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Self Hate

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    Self Hate

    This honesty & strength has given me courage!.... I think I might be able to open up & share with out ridicule, yet I still feel fear & shame. But feck it. I am who I am. Maybe I will. Lada Gaga's song comes to mind. You know Oney I realize u don't give a damn what others think of u & your signature line & even the avatar annoyed me, but then I thought about them later & thought of them in a new way. Now I understand better.

    I'm just not sure how to achieve this fully, loving me & not giving a damn what others think of me. It would be nice to have both & in the arena of business it's a fine line. Or maybe I'm to left brained & too sensitive all at the same time. But damn it, I owe it to myself to love me! Know matter what season ~ stage I'm at in life. No matter what I look like, who raised me or how much money I have. I've got to stop comparing myself to others, cause when I do it's generally unfavorable. Besides I was taught by wise others to only have a pity party for no longer then 5 minutes & get over my self. Of course this just fecking depends on the seriousness of the situation.

    I guess I just wanted there to be love & peace here. I see why when there is verbal negative words among people here & elsewhere in life how it so reminds me of my own family of origin, how it has effected all my relationships, esp past ones including my long marriage. I think this is why I shut down when I see verbal attacks or I perceive them that way, or I want to stand up for people. I guess it comes from this really painful place. I know this is stupid as this is the feckin Internet, but I'm afraid of u. Yet, I love your courage, your self confidence & your solid sobriety. A part of me just wants to run away & hide.

    I too grew up with a very poor, but single Mom. She told me she wished she never had me, wished she would have flushed me down the toilet. Tried to choke me, smother me a pillow. Then would turn around & be sorry & say I love u. Wasn't allowed much to speak my mind. Very hard for me to do as I was born a free spirit. Yet, I was the cute one for a while & me brother the ugly one. My Dad I was so scared of, emotional, physical abuse to. He wasn't the one who molested me, but he would come to visit & he often whipped me or spoke so harshly. I too had to be the grown up & was left alone at a young age without adult supervision. Me thinks this part of why I'm a bit of a rebel, or maybe a lot of one at times.

    I remember my Dad telling me my arms were fat, blah blah blah. I've always had this fear of being fat! My Mom has always been obese. My Dad married 3 times. I think I learned from a young age that I thought sex was love. My hubby also abused me this way esp, after two pregies. Telling me I'm fat. With holding sex. Mainly verbal & emotional abuse in our early yrs. I think WTF is this all men think of woman. He told me I'd never be good at anything except cleaning & cooking. Told me I was fat. I built yrs of resentments towards him & myself. I drank at him, at people. To escape. Well this is part of my whys. There r many. Me trying to find a way out to financially support my two young girls, looking for a way to educate myself. I couldn't find one. Plus all I could think of was he'd marry again like my dad have kids with other woman & they'd never have their daddy.

    I worked long hours at nite as their was no public buss here & was afraid some bad predator would get my girls. I taught both my girls to get a higher education, to work hard, believe in themselves, believe in a Loving God, they are still working on it. Not to have children until they have met their goals. Even if that means they want them & they have to adopt later in life. To never bow to any man, to love themselves, that they are beautiful, kind, intelligent. To be responsible for themselves. To be respectful of others who are different from them. Yet, they aren't door mats either. Esp, my youngest she can be a firecracker. There's enough Irish & Scottish blood flowing in their veins. I don't want them to end up like me. To never give up on their dreams & if those ones don't work, make new ones. I guess I'm a bit of a feminist & never knew it till recent.

    At the age of 44-45 I spent two yrs with a female therapist. She said she could help, but that she wanted me to go to OP-Re-hab. She helped me immensely in regards in forgiving my parents. My Dad passed when I was 25, we sent balloons off at a park. Sometimes I think of going back to her, but she wasn't skilled in addiction & is out of my Ins network now.

    For the most part I have a good relationship with my Mom. I have forgiven her & we are more then just Mom & daughter, we are friends now. Tho I do admit I have times where memories pop up & her voice bugs me. But it's all good. The hubby, well the good news is with even a little bit of sobriety it helps to release myself from the past. He changed quite some time back, it was I who didn't. I know this to be true from previously having almost 8 months of sobriety at one time. I mean the poor man is good to me & I have put him thru the wringer with my drinking. I don't like myself at all for this & what it's done to my entire family.

