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I don't feel so alone now

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    I don't feel so alone now

    :new: Hi everyone. I'm so glad I found this site. I have been an alcoholic for many years and finally decided to do something about it in September last year. I took myself off to a clinic for 7 days. My goal was not abstinence because if I thought I could never drink I don't think I could have ever stopped drinking. When I went to the clinic I was drinking an average of 22 drinks a day. Wine.
    Everthing was great and I didn't drink for three months. And then I started drinking again, two days a week and only bottled wine, not casks. I thought I had it all under control and life felt great. I could drive my daughter somewhere at 7.00 at night and pick her up from places because I wasn't drunk. But it's creeping back up on me and even if I only have 1 glass of wine some days, I am drinking every day again. I'm so scared of losing control of my drinking and going back to that dark, lonely place. So, today I started taking the Campral that I was prescribed months ago and have not had a drink yet and am hoping that I can beat this before I lose it again.Just reading your stories helps. Don't feel like I'm struggling on my own anymore.

    I don't feel so alone now

    Hello Angela,

    I'm glad that you found us.
    You're not alone. There are many people with stories that you will be able to relate to. I hope that you enjoy your time here.


      I don't feel so alone now

      Welcome Angela 33

      Hello Angela

      Welcome, and you are right, you are not alone. Lots of good people to help you here. The fact that you are aware of not wanting to go back to your old habits means you are already on the right path.
      Keep up the good work, you will do great!
      Newstart (Dan)


        I don't feel so alone now

        Hey there Angela

        It's so good to have you here with us all.. we are all battling the same demon.. whilst you come and visit you will never be alone in this fight...and Angela it does get better.

        I've done the counselling and hypnotherapist thing on my own before finding this site... nothing compares to being able to pop in say hi and share everyday with your cyberspace friends... You may not see us but we can feel you in many other ways..

        So stick around... love to talk with you some time..


        Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


          I don't feel so alone now

          Hi Angela,
          Welcome, it's a great place for support. Keep popping in, we're all here for each other.

          take care


            I don't feel so alone now

            Hi Angela~and Welcome.

            That's great...nipping it in the bud before it goes to far.

            Glad you found us.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              I don't feel so alone now


              You are NOT alone. If you have the book and start the program, keep coming here...
              Control the Mind


                I don't feel so alone now

                Good Luck Angela,
                I'm new here as well. Read the book and am starting the supplements. After years of drinking every single night, no exceptions, I am moderating now. Instead of bottles of wine/night, I am down to 2-3 glasses a night. I hope to be AF by next Wednesday, the start of Lent. Not that I am that religious, but it will come in handy as an excuse to all my drinking friends. I can hear myself saying "Oh no thank you. I gave it up for lent".........Hope I can do it


                  I don't feel so alone now

                  Hi Angela & :welcome:

                  You are most definitely not alone now that you have found this place!!!!

                  We are all here for each other ...

                  You WILL get there .....


                    I don't feel so alone now


                    You took a great step by coming here. You are nowhere near being along. We are all in this fight together.
                    Best of luck to you. Keep posting
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      I don't feel so alone now

                      Welcome,Welcome! You are certainly at the right place and it sounds like you are here at the right time. Way to go! Congrats on seeing that this could become an issue again and taking the steps to fight it. I look forward to hearing more from you!
                      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

