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Very nervous

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    Very nervous

    I'm very nervous about talking to people about my dependency, but I would like to be able to moderate a little better than I do. I just had a baby 6 months ago and was AF for quite some time while pregnant. Before I had the baby, I usually drank a bottle of wine a night or every other night. Having the baby has helped a little, but only because I'm so tired. I now have 2-4 glasses of wine a night. My real issue, however, is when I go out with friends. I don't know what comes over me, but I can't stop drinking after a few glasses of beer or wine. I convince myself that I should let loose because I'm finally away from the baby, but then I totally make a fool out of myself. Everyone else wants to go home and drag me out of the bar. I honestly do not trust myself during these situations and am so embarrassed!
    So, I'm not sure where to start- trying to moderate or abstinence. Has anyone been a similar situation or have any advise for me?

    Very nervous

    Welcome Arod! I had a baby almost two years ago. After I had her, my drinking progressed. I was drinking before pregnant, but it really spiraled out of control after having her. I had other factors contributing as well, but I was wondering.... is it possible you may have post partum depression? I suffered with it big time and didn't realize it was also contributing to my drinking patterns. Just a thought? You might want to get screened for it. I know how you feel about being with baby all of the time and being tired. These too can contribute to your going all-out when out with friends. My advice would be to get checked for the PPD.


      Very nervous

      not sure

      Thank you for responding AFM! I have suffered from depression for 10 years now and have been on Zoloft for 7 years, except while pregnant and started up again after having the baby. I don't feel depressed anymore, I work out every day and try to eat right. I just crave wine and almost count down the hours until 5, when I can start cooking dinner and have a glass of wine. I don't want to feel like that anymore and definitely don't want to make an idiot of myself when I go out with friends. I honestly don't know what to do. How do people control the cravings???


        Very nervous

        Yes it is a toughy... the counting down until you can have a drink. I have heard here that Campral and Topamax are good for helping with the cravings. There are a bunch of posts in the supplements/medications section here which you may find informative. I think realizing you want to stop feeling like that is the first step. Sheer determination and willpower are a must. I would suggest reading in the section I described and see if there is anything there that could possibly help or for you to look into further. Good stuff that Zoloft. I was on it too for a while and it really helped me with my PPD.

        Keep posting and reading. I have found it very helpful reading here at least once a day. It keeps things in perspective for me.


          Very nervous


          Are supplements safe to take?


            Very nervous

            Hi Arod and welcome. I have children but they are now in the preteen years. However, you sound exactly like me when they were babies. I think with me at least I had that addicton to alcohol before I was pregnant , gave it up completely for 9 months, had a drink and that compulsion comes right back and with a vengeance. I think when you have just had a baby there is so many things going on with you- hormones, complete sleep deprivation, worry etc... that it can really set you up to make the alcohol problem even worse . And the post partum depression could absolutely be a vital part of the problem. But- you are doing such a wonderful and significant thing to acknowledge and be trying to work on the problem now. I wish that I had realized that I really was dealing with a serious alcohol problem at the stage that you are at. I t will be tough but stick with your resolve to overcome the problem. It will only get harder to overcome if you wait and your life will only become more complicated. I'm glad you have joined us, keep posting , and this really could help you .
            AF SINCE 3/16/2016


              Very nervous

              Hi Arod
              You will find quite a few mothers here that tell the stories of how their drinking increased after having children. Like me for example. I have 3 children under the age of 5. Since being here I have gotten much better control.
              Best of luck
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Very nervous

                Thank you

                Thank you all for your help and support. It means so much to have people to talk to.


                  Very nervous

                  Hi Arod,
                  I understand you completely, that first glass and away! I have 3 kids and have just found out number 4 is on the way. I have managed my first AF day today. It hasn't been easy getting to that point. Remember the first one is always the worst. It sounds like the supplements would really help. The B vits are great for mood and zinc is known to help post partum depression. Stick with the people here they are great.
                  Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                    Very nervous

                    If you're breastfeeding and drinking, please think of the harm it is doingt to your baby.


                      Very nervous

                      I am not breastfeeding, but thank you for your concern.


                        Very nervous

                        Anytime you want to PM me you can if you are feeling stressed with the little one's. Trust me I know!!
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