    I still struggle with loving myself, but my self concept & self image have come along way. My oldest daughter has lived back at home for almost 1 1/2 yrs, moving out next month. She is studying psy. She's quite over weight, short like my Mom & Brother. I am too, but not to their degree. I used to be thin or pleasantly plump, but all this drinking & not caring about myself, esp for the last decade has taken it's toll.

    Frankly, beauty comes from within. It has nothing to do with outer looks. I think that it is all a facade, a mask that society has woven for woman to believe. I've known woman who weigh 250 lbs, are short, not particularly pretty, average jobs, who where sexy clothes for their men & have high self esteem & their men adore them. These woman have been in long term relationships. I'm more concerned for health issues, mental, physical, spiritual. Not that there's anything wrong with getting dolled up. I still like to once in a while.

    I told my oldest daughter that I was always afraid to walk around the house without my bra on cause my boobs sag so bad now & Dad will just get grossed out. She said why do u care what he thinks? It's cause I realized that's the only reason he ever loved me. Too much value is placed on the outer, cause of yrs of family origin & societies skewed beliefs & cultures.

    Man he really did a number on me emotionally thru the yrs. But it's my own damn fault for staying with him. Anyway one day I just kept listening to her & other girlfriends advice, encouragement & said fuck it. I am beautiful & if he doesn't like it he can go fuck himself. Sorry I do tend to have a potty mouth sometimes, but it seems to relieve my shit ~ anger or whatever in my head. So freedom for me old boobs, pain relief for me tummy, best of all I get to say I'm beautiful just the way I am.

    LG, You are one of my faves here to. I still haven't read your story, but I will soon. I think the threads you start are so good for us even if they make some of us cry a bit, or think in a profound way. Healing tears for me. They help me feel not so alone & help me to understand myself better. They also help me find ways to be better, to not be so hard on myself, to see that I'm good enough the way I am! Thank you to everybody who's shared so honestly from their hearts! This really helped me to get this out!

    By the way I didn't make my 60 AF. I was 5 days away. I played with my RX. Found myself in the store on Mother's day getting Chicken, jo jos, a few groceries, picking up Mom. Had an anxiety attack, went to another fecking store picked up a 6 pack. So over the last 10 days drank beer. Some times just one, other days none, other days 2-3, but then the last couple 3-4. The last day 22nd I didn't eat all day & drank 5. So here I am again starting over.

    I'm just grateful that I came to my senses dumped the other 3 beers out yesterday & am willing to jump back on the AF wagon. God knows I've done this a million fecking times, but at least I didn't let the freight train take me to Egypt. I'm not going to beat myself up either. If I sit & dwell in those thoughts like I have in the past it will only lead to more drinking.

    No more playing games with my RX. I need to fecking understand what the hell is emotional sobriety, how do I get it & keep it? I'm going to be 50 in July. This has to end. My stomach hurts, my BP up, my spirit can't do this. I don't like alcohol. I don't like me when I drink. I want to live! I want to be reasonably happy! When will I understand? Maybe if I ever achieve long term & lasting sobriety. I miss my clarity

    Thanks for letting me share.



      Self Hate

      WOW!! Thanks for sharing that Wildflowers, not easy to write but better to get it out and talk about it.

      You WILL get your clarity back and you WILL get 60 days and more again. you just need to get a plan that suits you. WE can help you with that...USE us x
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Self Hate

        Wildflowers I have said things here that I've never admitted anywhere. The beauty of this site is that it's anonymous and that the people here have had similar experiences. I don't feel that I've ever been judged by my drinking here. Thank you for sharing that. It's therapeutic for us to get this stuff out, but you may have helped people that you will never meet by posting that. :l


          Self Hate

          Wow !! You all have given me a lot to think about.
          I to have some real self hate & esteem issues.
          And I see a common thread here. (shit parents, shit childhood)
          My ex would always tell me I hate my self but I thought she was fucking crazy.
          I LOVED me I thought.
          Totally in control at work. And all my co-workers and friends would tell me what an awesome guy I was. It had to be her that was fucked up.
          End result was it cost me my wife (that I loved the best I knew how) and my kids.
          I to would "shut down" at the first hint of conflict. Yes that cost me dearly!!
          I totally blamed her for "destroying" our family.
          I now know I did that.
          All from SELF hate !!

          Thanks for posting this.

          Oh and I will leave you all with this. I'm not really a religious man but got this from another member years ago and it gives me some comfort at times.

          "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world." Nelson Mandela

          MUCH LOVE & PEACE !!!!!



