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    I started coming here about 6 months ago when I finally realised my drinking was way out of control. I know everyone is different but I think if I'm going to beat this problem I'll have to abstain- it seems that one drink always leads to weeks of drunkeness...

    Anyways, with the help of this site I managed to go 18 days AF. Then, I was feeling great, there was a social occassion, thought 'a few beers can't hurt' but I was wrong. I started binging again immediately, then began to reach for the alcohol first thing in the morning in the end. When the fizziness of beer got too much for my stomach to handle I switched to dark rum...basically ended up back in the depths of my problem.

    I went to the doctor and she prescribed chloradiazepoxide to me again, I think its quite a standard treatment to help with withdrawl in the Uk. It is definately helping with my insomnia/shakes/sweats etc...tho I always seem to feel drowsy...

    Basically my main problem is finding ways to stay stopped when I'm stopped. This site is great, but I guess when things were going well, I stopped logging on as much as I did in the earlier stages...I definately plan to keep coming back from now on...

    The doctor also recommended that I should go to AA and my University has also STRONGLY advised me to do so. I'm still a bit aprehensive because I've read a few posts on this site that didn't seem to rate it very highly. But part of me thinks that a weekly meeting or whatever would really help to constantly remind me that this IS a problem and that I can't just drink like everyone else.

    So I was just wandering if you guys could perhaps share with me some of your experiences, negative or psitive, on the whole AA thing.

    Thanks for reading,


    Hi Francis

    I Was A very Strong rum drinker. I Kow longer will drink it, because I could lose my family and RUM isnt's worth it. I Have gone AF from the 1st Jan o7. Back in Nov 06 when I rang AA they said sorry we are closing for xmas, I was criing out for help and you know what they said, try back again in the new year..(I have lost faith0 so Im doing it by myself}

    So you can do it, I k ow you can

    Take Care

    that you very much.

    Then I reliased that I don't need them, I Can do this .... With the help I you Guys..

    Just Think and Look, don't let anyboby tell you what to do IF you don;t want to do it, because it could be a wasit of time.



      I've never fancied AA. I would have a panic attack if I had to stand up and talk to a group of friends let alone a group of strangers! However i do attend one to ones with my local drugs and alcohol advisory service, and these i find invaluable.

      Also, the support and advice you find on this site is priceless!



        Francis, even though it is part of my name, AA has never worked for me either - I never truly felt comfortable at a meeting nor did I feel like I got the support that I do here. To me, it's all about finding what works for you and then sticking with it- and MWO works for me.

        Your right, though, about the complacency - it got me as well over the weekend. But, as so many of the good people here pointed out, as long as you are able to learn from it it's not necessarily a bad thing.

        So, keep reading and posting, keep asking questions and offering your support, and get right back on the AF horse and start riding again (this time don't forget to tighten the saddle)....:H :H

        Addendum: I agree with Accountable below - you shouldn't discount anything that you haven't tried, so please don't use my experience to dissuade you from trying out an AA meeting...
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."



          Francis, no matter what opinions people have of AA, doesn't necessarily mean it wont work for you. Like the old saying "You wont know until you try." I think you should give it a shot and see if it is something that will work for you. One thing I would suggest is to go with an 'unbiased' attitude. Don't take any of the negative you have read up on it with you to your meeting if you choose to go.

          You have a lot to live for. Doing anything possible is worth it if it means kicking the drinking to the curb!!



            I have tried everything under the sun....why? Because what works for one person doesn't always work for another. This is a very complex disease that effects everyone differently.

            Some people need AA just for the physical camaraderie, others attend meetings all day so not to touch alcohol while others adopt their lifestyle around AA principles. Alot of people dismiss AA after their first encounter but I hear that you should keep trying until you find one you're comfortable with. When I did outpatient yrs ago we had a 1/2 hr run by AA & I didn't mind it at all-that's because I loved my group. Unfortunately my outpatient ended & I never persuede AA.

            Give it a try. Give anything a try. Anything is better than a miserable life with alcohol dictating it.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



              I guess they are all different, depending on the members...I hated mine! went 3 times. Seemed, they'd switched one addiction for the AA addction, maybe not a bad thing. But I did feel completely out of place, I'm a middle aged, middle class women, I've never been in prison for beating people up, never had a fight, not been in wasn't really me. I'm not saying they're all like that, it's only my experience and I only went 3 times.

              I've had more help from logging on here daily.



                Pebbles, you nailed it for me.

                I attended a couple of Closed Women Only meetings, thinking it would be less public and maybe I could relate more. It was a very bad experience. Also, I am not an overly religious person and figured out right away this was not the place for me. I do know some people who have found meetings they like, but I have also seen the switch addition thing happen as well.
                Humor is just another defense against the universe!




                  AA was something that was hard for me to get into. All these rules about doing the 12 steps & having a mentor follow your progress. Then the home groups, Bar-b-ques, Dances, Social gatherings. I did'nt go thier to join a faternity, I just wanted to get sober. I also felt like I was depriving myself using thier method of soberity. I still graved alcohol! Here on MWO they deal with the physical gravings, chemical imbalance that causes you to be addicted to alcohol. Read the book, try the supps..........Welcome & good luck!..IAD
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss



                    Do what is right for you. I can't say I 've tried AA, but I can't say I never will. Only you can know what helps you. And if it helps, DO IT!!!!!
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:



                      I went to AA years ago and have many friends who are lifetime members. It wasn't my choice recently when I began to experiment with drinking again, but I have utmost respect for it and the people who have committed their lives to helping other alcoholics in the program. I definitely think you should try it on your own and see how you like it. I've also advised that people try several groups because these groups are filled with alcoholics and you might just stumble across a group that doesn't feel right for you..perhaps it's dominated by someone with an overly enthusiastic person..I wouldn't ever judge AA as a whole based on a couple of bad experiences. I left AA with huge gifts many years ago that I'm grateful for and met some of the wisest and real people I've ever known in those, give it a go and see for yourself..we are always here if it doesn't work..or we can support you as you try whatever crosses your path!
                      Good Luck!



                        hi francis,
                        I went to AA many times over the years since I first went in 1983. Thanks to AA I had long periods of sobriety punctuated by mercifully relatively short relapses. I made friends in AA. I met my ex-wife at AA. It was a big part of my life.
                        However, in the last few years I have changed my views about the effectiveness and helpfulness of certain aspects of the AA program. Also I have come to see how certain personalities can come to dominate AA in an unhealthy way.
                        AA itself promises in it's literature that you can "take what you want from the meetings and leave the rest". If you can do this then your attendance at an AA meeting will almost certainly do you no harm. It might do you some good. You might not get anything or at least get very little out of it.
                        I don't want to give you any predjudice about the AA experience. I have my thoughts on the matter and I know that AA is not for me. The good thing is that if you do decide to go to AA then you go knowing already that there are alternatives to AA's approach to the problem of recovery from alcoholism.
                        Whatever you do I hope it works out well.
                        "faith can move mountains, but bring a shovel" - Unknown



                          Dear All,

                          Thank you all very much for sharing with me your thoughts and experiences.
                          I think I am going to give it a try. There's one at 10' o clock this coming Friday night, so at the very least the meeting will hopefully stop me having a bad, drunken start to the weekend.

                          Thanks again, especially for your honesty and encouragement,

