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    I just found this site a few days ago and I wish I had found it sooner I have been reading post after post and getting very emotional. Everything that I read is "me". Not admitting I have a problem, hiding booze from my family, becoming a hermit in my own home.

    I have drank for 30 years. Started out with a few in the evenings. After all these years something changed. I got the taste for rum and just in the last year I could drink almost a fifth a day and panic if I didnt have a gallon for Saturday and hope I would have enough left over for Sunday. Buying booze was getting embarassing. I started making up excuses to go shopping out of town just so I could buy some where knowone new me.

    I finally hit what I call my bottom in December. For starters, my 3 year grandson called and wanted me to come over to play. I had to use the excuse again, Grandmas sick or already in bed, anything to keep from driving. If that wasnt bad enough, I woke up and started to get ready for work and I had the shakes ( that I have had before but it want away) that were so bad I almost took a few drinks just to make it. I drink but have always been a firm believer in no drinking before or at work. I called off and tried to work thru the sickness but I couldnt. I knew I was too far gone. I got on the phone and got help. I knew my only way out was detox and for me.

    I have been on Capral since the hostital stay and I think it is a wonderful drug but the side effects for me are ungodly. ( Gas, etc) I went off of them 3 days ago. I am still and plan on staying AF with or without them.

    I will be a daily visiter to this site!! I need something like this. Everyone is so helpful and positive!!!!

    Thank you ahead of time!!!!

    Jules............AF for 52 days!!
    AF Since December 2006



    I was told about this site a few weeks ago and have only now just worked up the courage to look at it, was and have been scared to admit I have a problem and it was much easier not to seek help either through this site or anywhere else.

    So far I like what I see and am very encouraged. Hope it works for you and for me.




      Hi Jules & Sue

      Welcome to this wonderful place.

      I have been here a few months and have found it to be such a tremendous support.
      Whatever your goals are, moderation or abstinence you will find a lot of helpful information here.

      find comfort in discovering that you are not alone, there are so many of us struggling with this demon, but we are the lucky ones, because we have made a decision to do something positive about it.

      I hope you will keep coming here, and wish you both strength and success.
      Changeling (day 47AF)



        Hi Jules & Sue :welcome:

        Jules 52days WOW!!!!!

        I found this site in november and it has become my 'new addiction' :H

        Hope that you both find everything that you need here....

        Love & Hugs, xxx



          Hi and thanks,

          I didnt expect to get replies so soon, I already feel better about the decision, thanks alot, will start tomorrow with a new optimism.

          Again Thankyou



            Hi Jules. Welcome. I just joined last week and already it has really been a huge help. I also am going for total abstinence and am on day 5. I am taking the supplements but none of the drugs. I could relate to you saying you would go out of town to buy liquor and how your need to drink larger volumes began to snowball. Now you don't have to have all that stress and exhaustion trying to manage all that. Good luck, glad you are here and hang in there!
            AF SINCE 3/16/2016




              Welcome, and congrats on the 52 days. I also want to make it that far and even farther. I love this sight. So many nice people to give you support. Good Luck on your continued success.:goodjob:



                Hi Jules & Welcome....

                I was like you....except that I did take a drink to calm my nerves & vodka was my poison of choice. I was also on Campral when it was first out but unfortunately I expected miracles from it & continued drinking while on it. Topa helped me after that but then again I became a huge binge drinker rather than a daily drinker. In my lifetime I have become an alcoholic of all trades!

                Slowly over the past 6 months I have weaned off alcohol & am now 53 days AF.

                Welcoming you & glad you found us!
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



                  Thanks so much for all the responces. My only big fear is going off the Campral. I am afraid I am going to wake up with a MAJOR urge to drink. If I feel that I am going to slip, I will go back on Campral, Buy Lysol, Depends and put police tape around my area at work.:H

                  Honestly, I will do anything not to take that first drink. I have stored this site on my cell to check in and read post while I am at work. This is helping me a lot...

                  Jules :thanks:
                  AF Since December 2006



                    Welcome Jules and how wonderful to hear how many days AF you have had. Do what it takes to stay there. You can do this. :goodjob:

                    And welcome to you too Sue!!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                      Welcome Jules and Sue

                      Jules you've already come so far. That is amazing. You've got it inside you to do what it takes..

                      Both of you stay on board. This is a great place.

                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                        Hi Jules.:welcome:
                        It's good to have you aboard.

