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Breaking the weekend binge habit

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    Breaking the weekend binge habit

    I am new here. My biggest issue is the weekend. During the week, I am working and busy so I don't seem to have an issue. When Friday rolls around, I lose control. On the way home in the car, I am thinking about that first drink. One drink turns into many and before I know it, I have consumed over a bottle of wine. I usually then also will binge eat after I have drank too much. Same thing Saturday. I can't seem to break this vicious cycle. My first goal is to make it to Memorial Day weekend without a drink. Any thoughts of wisdom on getting through that first weekend?

    Breaking the weekend binge habit

    MM, I think the weekends are particularly tough for many and that the methods to keep from drinking are basically the same. You have to have a plan and change your life such that you're doing something different. During your trigger times, exercise instead, take a hot bath, watch t.v., read, post here. I read a ton of books on addiction, make sure I eat very healthy foods, etc. You might want to try some of the supplements you can get from this site - L Glutamine, Kudzu, etc (the store can be found on the main page. You can also download the MWO book from the store.

    There is a wealth of information on this site - look at the Newbie's Nest under Just Starting out for daily support while you're getting a few weekends under your belt. Go to the Toolbox under Monthly Abstinence for suggestions on how to make a plan. Be sure to scroll through all the pages because things get buried.

    Wishing you the best - it's hard but can be done. Many here are having success. Also, look for weekend threads under Just Starting Out starting on Friday.



      Breaking the weekend binge habit

      Hi MM and Welcome!

      I can relate to your cycle of drinking on weekends, although I was a DAILY drinker and I thought I was pretty functioning, but looking back, I really wasn't. I was surviving the days instead of really living them. Some nights I'd be getting undressed and not remember actually putting those clothes on that morning because I was still in a fog from the night before...that's not really "functioning" is it? I know the weekends can seem daunting at first. I think the hardest thing is wondering what you will do with all that time that you'd normally be drinking. I drank at home only, so my first few nights I had to stay away, I went to the movies, shopping, the park, library, etc. When I was ready to tackle a night at home, I made small changes to my drinking "spot", rearranged some furniture, moved some lamps...I just wanted a new "view". It may sound dumb but it worked. Once you have gotten through the first weekend, each one gets MUCH easier. Like UW said, read a book, watch TV, go for a walk, give yourself a facial, polish your nails, clean a closet...whatever it takes to get through it. You CAN do this....there is living proof all over these boards that it can be done. Keep posting, we're rooting for you!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

