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Day 8 AF

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    Day 8 AF

    Just wanted to post that I have made it to day 8 AF. As others have noted, day 4 and 5 were the worst, for some reason. Well the worst so far. ;-)

    I'm taking so many supplements plus Baclofen I can't really be sure what is doing what, except when I get that antsy "I've got to have a drink to calm down" feeling, I take them all (except the Baclofen which I take 4 times a day now).

    I've been sleeping so much better and my mood has really improved, even though nothing has changed in my life. The things that go wrong that used to send me to the wine bottle are just another hurdle in the road so far. I know I have to be careful though and not extend myself or get tired or be away from the supplements for awhile. It would be so easy to justify "just today I'll drink" but I know all too well where that leads.

    Eating has been part of the program. When I eat a good meal, it takes the edge off for a few hours. Drinking lots of water too.

    With the experience of over two years AF and most recently six months, only to think I could have "a little" alcohol, I have to keep reminding myself that is not an option for me.

    Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to my first taste of alcohol and how disgusting it tasted. Actually, by the time I stopped eight days ago it tasted pretty disgusting but I kept drinking it anyway.

    Just thought I'd post this in case it helps anyone, especially anyone facing the really tough first few days.

    Oh, and one more thing. It never worked for me when someone told me I had to stop drinking or... It really has always had to come from inside me. I guess I'm a stubborn person, but quitting for someone else just feels like deprivation. Quitting for me feels like the right thing for me and I feel in control.

    Day 8 AF

    Hi Lost Lady

    Congratulations on 8 days - thats fantastic, you are through the worst now. This time last week you were AF on this same day of the week - you've done every day AF and that makes a huge psychological difference. I jotted down some thoughts on this in the Tool Box earlier this am - take a look, it may help.

    Congratulations again - hope you don't feel quite so lost now.

    Sausage x
    Day 71


      Day 8 AF

      CONGRATS on your 8 AF days lostlady!
      Really feels great, doesn't it?

      As long as we remember that 'just a little alcohol' is equivalent to 'just a little poison' for us ~ we'll be OK!

      Congrats again & please keep posting!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Day 8 AF

        Well done on the 8 days! I fully agree that the motivation has to come from inside you, though initially other people could be that final trigger. However, it's your own inner strength and determination to take back control of your life that will keep you going.

        Having been AF before for several months I know that I can easily slip back to the belief that I can control this and drink sensibly now I've broken the 'habit' - but having taken another 3 years of 'drinking sensibly' to realise that I can't control it and never will is making me much more determined this time to accept the reality of the situation - moderation is not an option ! So welcome and look forward to seeing you around.
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
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