            Self Hate

            Great quote Bob. I wish that I saw my light now, but I can only see the dark. :upset:


              Self Hate

              Thank you for sharing Wildflowers. Your post made me cry. I feel so sorry for the children we were, and the adults we are now as a result of our early lives. All of us can overcome this. That's why we are here! We all want to heal ourselves, else we would not be struggling, sharing and striving like hell to change ourselves by obtaining sobriety. That is the first step for us, isn't it? To look at the reality, the mess, the sheer BEAUTY of life that we have missed, without blinders and with strength and honesty.

              Thank you all for sharing your precious stories.


              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                Self Hate

                one2many;1322441 wrote: WOW!! Thanks for sharing that Wildflowers, not easy to write but better to get it out and talk about it.

                You WILL get your clarity back and you WILL get 60 days and more again. you just need to get a plan that suits you. WE can help you with that...USE us x
                No not easy, but worth the risk. Embracing your signature line now

                Yes, I will regain my clarity in bits & pieces, all in good time. Yes, I will get my sober time back & more. You can bet my sweet ass, I won't give up! Stubbornness can be positive too! Still working on a complete plan. Have any suggestions? Thank u for believing in me!

                FlyAway;1322451 wrote: Wildflowers I have said things here that I've never admitted anywhere. The beauty of this site is that it's anonymous and that the people here have had similar experiences. I don't feel that I've ever been judged by my drinking here. Thank you for sharing that. It's therapeutic for us to get this stuff out, but you may have helped people that you will never meet by posting that. :l

                I think that's what makes this place so unique, people aren't judged here no matter how many times they slip ~ relapse. Somebody is always offering them help & hope. Not condemning them, rejecting them. Thank u for letting me know u also admitted things here. :l I do hope that it helps some one out there!.... It wasn't easy to write & there is more....

                propartychief;1322457 wrote:
                Wow !! You all have given me a lot to think about.
                I to have some real self hate & esteem issues.
                And I see a common thread here. (shit parents, shit childhood)
                My ex would always tell me I hate my self but I thought she was fucking crazy.
                I LOVED me I thought.
                Totally in control at work. And all my co-workers and friends would tell me what an awesome guy I was. It had to be her that was fucked up.
                End result was it cost me my wife (that I loved the best I knew how) and my kids.
                I to would "shut down" at the first hint of conflict. Yes that cost me dearly!!
                I totally blamed her for "destroying" our family.
                I now know I did that.
                All from SELF hate !!

                Thanks for posting this.

                Oh and I will leave you all with this. I'm not really a religious man but got this from another member years ago and it gives me some comfort at times.

                "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world." Nelson Mandela

                MUCH LOVE & PEACE !!!!!

                It's easier now as adults to understand why we inflicted self sabotaging acts upon ourselves, by self medicating thru alcohol, drugs, sex, eating, gambling, shopping, etc. Anything that would make us feel better. I think its a way that we reacted to the pain of losing part of our childhoods. A way that we learned to survive. Sounds like many of us share similar war stories.

                Bob, I doubt u destroyed your marriage single handedly! I'm sorry for your loss! If you find after a long period of time, different stages of grief, & your not getting better, I hope u will please choose to seek professional help.

                I need to learn to stop shutting down & adding bricks to my walls when ever conflict arises. If I can't learn this by self help, support from peers, then I will seek a pro. But, I won't even go that pro route until I've got some solid sobriety time. Sobriety is a gift in it self!!!..... There is strength in numbers. We r going to start something big. Plant a seed of self love, self care. OK? A Self Love Thread ~ Self Nurturing. We Need Emotional Sobriety!!!.... :h This is what that Quote u posted is speaking of! This is the way out!.... We must find our voices, that light inside. It's the darkness & the fear that doesn't want it it to shine, to win! Believe me with the right tools & practice your brain pathways can literally change. I'm already feeling peaceful. My old therapist use to bring in her laptop & show me how they do. This is when I 1st got interested in Neuroscience.


                  Self Hate

                  Zenstyle;1322658 wrote: LOL...

                  No need to be scared of Oney... she's a 4'9" leprechaun that's always fixing thing when it comes to interpersonal relations. )

                  Its very hard to put the pieces of the jigsaw together. Personal growth they said! lol... Yeah, it is very hard. But do-able. And it's great to be able to discuss issues with the MWO crew... a problem shared is a problem halved.

                  I'll sit with you and do a "one on one" if you want. If you feel like you have insights you need to impart. You're still a bit angry (well deserved) but you need to ditch that. We'll always get aggravated with people that push our buttons but we need to contain the ensuing fallout from that as much as we can.

