut that you'll both be walking this path together, most times hand in hand sometimes at a different pace, so the one ahead can pause on the track, turn round and hold out a hand of encouragement. If you stray from the path, it's OK, because that pathway is well defined and well trodden, so you'll be able to step back on without too much difficulty.
                I have a wonderful happy, calm smile for you both as I write this.
                He doesn't have to post or chat, there's just as much benefit in just reading the threads, and being comfortable and at ease with the program.
                Doesn't matter how you got here, the wonderful thing is that having seen, you decided to stay a while.
                Hey, with all the dosh you save on booze, you'll be able to have a holiday in France or tour the Amazon or the Trans Siberian railway or something.
                Nah, you don't need us to wish you luck. well,.... maybe just a teensy bit. It makes us all feel good. You have your inner strength and motivation to rely on. I'm with Tawny on the speedy feeling.... starting off on a new adventure! I am so very happy that you have such a great relationship. Please go into this looking forward with anticipation. Don't fall for the trap thinking you're missing booze as if you're giving up something. Geez, I better stop and let someone else post their congratulations!!! Keep posting. Hop into chat sometime and meet the other Aussies. It'll be a guarantee to keep you off the booze and in fits of laughter.
                Thank you for your very kind thoughts,


                  Hey - told the Husband!

                  I forgot to thank you for my very first electronic hug. It was all warm and tingly!

