K9Lover - congratulations on 149 days, this time, is it consecutive? At least you didn't drink the entire year in 2011. I did. I MAYBE got 30 days sober out of it. How sad is that?

It is disappointing and hurts the heart when you type it out and read it out loud like that.
I know it is doable. I just wish I never had to deal with this. I wish I never became addicted. Mind you, alcoholism doesn't discriminate and I am sure I am not the first one that has said that.
LG - you are right. It is sad to say but I think that I am quite codependant on the bf.
He is all that I have right now and if I lose him I will be so alone and devastated and I am not sure what I would do.
I would probably drink even more - into an oblivion.
I really want to quit for ME. But what if I don't want to do it NOW.
Who am I kidding, I wish I could just take a magic pill and not have to worry about it...like my weight loss. :P
Congrats on day 11 girl. That's really awesome.
I need to just get past day 1 and I'll be fine.
I guess it'll be Monday.