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Time to change starting today!

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    Time to change starting today!

    I posted last week about my husband and his disintegration while on Anti-depressants and vodka. Thanks to everyone for their advice. As of now, I am helping him withdraw without going into a facility. Okay, so what about me? I have a problem, too!

    I have been here briefly several times over the last 5 or so years. I plan to moderate starting today for my health and to set an example for my husband who is an alcoholic and MUST learn to abstain or moderate or he will continue to decline in health.

    My history of drinking daily goes back about 30 yrs., since meeting my husband (I am 55). I can down a bottle of wine with no problem and often do, and maybe even a bit more. I can have 5 or 6 strong mixed drinks and often do. I probably get drunk only once a week since I have a strong tolerance, even when drinking so heavily. I drink heavily at home and most of the time (occasionally I have a casino day 45 minutes away where I do some "not-so-smart" things) only moderately when out since I have to drive.

    I am lucky that my health isn't suffering with life threatening problems, only painful and inconvenient ones (obesity, arthritis, inflammation, etc.).. I am working with a Chinese Medicine healer to detoxify and it seems kind of silly to be adding all those toxins found in a wine or liquor bottle! I am working on eating VERY healthfully, but all h@ll breaks loose once I am drinking and I'll eat whatever junk is around.

    I want to start out by refraining from drinking at home. I am fine with having a couple of glasses of wine when socializing once or twice a week. I do the most damage to myself on weekends at home. Those will be the tough times, but I'll review the tool box on this site and create my own!

    I'll be using these boards for accountability. I know I signed up for a drink tracker a few years ago, but never used it.. I'd better find that and use it!

    I look forward to getting to know you and support you!
    "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
    ~John Lennon

    Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

    ~Author Unknown

    Time to change starting today!

    Changing my thinking, too

    Oh, and I realize that I have this total misconception that hinders my attempts at drinking less. I have the limiting belief that drinking makes anything "fun" or more "fun". Stuck home working on the computer?? Have a drink! Have to take time to prepare some food? Have a drink! Watching TV? Have a drink! The before mentioned activities are not made more fun by having a drink!

    Now, socializing... that's another story... baby steps..
    "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
    ~John Lennon

    Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

    ~Author Unknown


      Time to change starting today!

      Hi DipGal and Welcome!
      Sorry I didn't see your post earlier! Yep, I can relate to your pattern of drinking. I was a 12 pack of beer per day kind of gal, and all of my drinking was done at home, alone. Everything was a reason to crack open a beer! Let me tell you, I never thought I'd get off that roller-coaster. I tried SO many times before it finally clicked for me. Do you have a plan for filling in your "drinking" time with other activities? Please let us know how it's going for you!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Time to change starting today!

        Hey Dip

        I'm about the same age and drank like you. I've always thought I should write a book.LOL
        Your journey might be harder since there are two of you facing the struggle , but then again you can support each other.
        As for moderation-I would say trash that notion. It doesn't work for those of us who drink like that, to excess and often. It is hard but not as hard as looking in the mirror and thinking OMG AGAIN!?!?
        I'm (this time) near a month sober and can't deny that it can be hard. You've been here before so you know how great this place is. MWO is a huge help to me.
        Life can be so much better. It just gets so old-wasting,health, and feeling like hammered shit half the time. Abdominal bloating, drunk dialing, drunk driving,mystery injuries,lost work time,diarrhea,headache,embarassment, humiliation,shame,guilt and on and on and on.
        Sounds awful and it is awful. I wish both of you strength and everything you need to get better.


          Time to change starting today!

          Okay question for those of you out there. I am really hungry since I stopped drinking. I had five days then had a few beer Saturday night. But itnwasnt that great. Now I'm on day two again and constantly hungry. Anyone else experience that?

          "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
          -Alan Cohen


            Time to change starting today!

            Hi CatBelle,

            Yep, hungry, tired and pissy most of the time when I first quit! Eat when you want, sleep when you need to, and try not to be too moody if you can help it. LOL Seriously, your body is going through HUGE changes, be kind to it! Let it heal. Think of all the abuse you put it through, and be patient...your body is an amazing machine that will heal itself, just be sure to fuel it up as needed, and rest when it's time. Every day should get easier. Hang in there and stay strong!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Time to change starting today!

              I haven't been too moody as of yet. But I am taking all of the supps as scheduled and I think that helps a great deal. I have been waking up in a fabulous mood, to my husbands But last night I ate like 7 or 8 of those dove chocolates! I don't usually eat that many in 3 months ! Hope everyone is doing well, off to eat lunch then back to work!

              "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
              -Alan Cohen


                Time to change starting today!

                Don't worry about the excessive hunger, Cat. I think it's your body telling you it needs nutrition, something AL was robbing you of. A lot of people don't eat properly when they are drinking and even those who do (like me) aren't getting all the nutrients they should from their food because of the AL. I was super hungry too when I quit drinking, and I craved sweets. My opinion is to eat whatever you have a desire for, because deprivation is NOT something you should practice while trying to abstain from AL. This is not the time to diet, IMHO.

                You're doing well! Keep up the good work.:goodjob:

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  Time to change starting today!

                  How's it going DipGal?
                  Check in and let us know ok?
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