                  Anyway... very astute post.... well thought out and now I'm thinking too... xxx )
                  Well that fixes everything, cause I like Leprechauns! In fact to my lucky surprise, there were some gold coins left in my in box.

                  I use to do puzzles, but I let my magic fairies & gnomes take over after I let myself indulge with to much beer & " Shite Diet". Speaking of which I'm eating a late shite one now, but no beer. Yes, I'm feeling much better after that release, no not a big chipper, the problem. By the way chips here in the states we like to eat them. LMAO. Now really after reading the shite diet b4 the improved program, I'm not sure I'll be able to eat my planned sausages tom. My tator salad still sounds good.

                  I need to go have a ciggie break on my beautiful back deck, cause I'm fecking laughing. Almost choked on a noodle. No I promise it's not wacky tobaccy either. You'd like my deck. It's half Zen & have magical. I'm being serious!.... Pause, I'm having a hot flash now too. I smoke fast just like when I drank (usually). All better, my blue butterflies, pink crystals, assortment of rocks, flower fairy pots, hanging baskets, hobbet houses & white lights have put me into a meditative mood. I won't even get started about the giant trees, that I adore!..... :-)

                  I don't feel pissed anymore about the whole unfortunate shit incidents. Just hope they aren't repeated!!!.... Or I may have to ask my fairies to invite their cousins to summon their Unicorns & take a flight out of here. LOL Time to move on!.... Work 2gether as a team the best we can.

                  A big part of living is about learning...... I hope we all have alot of life yet to live. So, I'm glad were all having some thought provoking convos & fun at the same time. :l


                    Self Hate

                    LibraryGirl;1322775 wrote: Thank you for sharing Wildflowers. Your post made me cry. I feel so sorry for the children we were, and the adults we are now as a result of our early lives. All of us can overcome this. That's why we are here! We all want to heal ourselves, else we would not be struggling, sharing and striving like hell to change ourselves by obtaining sobriety. That is the first step for us, isn't it? To look at the reality, the mess, the sheer BEAUTY of life that we have missed, without blinders and with strength and honesty.

                    Thank you all for sharing your precious stories.

                    I've read things here that made me cry too. Oneys, made me cry & some of your shares have to. But, Oneys share let me see her vulnerable side & it made me feel safe enough to take that risk. :l

                    My parents, my hubby, even the sick fuck all had their own issues. I'm not to blame for those things that happened to me as a child. None of us are!!!!..... Not ever!!!!. I know my Parents were doing the best they could at the time. Depressed, ill. My Mom is better now. My Dad is gone. The fuck head is dead. Yup, anger still there, but not to the degree it once was, so I'm thankful.

                    Same with hubby. He was my biggest trigger, cause I've had to look at him nearly everyday for the last 29 yrs. He brought his own pain & emotional baggage to the marriage that he carried with him from his own childhood as well. It just took me many years to realize this. That it's about him, not me!!!!... Still hurts tho!!!!.... But, like I said, I'm responsible too. We are actually close now, friends even. Never thought it would be this good. Still needs improvement, but all relationships take work & maintenance Forgiveness isn't really for them, it's for me. I used to tell my Granny 15 yrs ago or so that I wished I would have been born old & grown young. Would have saved myself a whole lot of pain. Can't look back tho, we just gotta keep moving fwd best we can.

                    Yes, it's the 1st step. But, most of the time I don't think of myself as a victim or blame near as much as I use to. When I do, I try & pull myself out. I do have an HP who helps me. I'm a survivor. It does pop back from time to time. I do practice CBT & DBT therapy. I also practice Mindfullness. I'm learning Meditation, but not skilled in it. I do some yoga, but need to work more on these last two. I need to work on nurturing myself. Do u want to start a Self Love ~ Self Nurturing Thread? Maybe ask some peeps that have long term solid sobriety to help us? There may even be some old threads that can be recycled. Emotional Sobriety is the key to lasting & reasonably happy sobriety. Being comfortable in ones own skin. I think my brain is physically damaged to & it also needs to heal & that will take time as well.

                    I feel like I wrote a book today, like a weight has been lifted from my soul. I think I will take some time off for a while now. Hope you all have a great wknd.

                    Namaste :h



                      Self Hate

                      You Ok Zen???


                        Self Hate

                        I just read an article that goes along with this.
                        Understanding the Self-Perceptions of Addicts | Breaking Free Journal
                        Day 1 again 11/5/19
                        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                        One day at a time.

