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Newbie Been There/Done That Train

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    Newbie Been There/Done That Train

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm in my 50's and something HAS to change for me. The back/forth with AL is no longer acceptable. Is there anyone out there who can jump on this train with me and kick this nasty habit Off once and for all?

    Newbie Been There/Done That Train

    Hi Rose! May I call you that? I'll get on the train with you.:welcome:

    I'm in my late 40s and I agree, something has to change. Our poor bodies will not continue to function if we keep abusing them. I've been 22 days since my last drink, and my intention is to keep riding the sober train. I have had a couple of drinks since my first quit in February, but I was able to control my intake. I may have one in a social setting, but have not had an occasion to do so, and no plans in the foreseeable future.

    Let's keep this train moving! Choo Choo!!![/video]]Quad City Dj's - C'Mon 'N Ride It (The Train) - YouTube


    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      Newbie Been There/Done That Train

      Rose it is :-) I may appear to have it ALL together to others, but on MY inside I know the truth...which is hard to talk about, but I need to face it. No sense in hiding so that's why I'm here. I truly want to stop abusing myself.


        Newbie Been There/Done That Train

        You have the will and the way to do it now.:l Be kind to yourself. I was very emotional when I first came here in February, and I believe it was the first time I was able to admit not only to others but to myself that I had a problem with AL. Before, I had so many defenses and excuses, it was ridiculous. However, anyone on our path of AL abuse will either admit it and do something about it, or face consequences sooner or later. That is the ugly truth.

        Stay here and post often. I have found that to be the best and most effective part of quitting for me. You can pm me anytime, and if you want to chat, just holler (lol), and I'll join the chatroom.

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          Newbie Been There/Done That Train

          I know the detox will be hard for me - the shakes are here, the confusion too. I'm off to clean up the kitchen. Maybe a cup of tea will help.


            Newbie Been There/Done That Train

            Hi Rose!

            I thought I had it all together looked like it from the outside anyway. But like you said, I knew the truth about me, and it wasn't pretty. I felt so horrible, day in and day out. Not just physically sick (although there was A LOT of that), but emotionally sick, I was a wreck...anxiety, shame, embarrassment, guilt, etc. etc. Now that AL is out of my life, so is the mental crap that I felt every day. You can do this Rose, I know you can. Get through the first few days...treat your body kindly so that it can start to heal. Then you can focus on the mental part and get through the cravings. I'll join your train...I never want to go back to where I all aboard!!!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbie Been There/Done That Train

              Hope you are still doing well Rose! Don't forget to post in the Newbie's Nest as well. They're very friendly and helpful over there.

              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                Newbie Been There/Done That Train

                Hi Rose,

                I would love to jump on the train with you! I am new and would love any support I can get/give. I am in my mid-forties and figured it was time to get my life together once and for all. I am on day 12 now, but the first 5 days were sooooo hard. I felt like I was having an outer body experience. It has gotten easier the last few days, but of course I am trying my best to run away from my AL problem. I'm an at home wino so I have been trying not to be at home during my predictable drinking hours. I love all the great advice I have gotten from MWO.

                Good luck to you and hopefully we can kick that nasty habit together


                  Newbie Been There/Done That Train

                  Hi Rose, I'm hanging with you honey! Day 2 for me - and pretty darn determined - me too sick of all this bollocks! Well done Sportymom - not looking forward to the next few days either, but gonna hang on in there. Staying out at that calling time is good advice - love and peace to all x


                    Newbie Been There/Done That Train

                    Hi All!

                    Noodle, I like your avatar...but what the heck is it? It mesmerizes me, whatever it is. LOL

                    Sporty, wow 12 days is great. I hope it's getting easier for you. It's hard when you're an "at home" drinker isn't it? It's not like you can avoid your drinking spot! It was so hard for me at first, I felt like I was crawling out of my skin...but it gets so much easier, so hang in there.

                    Ok, just wanted to say hi to the train gang today. Everyone stay strong!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

