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Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

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    Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

    I have been consuming 40-50 units a day for like 10 years - pushed away my family - almost ready to lose my career -

    my mom had to take time off from her job that she didn't have to come rescue me this time ....

    Im 33 - very successful professionally - miserable personally - i have been trying to ween myself off, but i have drank almost 1 liter of vodka in 20 hours or so -

    i hate this physical affliction that comes when you don't have a drink for like 1-2 hours ...

    anybody have any thoughts? advice? etc?

    Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

    Hi ATL, welcome to MWO, good to hear form you, I also used to drink a litre of vodka plus a day so it is totally possible to change this. Right now its really up to you about what you want to do, I wouldnt advise you to just stop drinking, that can cause major withdrawals that can be dangerous, try to slow down tho.

    Go and have a drink of something non alcoholic, anything will do, tea, juice, water, soda whatever you have got, also eat some food, I neglected eating when I drank and its so important to give our bodys food. same applies, any food will do, its best to not just have chocolate or sugar tho, have some proper food as well, even if its just a take away.

    Do you think you need a hospital detox, do you get dt's, if you do you will know, if you get very ill you need to go to A&E.

    First off then is to go to see a doctor who may prescribe Librium or Valium for detox, drink non alcoholic fluids, eat some food and try to cut down on what you drink, that is so difficult to do, you are thinking if you could cut down you wouldnt be on here, Im not talking cut right down, Im suggesting that say if you drink a litre a day you could maybe throw one small glassfull out, then tomorrow or the day after buy a 70cl bottle instead of a litre, do you get the idea. it would also be very useful for you to change you drink, spirits are very difficult to control, beer is a lot easier.

    There are also medications that you can think about trying, we have a thread here just about meds, you will find it further down the list from this one, I think its called topamax, campral, naltrexone and other meds, so you could have a look around there to get an idea.

    Sorry I have waffled on here to you maybe too much but I do want you to get better


      Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

      Hi Atl and welcome!

      Cut down slowly. Your body is used to a lot of alcohol, so do not shock it by abruptly quitting. As Spacebebe said, is there any way for you to get to a doctor? Xanax, Valium or Ativan will prevent seizures once you quit. Is your goal to get off of alcohol completely? You've come to a great place for support. Please keep posting so we can help.

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

        Not much I can add from the above post from Spacebabe except to say Welcome and YES, it can be done, many here have done it.

        Spacebabes advice is excellent, take it easy and let us know how you get on x
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

          Welcome to MWO Atl_guy, You have a chosen a great site to come to for help/support. I find that within the first few days or even hours, of trying not to drink, distraction can be the best policy. For example, what I did was bought lots of my favourite snacks and movies as sort of a replacement as it was still enjoyable and I didn't think about drinking as I was too busy doing watching something else. A bit of a funny idea, I know, haha but it could work for you. Anyway, goodluck and hope you keep coming back to MWO.
          Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


            Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

            Thanks for the thoughtful and well written responses - I am trying to ween myself off slowly -

            Yesterday I was at 1 vodka drink per hour - Today, I am trying to do 1 every 2 hours - but I start shaking a bit and get a little concerns for potential health issues -

            My mom is helping me, she is suggesting I consume beer instead because if I sip on a beer for 2 hours, its a slower, more steady dose -

            I just keep making my self withdraw every hour or so, then a sip of vodka to make me feel better for a little while - then withdraws - it sucks.

            I haven't been able to eat much other than toast and bananas and haven't been able to sleep for 2 days.

            I am feeling like ass about now - so thanks again for all the responses.


              Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

              Hi ATL,
              Are you able to get to a doctor? If not, continue to wean yourself. Sounds like you are cutting down already. Eat as much as you can and drink plenty of water. How bad are your withdrawals? If they are not too bad, I would suggest riding them out. Feeling dizzy, nauseated, and tired are all part of it, but they will pass. I wouldn't drag it out by continuing to sip, they'll never go away that way. Just my 2 cents. Keep going, you can do this, and please continue to let us know how you are.
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

                Atl_guy;1312888 wrote: I have been consuming 40-50 units a day for like 10 years - pushed away my family - almost ready to lose my career -

                my mom had to take time off from her job that she didn't have to come rescue me this time ....

                Im 33 - very successful professionally - miserable personally - i have been trying to ween myself off, but i have drank almost 1 liter of vodka in 20 hours or so -

                i hate this physical affliction that comes when you don't have a drink for like 1-2 hours ...

                anybody have any thoughts? advice? etc?
                Hi Atl guy, and :welcome:

                What is your goal buddy?

                Do you want to stop drinking, or keep booze in your life at a reduced level?

                The first option is the smartest and healthiest of course, but that's up to you.

                If you wish to stop drinking, even just for awhile, you will need a solid plan for when you get sober. Do you have one? What is it?

                There is a good thread around here called something like 'What's your plan' by a member called Doggygirl, if someone would be so kind as to post the link?

                Another useful thread to get some helpful tips and strategies/inspiration to stay sober is our

                Good to see you friend. You can do it, so go for it.

                Best wishes, G-bloke.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

                  Hi ATL, good to see you came back on and your doing really well. Thats kind of what I did the last few times I withdrew, I went and stayed in my mums for a few days and she gave me small vodkas every couplle of hours, after a few days I stopped the vodka. Your mum has got a point about the beer. Whatevers best for you really, it can be easier to control beer but with your mum controlling the drink you will be drinking the same units of AL. Its fantastic of your mum to come and do this, give her a big hug

                  Try not to worry, I didnt sleep for about 2 days either, I was on the setee and I would leave the tv on quite in the background so I didnt hear my thoughts you will start sleeping again soon. Toast and bananas are great, have you tried soup?

                  If you start to get really bad and the vodka doesnt work then you will need to go to hospital emergency but Im hoping that doesnt hapen, your doing all the right things, well the things I did with instructions from my doctor anyway

                  Keep going you will feel ok soon

                  ps I am not a doctor so cant give medical help just my own experience


                    Heavy, Heavy Heavy Drinking for Years

                    Hi ATL, how are you feeling today, let us know

