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Finally have to admit it!

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    Finally have to admit it!

    Hi All

    Well finally I guess that if I admit this in public I might just drag my sorry arse to do something about it! My husband first found this site a bit before Christmas, and whilst looking at posts/threads over his shoulder I thought to myself yeah yeah yeah im fine, if I need to kerb this I can do it on my own, famous last words huh, I then didnt have a drink for about 5 days, then slowly the litres of wine are being downed again by the evening.

    What really bought it home, as it does everytime, was New Years Eve, we were spending the time with my family and woke up New Years Day with that "I remember bugger all" feeling and then it kicks in, the dread of how you acted and treated everyone, and yes true to form as my husband unfolded the evening for me I was that right royal verbal pain in the arse abusive drunk.

    So this morning I wake up with the same feeling as then after remembering only upto round 6 of the 10 round pub quiz. I truely deeply feel inside worthless and embarressed but then you have that little voice that kind of justifies it all and the "I dont care" voice, but I do and really have to do something about addressing the (I was going to say situation there, but ill be honest) PROBLEM that I have.

    So here I am, not sure how it all works, but hey the way I feel right now, and I dont mean a hangover because strangely enough I didnt have one, I have to start somewhere.

    So, Hi and thanks for reading my rant X

    Finally have to admit it!

    Lil, I wanted to say welcome to you and I hope nothing but the best for you. It is sometimes hard to accept the fact that we are just like "those" people who drink too much. I know it was a hard realization for me. Hope you stick around, read a lot and see you are not alone. :welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Finally have to admit it!

      Lil, welcome to the group - your among friends here.

      As Fan mentioned, the fact that you recognize your drinking is a problem puts you out ahead of most people. Read the posts (there are a lot of powerful stories out there), and get the book if you haven't already.

      You can do this - and know that we are behind you 100% (whether you like it or not)!

      :welcome: :welcome:
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        Finally have to admit it!

        Welcome Lil!

        You are not alone in your struggle, there is much understanding, encouragement, and help here....

        Come here as much as possible...
        Control the Mind


          Finally have to admit it!


          I've been struggling with my alcohol problem for the last year now, and I think I'm going backwards I have tried treatment centres...... and drank in them I go to AA mtgs on a daily basis but I only stay sober for a couple of weeks the longest I have ever done was a month and now I'm nearly back drinking every day and I just dont know what to do I have just split up with my partner .....I'm on my last chance with my family I moved home 3mths ago to try and get help after my last bender but its worse I'm getting rather than better just at a loss glad I found this site today has at least kept my mind off the drink for a few hours...........



            Finally have to admit it!

            Jen, sorry to hear that things are so difficult for you right now.

            We don't pretend to have all the answers, but will try to help you in any way that we can. To me, just being here and part of the MWO family is extremely therapeutic - the trick is finding what works for you and sticking with it.

            Best of luck to you.
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              Finally have to admit it!


              Keep trying and do not give up. Get the book here on MWO and follow the whole plan if possible... and read as many posts as you can...

              Ask for help, guidance and direction...everyone here is very understanding and supportive...

              You have come to a good place
              Control the Mind


                Finally have to admit it!

                Jen and Lil:

                Sorry to hear that you are struggling. We all are in some way or another. Welcome to the site. I am fairly new too and I can say it has been an inspiration to help me along my path. Stay with us and let us know how you are doing.

                Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                  Finally have to admit it!

                  Your story sounds a lot like mine. I've only been here a few days also, and it was that one time (well more than one time) I embarassed the heck out of myself that made me realize, I don't want to be "that" person.
                  I think committing to MWO is the best thing to do, reading the blog everyday, supplements, etc. I almost blew the whole thing off last night and had some wine, but I think the more serious we are about changing, the easier it will be. :l


                    Finally have to admit it!


                    Welcome! The embarrassment and shame and not remembering I think are one of the hardest things to deal with and to my husband used to do the "recap" for me as well. Glad you found us.

                    Keep posting, you will find a lot of support and encouragement. You can do this

                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Finally have to admit it!

                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Finally have to admit it!

                        Dear Friends,
                        Welcome to this site. Like you Lil my drinking came to a head on NYE and being a determined bugger I decided that enough is enough. Besides I was about to lose my best friend and companion of many years. But more importantly I was sick and tired of myself and had felt that way for quite a while. I did the AA thing for a couple of weeks and felt completely miserable because I felt I didn't fit.

                        Then I found this site and had a good period of Af and now have started to moderate successfully. I got the book and the CD's and have found both to be helpful.

                        I couldn't have done it without being here and the wonderful support from senior and new members. Stick around, don't worry if you slip after all we are all human not perfect.

                        Look forward to seeing your posts and welcome to any newcombers.

                        Kind regards

