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Scared to start

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    Scared to start

    Dear Dorsetdude,

    I completely know what you mean about the fear. Three weeks ago I decided I was going to stop. But then on that last evening, when I thought to myself 'I've just drank my last beer EVER' I always paniced and ran, ran to the offliscense. I spent two weeks doing the same thing day in, day out. I always was so determined that 'today would be the last day', but the fear, combined with the hangover from the night before, always overpowered my will. I felt powerless. When alcohol has become such a major part of your life, I just found it really hard to face the world without it...

    But today is day 7 of sobriety for me. I think all the advice given above is great; try writing down the pros and the gives you a concrete reminder that in the cold light of day, the pros to drinking are both negligible and superficial.

    This may sound a bit silly, but try not to treat it as such a big deal...take it a day at a time. I think for me it was the idea of NEVER drinking again that scared me. You just have to take control. Just choose not to drink for one day. You can drink the day after by all means, but only if YOU choose to. Its about taking the power back...

    As for filling the extra time, I'm still having trouble with that...alcohol seems to have made me almost apathetic to the things I used to be interested in. I'm hoping it will just be a matter of time before that sorts itself out. Alcohol is an addiction, but its also just a habit. After a while habits subside.

    I'm not sure what your chosen drink is/was, but I'm a big fan of lager. When I've been craving, I've just been drinking alcohol-free larger instead. Don't get me wrong, its not the same as the alcoholic stuff, but it seems to help me...guess it kinda acts like a placebo. If you are a lager drinker I would recommend the Becks and Cobra alcohol-free versions- Kaliber tastes like piss.

    Anyways I've rambled long enough.

    Best of Luck,


      Scared to start

      Thanks Kate & Francis, i am feeling a little better about the situation now, i just got to take it one step at a time and having this site has been great inspiration.
      Francis my chosen drink at home is red wine, drink gallons of the stuff, just don't no when to stop, tryed drinking water every other glass, but still seem to get through 2 bottles a night. I am hoping that tomorrow i will be able to write that i have had my first AF day!
      Safe trip to Dorset Kate.

      Thanks guys x


        Scared to start

        Any decrease in consumption is a success. Each day a bit less and pretty soon you are waking up sober. Hang in there and best of luck.
        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


          Scared to start

          Hi Dorset dude

          what a great county! hav just spent 3 days there (my folks live in Beaminster) walking on the beach (Burton Bradstock)nand lunching in pubs. Hav moderated to caning the red wine 5pm - 8.30pm for 3 nights (bloody miraculous frankly) and am now back home workin my way thru 2nd bottle... time to face up to the fact that I need to embrace the whole programme: totamax, hypno + supps. (Thank you Fan, you are right)

          I can do it if you can. How are you doing my friend?

          K x


            Scared to start

            Hi Kate, stick with it, you can do it, i only managed 1 day af this week but managed to stick to only 3 glass's of wine on friday and last night, compared to my normal 2 bottles a night. Glad you liked Dorset, maybe imagine walking on those beaches in the summer without any hangovers? thats one of my goals!
            So i am planning not to drink this coming week, but we all know how plans go! We can only give it our best shot and take it day by day!

            Thoughts are with you kate x


              Scared to start

              Hi Dors

              Welcome. you have made the first start. It's not easy, but you have made the first step. Keep posting and reading.
              Good Luck


                Scared to start

                Hey Dorset

                Well, I only discovered this site today so am not qualified to say too much. I haven't been able to stop reading. I just want to say, when I just saw this message on your thread; I think it's fabulous that you moderated and only had half the bottle instead of the whole bottle, so if I were you, I'd be giving myself a big pat on the back.

                I hope you check back on the site. I'd love to read an update from you, be it progress or stagnancy (with hope)


                dorsetdude;96754 wrote: i feel ashamed of myself, after all the kind support i have woken up with a heavy head, i moderated to a bottle of wine and went to bed at 10pm last night. Left half a bottle of wine, which is unusual, but a still feel like a didn't make a big enough effort, really want to be AF for a while, my mind and body need it.

                Later x
                :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                  Scared to start

                  Hello Dorsetdude,

                  Well done for getting on this site! Living life without alcohol seems a very daunting prospect. Well it is for me. Don't think of it like that. Quite simply, say to yourself - I am not going to drink today. And that is it. When you feel like a drink, force yourself to remember how you felt the next day with a hangover. It is not easy. I have gone 14 days now without and the only way i did it was i had loads and loads one night and the next day i was suicidal and i have not had a drink since. I feel great now and am pinning for alcohol but i keep remembering that horrendous feeling i had that day and it helps. You have to remember how important you are and use the strengh that is there in you waiting to come out. Think a day at a time. Good luck and keep posting.


                    Scared to start

                    Have posted in general discussion, but neglected this forum a little, so sorry about that, had a good week last week, managed 4 days af and moderated over the weekend, was well chuffed, then i got a bit confident on monday and woke tuesday with the hangover from hell and two empty wine bottles! Was not at all happy, so felt sorry for myself yesterday but decided to start again, didn't drink last night and no plans to drink tonight, one day at a time!
                    Bella, i hear what you say and i really don't won't to wake with another hangover, so i am reminding myself how awful i felt on tuesday and hope this will stop me from reaching for a drink.

                    Welcome to all the new guys :welcome: and thanks for the comments and encouragement! xx

