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still new new here

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    still new new here

    hope it gets easier

    still new new here

    Hey Bella

    Yeh it does get easier... but it's not over night and of course we trip along the way... being here is the first step... get to know the crowd here you will be wanted and supported...

    Just keeping taking little steps each day... like a toddler does... he falls down gets up and keeps trying...

    We are all here to help.. just reach out and keep visiting..


    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


      still new new here


      tonights been really tough but this is the best support i have found


        still new new here

        Hi Bellaboo, I find the evenings most difficult, particularly around 9pm when the fidgeting for a drink starts. This site is really really helpful so keep posting. I have to keep reminding myself how great it feels to wake up in my bed, clean and SOBER - what a feeling.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          still new new here

's not easy at first....and some days are better than others. Just keep your chin up & keep reminding yourself that it will be better~because you're worth it.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            still new new here

            I have not gotten far enough along to know if it gets fact each days seems harder right now

            (17af) and The triggers that caused me to go for the bottle seem to be growing in frequency and strength..growing and growing...more frequent and more's wearing me down, I'm on the verge of exploding and I do not know how many more days I can make it..*(^%&*^$$%$&^

            (Where is that MWO member that slaps us when we get crazy?)

            OK, OK I have snapped out of it...

            Wll, I guess what I'm saying is, you can not let your guard down, day at a time...

            With the support here and the elements of the MWO program there is strength and tools to be victorious....
            Control the Mind


              still new new here

              Here Rocky....I'm knockin' some impowerment into your noggin'.....LOL. I don't believe in slaps....just a BIG STICK!

              Rocky is for the moment but keep your guard up. Sometimes my cravings are small~ other times they scream their bloody heads off.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                still new new here

                Thanks Seabreez...I needed that...LOL
                Control the Mind


                  still new new here

                  Dear Bellaboo,
                  It does.
                  But, please be patient with yourself, be kind to yourself.
                  After all, you didn't become a heavy drinker overnight.
                  Wattle and Sea have summed it up Pretty wel.
                  Rags (soon to be Banksia)


                    still new new here

                    I am pretty new and some days are so easy and some are hard. I know for a fact that the hangovers for me are to hard to handle any more so I focus on that alot. I have a few times decided I even miss that I have an excuse to lay around for the next day, how stupid is that? It sure is a change but Its for your life so keep your chin up and we will be here for you.



                      still new new here

                      thanks all you guys you do make my days easier


                        still new new here

                        Hi Bell

                        Well I can tell you that you'll have your ups and downs HOWEVER you will find that if you stick around here long enough that it will get better. You will find that if you keep posting like you are now that people will come along and support you. Over time you'll get a better handle on it.

                        Sorry Rocky I just recently gave up slappin'

                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          still new new here

                          Dear Bellaboo,
                          It does get easier but you know what they say "no pain, no gain". Welcome and a big Aussie hello. We are all on the same journey so stick around, the company's great, I would say wonderful and there is a lot of wisdom here.

                          United we stand, on our own we get drunk.



                            still new new here

                            what happens when you fail and just want to hide


                              still new new here

                              You don't hide... that's the first thing... that Bella is a pattern from our past... hide away from ourselves but we can't.. That is why we all need to be here and be united as one... you are not alone and please please don't hide from us... we are another interesting dynamic in your life... another family if you like..

                              We do not judge each other... so don't judge yourself buddy.

                              Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down

