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Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

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    Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

    Hi all,

    Gem here. Yep, that would be the positive one who wrote one day "Tra la la laaa... day 28 (or whatever) birds singing etc etc"...

    After 31 days I did my first day of mods. No problem. Bit of a giggle, actually. Two glasses of wine and feeling nice and floatly, like someone's grandmother does, who doesn't normally drink.

    Two days later... BANG! First drinking Friday at work. Plenty of drinks after work and then buying a pack of ciggies on the way home (another quitting out the window there).

    I didn't come back here then. I didn't stop. It's taken me two weeks to come back and fess up... to myself.

    I'm blaming it on my work situation. But I know it's not really that.

    I miss you all and I've been hiding.

    So I'm back to say; I messed up.

    Gem x
    Free since 26th February 2012

    Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

    Hi ya Gem,
    Now toss that ciggie aside and take my hand to help you back on the wagon:l
    Just have to start again my dear...we're all still here for you....
    Victoria xxooxx


      Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

      Hi Gem
      Yes, I too was singing and dancing and looking at the birds. Like the little piggies, I didn't prepare for the big bad wolf and he caught me. But the great thing is you came back and everyone's still here we know now we've tried that one and it didn't work. Might think twice next time :H

      So, welcome back, and lets get singing again, but I'll have my shotgun ready this time


        Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

        Thanks babes...

        I think I heard a little birdies mention once about those of us who do mods "saving it up for a binge"...

        Yes oh yes, I did that - and plus drunkenly tell all my friends how I was so clever to go a month without drinking and how it felt so natural.

        Urgh! When I was sober I didn't think it was easy... so why when I get drunk did I tell my friends that the hardest month of my life was easy???


        Gem x
        Free since 26th February 2012


          Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

          Forget what you told your friends. They are not in your shoes. Pick yourself up by those boot straps & continue trudging along.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

   very important...THEY ARE NOT...NOT...IN YOUR / OUR / SHOES!

            That's why being here to help each other is so very important

            Thanks everyone...
            Control the Mind


              Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

              Gem, glad you are back with us!

              I too, took a tumble off the proverbial wagon. I'm not sure which is worse, how much I felt like crap the next day physically, or, how foggy my brain felt from all the sucker punches I was giving myself!!

              All we can do is pick ourselves up and start again. Don't spend time dwelling on what happened. Use it as a learning experience but above all be positive in your outlook on life.

              What's that old saying, 'the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step?"
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                Made a mess... I think I knew I would...


                You may have beeen hiding, but you were not forgotten. Glad you are back with us, but wish you were feeling better. You will be back in control again very soon.

                Take care!
                Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                  Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

                  Welcome back Gem ....

                  Don't worry, just get back on that wagon, we are all here to help you get back on .....
                  :l :l :l :l


                    Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

                    Gem, I am glad you are back too. At least we are doing our best to make changes. That is a good thing. You will get back to where you want. I know it.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

                      Hi Gem,
                      Your personal greatness is that you got back on the pathway, and started forward again.


                        Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

                        Glad you came back and aren't hiding anymore but we all do it, I did it. Then I decided it was time to get back on track and I did. You will too.

                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

                          Hi Gem glad you are back, it can be confusing at time that is for sure.

                          Glad your back


                            Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

                            Dear Gem,
                            Welcome back. Don't forget that you are human not perfect. Better luck next time and we are all here for each other. Be kind to yourself, you are very brave to admit your slip up and start again.

                            Thinking of you


                              Made a mess... I think I knew I would...

                              Hi Gem,
                              It's good to hear from you again.
                              I missed you.

