Thanks Kradle,
I loved reading your post to know that I am not the only one out there that is going through this.
How did you end up finding balance?
It is really true though, I thought to myself this morning how I would love to go travelling for a month or two but the boyfriend would never go with me.
I really do love him and want to be with him for the rest of my life but it sucks that he doesn't want some of the things I want and vice versa. I know not all couples are perfect and whatnot but it just gets frustrating at times and I don't deal with it. I just drank it away.
I do have so many talents, I am nice and kind and can do so many things but instead of doing those things I worry about what he thinks most of the time and then at the end of the day am hurt that he wasn't paying attention to me.
I guess it stems from being rejected throughout school...and am just afraid of being rejected now.
He is all that I have...I don't really have friends and my family is all over the world.
Maybe somehow things will balance out with sobriety.
But I am interested how it worked out for you.
Thanks and hope your little ones didn't break out into a fight!